Chapter 370 - The real auction begins

Name:My Dragon System Author:JKSManga
The black VIP card had convinced Ray, and it seemed like his plan had worked. He followed the strange suited bald headed man back out of the auction house. Ray was then led to a separate room that was located on the same floor. 

It seemed like they had done this type of thing before, as the room looked like it was prepared beforehand. As they entered the room, there were several yellow guarded knights inside as well as equipment on display. 

The equipment was encased behind glass tubes. While in the centre the item would be shown. At first, it looked impressive and just from Bob's reaction he could tell they were meant to be impressive. 

"This is the lost legendary fighting arts…. And this is the legendary Phoenix stone." Bob continued to go up to each item and stare at them behind the glass like he was a kid in the candy shop. 

But Ray knew straight away something was up.

"They're fake." Said Ray. Such legendary and expensive items wouldn't be left in a space just outside the auction house. And although there seemed to be a lot of guards inside the room, there wasn't enough for this type of thing. Even the captain that had been seen earlier who was the strongest Ray had seen wasn't in the room. 

But the biggest giveaway from Ray was their aura. When using his dragon eyes skill, such powerful weapons would usually have an aura with them, but these didn't. 

"Oh, looks like someone has a keen eye. Perhaps you aren't a silverfish after all." the bald man said.

"Silver fish?" Ray replied. 

The man then sat down in a seat just in front of a table, while pointing towards another for both Bob and Ray to sit down in as well.

"A silver fish is someone who we refer to as someone who is a type of imposter. They come to the auction house and pretend to have all this wealth bidding for the items, in the end, they fail to pay and the item goes to the second highest bidder. 

"You see the problem is sometimes people hire silver fish. If someone bidded 4 silver, then the next person five then suddenly the silverfish bidded 1 gold coin what do you think would happen? The other two bidders would drop out immediately never planning to go that high. Now here's the problem, when we find out the silver fish is a fake and we give the item to the second highest bidder we lose out on money. If the two were to continue bidding without the silverfish then maybe they would have gone up to 8 silvers or so. 

"This is a tactic that has been used by a few in the past, so I hope you are not a silver fish."

Ray then held out his palm in front revealing there was nothing inside. He then turned it upside down and activated his endless void skill. He did it in a way that the others were unable to see the endless void open up. 

Suddenly, gold coins started to drop from the palm of his hand one by one, they continued to pile up until around 50 or so golden coins were out on the table. Which easily covered for his purchases inside the auction house so far. 

Seeing this amount of money fall from Ray's hands like a magic trick both Bob and the bald man were in shock. 

'If he had this much money, then why didn't he just barbie the guard at the town before?" Bob thought. 

Unknowing to him that Ray had tried that and miserably failed. 

"Well, I don't think we need to ask any more questions." The bald headed man snapped his fingers and in came a mage wearing yellow robes. In his hand he held a crystal ball. The ball was placed on the table where Ray sat along with the card. 

"All you need to do is place your hand on both the card and the crystal ball. It will register your magical or Ki pattern into the Ball and link it onto the card. Every pattern is unique to each individual. Once linked the ball will only light up if the registered person is holding onto the guard and ball. This is all for your safety and no harm will come to you." The bald headed man explained. 

Ray did as asked. He wasn't too afraid of the whole thing being a trap. So far the system had been quite reliable even if it was made by that Witch. IT always warned him if something bad was going to happen. 

The process didn't take long and was complete. He was given a gold card and some of the rules were explained to him. Just as Bob was allowed to bring one guard inside with him. Ray would be allowed two to the VIP part of the auction. 

He wouldn't be allowed to attend today's one as they needed his time to register in the system, but auctions were done daily, and he assured Ray that the best items came through here. 

"So about these items, why display fake ones?" Ray asked. 

"All these items at some point had originally passed through the auction house. Replicas were made before they were sold off and these items were kind of the pride of the place." The bald man explained. "Anyway, if you want, there's still time for you two to catch the end of the auction, and now that I know you are not a Silverfish. Feel free to bid on whatever takes your fancy."

With that all done, Ray and Bob were led out of the room and back into the auction house. The group of people were surprised to see them return after being taken out like that. Many of them were regulars and when a person was taken out, not many returned. 

They knew this meant that Ray really was the real thing. 

Ray had already achieved his goal of being invited to the VIP area. He no longer needed to waste his gold and was now just watching to see if the last few items would catch his eye.

While doing so Bob was looking at Ray in a different light after what he had just seen. At first, he thought that perhaps Ray was just some brute, a strong Adventurer but that didn't seem to be the case.

'How did he get so much gold, Who is this guy?' Bob thought. He started to think about Ray and it was even strange he had such an advanced carriage. It now made sense why he also would have so much gold. But if he was someone famous and had this much wealth. Then Bob was sure he should have heard or seen his face somewhere. 

But when looking at him, there was nothing that came into his mind. 

"Ladies and gentleman, it has been a wonderful evening tonight, but I'm afraid that the auction must come to an end as always. But as usual, we leave a certain event right to the end." As the announcer said these words, Ray could see some of the men and women rubbing their hands or licking their lips. Just what was about to come on stage. 

"Let us begin tonight's Slave auction!" 

On stage, walked on ten chained up slaves. They were the same group of people that Ray had seen outside and it included the girl that he had saved previously.