Chapter 439: Bad luck or good luck

Name:My Dragon System Author:JKSManga
Seeing what Kyle was doing, Harry couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Ray to be able to clear the king tier beast quicker than Roki, it was that he didn't like that Kyle was the one who had made the bet. 

Harry thought in his past life, he must have cheated with the goddess of luck, because whatever he touched with his hands would end up going wrong, and that included bets like this one. Not only that, but it was his money in the end.

Kyle had already lost his own money, if he then further betted Harry's money, they would have no money left. Slyvia was the one who was in charge of the funds, and she had taken the rest of the coins with her. She left a reasonable amount with Harry thinking he would be more responsible. 

If they lost this, then how would they pay for the inn and where would they stay? Never mind that, how would they even pay for the bill for the drinks they had just had.

Standing up from his seat, he wanted to go out and stop him, but another person had come in his way, another participant of the all kingdom tournament. A man with a ponytail and a spear on his back. 

"Don't stop it when things are just starting to get interesting." The ponytail man said.

Opening up the pouch on the counter, the female was surprised to see four gold coins. She never expected these two to have such money on them. She looked at Kyle once again, and could see a huge grin on his face. This man was surely a fool. 

"I will call your bluff." The women said. 

Now everyone's eyes were glued to the screen, and it was Roki's turn to fight the king tier beast. He was doing well, doing better than he had done the last two days, and Kyle hated to admit it, but even he was getting nervous now. 

Roki hadn't been hit a single time, and all his attacks were perfect today. 

"Are you getting cold feet?" The girl asked, seeing the scrunched up look on his face. 

"Whatever, just you wait," Kyle replied.

Eventually, Roki had killed the beast in record time. It was a personal best for him. The contestants were amazed, and the girl went ahead to grab the pouch of money.

"Wait," Kyle said, grabbing her hand at lightning speed. She hadn't even seen it move. "The match is not over."

'How is he so fast? Just now, and the move before. I didn't see any of it. He may be an idiot, but he is one to keep an eye on.' The girl thought.

Finally, it was Ray's turn. The match only lasted a few moments, and soon after the huge grin on Kyle's face had nearly reached his eyes it went up that wide. They had all seen Ray beat the king tier beast in less than a minute with his bare hands. 

"But, he was doing so badly before….why…how!" One of them said. 

It truly did seem strange, to see someone struggling so much against beast of lower tiers and then for this to suddenly happen. 

Now, Kyle's face was right up in front of the girls with his hands held out. Although the girl didn't want to, she was honest to her word and gave Kyle four gold coins. 

He held them up in the air and looked around.

'I knew today would be a good day. Maybe I can get even more out of these suckers. If Ray decided to give up his sword, then I have a good idea what he's planning on next.' Kyle thought.

"Why don't we make things even more interesting. How about I put these eight gold coins up for grab, and I bet that our little Nes will be going against the emperor tier beast next." Kyle said. 

Before Harry could intervene with anything, the girl had already placed her gold coins on the table. "You're on." She replied.

The others would have got in on the bet if the girl hadn't reacted fast enough. Because they all didn't believe that someone would dare go against an emperor tier. 

As for Harry, he had a different thought to how Ray was thinking. The reason he dealt with the king tier beast quickly and why he was hesitant before, wasn't out of anger, but because he wanted to rush to go and find the girls. If his hunch was right…

The arena then asked if the contestant Nes would have liked to go onto the next stage and face the emperor tier beast. Lifting his hand up, Ray proceeded to give a thumbs down, not moving onto the next stage. 

It was as Harry had thought. Ray wanted to get out of the arena to look for the girls.

"Nooo!" Kyle cried out and went to his knees. His hands on top of his bald head. If he had hair, he would have been pulling it out right now, but there was none left.

"Well, you win some you lose some." The girl said, laughing as she went to leave the place, and the rest soon followed after.

"What the hell were you thinking!" Harry shouted. "Why did you have to be so greedy? What are we meant to do now, how are we meant to pay the bill!" 

Harry was angry, and he had a right to be, but his voice was so loud that a fairly large beaded man had heard what he said. 

"Did I just hear someone say they couldn't afford to pay the bill?" The man asked. He was the owner of the place, and the two of them had bought a lot of drinks beforehand.

"Sir, I'm sorry, we can pay just not right now. I promise we will give you back your money." Harry said. Thinking that his honourable presence would have convinced the man. 

But it had no effect at all. A few seconds later and the man had placed them in a room telling them to wait, and he would deal with them later. 

The two of them had no clue what would happen, and a few seconds later, two robbed men had entered the room. It was men they both had never seen before. 

"We hear you guys are having money troubles, is that correct?" One of the robbed men asked. 

"How about if we said we could invite you to a place where money was no problem, a Utopia."


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