Chapter 492: Sharing my life

Name:My Dragon System Author:JKSManga
The room wasn't filled with gossip or chatter, there were no cheers after Ray's speech. Instead, everyone just sat there in silence while they were taking in what they had just heard. If Ray had simply just come out with this silly statement, maybe they would have laughed it off, thinking it was some joke. 

However, in front of their very eyes, at this moment they could see Ray looked anything but human. If one was to paint what a humanoid version of the Red dragon Sen would have looked like, then it would have been what was standing in front of them, right now, at this very moment.

"His form, it's changed so much!' Bliss thought in shock. 'He's progressed far more quicker than I expected, his body must be beyond the king tier, maybe even more at this moment. Did all this happen after the all kingdom tournament? It's the only explanation, and it explained how he had come back so strong as well. His magical powers must be impressive. I didn't sense any change in him whatsoever.'

Slyvia, who was there, the top of her eyelid was beating and her mind was going in loops as to what to believe and what not to believe. Compared to what she had seen before, Ray certainly looked more dragon like. 

Back then, when she asked why he looked like so, he had said the same thing, and now he was telling the whole Red wing kingdom. 

What she couldn't get her head around were two things, the first, if it was a lie then why this? There were better lies to cover up his beast form, and it wasn't even a cover up. This was the second thing that confused her, why tell everyone.

Unless, it was really the truth, he really was the Great Dragon Sen. 

While Slyvia was still struggling to believe , there were a lot of the people at the Red dragon table that did believe. To them it covered a lot of the questions they had in their heads. Why could Ray use such great magical powers, ones beyond a tower master, even though he had trained as a knight his whole life. 

Some magical skills were beyond things that anyone had seen. If someone said he had a god inside of him, they would have believed it, but this was different.

When Van was cut, his blood bled red, just like every other human, but with Ray's it bled black like a beast. Jack had been by Ray's side, practically since he knew him apart from after the all kingdom tournament. There was no chance for him to go through the beasting process.

"Wait, the Red wings, and the symbol." Kyle said as if he had just figured out everything all on his own. "That's why, because Ray was this, this red Dragon Sen all along." 

At that moment, Lenny started to chuckle at the table and the others were confused why he was suddenly laughing. It seemed like a serious moment in the dining hall and not one to laugh at. 

If this person Really was Sen the great dragon, at one point he tried to kill all of humanity. They had heard the stories of what the Dragon did. Perhaps he had even killed many ancestors of those in the room. What was the true goal of the Red wings? Were they just as bad as the Shadow without realizing it?

This was the main concern for many who did believe what Ray was saying. 

"I just found it funny that Ray hasn't really been hiding it from us this whole time after all." Lenny replied. 

"What Do you mean?" Harry asked. 

"What is the name of the mysterious warrior Ray disguises himself as."

It took them awhile but they finally got it. The warriors name that Ray always chose was Nes, it was the same when he was a student at Roland academy. 

"Nes, is Sen backwards." Martha said. 

Roy, suddenly didn't feel too bad about his defeat and lack of skill compared to this person. After all he was a great dragon not a human. It turns out his fire powers might still be the best and strongest in the whole of bronzeland.

"I can see a lot of you are confused, undecided to believe whether I am telling you the truth or not." Ray said. "Then I will share with you everything until this point that I have seen with my own eyes. I can't share the memories I had with you as a dragon, but you can live my life from this day as I have done as a human." 

Throwing his hand up in the air, little gold glowing particles spread across the room and started to fall down like snowflakes.

"Memory sharing!" Bliss said. "Just how much of his powers has he gotten back?"

Hearing Bliss say this out loud, it looked like she knew he was Sen all along. That was just the confirmation they needed to know Ray was the real deal. She was the Divine being and slowly things were starting to fall in place.

When the golden snowflakes touched the surface of their skin, it went through them as if it was being absorbed into their bodies and at the same time, Ray's life started to play in their minds. Every single detail of it. 

From the day he was born as a baby and all of his thoughts. How he wished to destroy the human race for killing him, his plots, his plans, Amy's death, his first human friend, Gary, his second human friend who had saved his life. 

Through this, he thought they would have an understanding of emotions he had gone through and tears were running down some of the army and other faces. Of course to them, in their minds, they were going through years of Ray's life, while in real time it was passing by very quickly. 

"Sen, what is the meaning of this?" Bliss asked. Everyone in the room was in a trance like state, unable to respond while going through the memories. "Why would you tell everyone who you were."

"Why can't I?" Ray replied. "Is it a lie? When I went missing, and chose to fight the shadow ant on my own I realised something. I care about the Red wings as much as I did the dragons. I didn't understand why or how myself, until I started to go through everything that happened. 

"I still think humans are scum, they lie, cheat , steal, and try to one up each other for no reason. Systems are built so others are on top while others are below them. Yet, for some reason I can't find myself to completely abandon them, I feel like I must teach them to change. 

"The Red wings have been proof of that change so far. We don't have the same difficulties as the other kingdoms. Maybe that will change as we grow in size, or maybe all of it works because I am here.

"This is the problem I soon realised. What would've happened if I was to die that day. What if I was to die with the shadow ant. No one would have learnt of the truth of who I was. They put their lives on the line for a fake leader, behind a fake name.

"No, it's time to be transparent, transparent about everything's and when my time comes to leave them. I wish they can pass on their teachings to help others."

In the memories themselves, so far they had seen everything, gone through everything Ray had gone through, all up to the point of the all kingdom tournament.This was when Ray had changed, and when he had gone missing for so long, to fight with the shadow ant.

In the arena, Ray looked at everyone, it was clear that the ant with his current strength was unable to be killed even with the three of them. Images appeared in Ray's head of everyone dying, and that included Slyvia. 

Once again when thinking about this, his heart started to ache, without thinking much he acted on impulse all to protect those he cared about. He grabbed the ant and used one of his newly acquired skills. Teleport. 

But this wasn't like the other teleport skill where he could appear next to a Red wing member, no this one teleported him and his enemy to a random destination. It was the only thing he could do and think off, maybe he would die, but at least he would be the only one.

With this thought, he could die happy.

The two of them teleported, and appeared in a swamp like place. But at that exact moment, Ray had gotten a notification from the system. 

"Maybe I won't be dying today afterall."


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