“So… how was your day?”

“Master… why did you race straight to the bathroom after returning to the mansion?” Miki asked.

“Reasons… any other questions?”

“Master… Why did you spend two hours crying while holding us?”

“Because I love you all so much.”

“Ahh…” The girls all blushed.

In the end, I was able to subdue my curious girls with flattery. But seriously, the 29th floor was truly the worst floor. Those monsters were pretty powerful too. I’m not even sure how many I was able to kill. Fortunately, they were lovers, not fighters, and they didn’t hold grudges after I cut them down. Still, I regret nothing. I wouldn’t feel any sympathy for that floor of creeps.

It was already pretty late at night, so we decided to spend the night in the mansion. I mostly spent it with my girls in bed. We weren’t doing anything improper; I just felt the need to snuggle with women after the sausage factory I had to walk through.

At some point, dinner came, and I got up and made a meal. We had a nice assortment of spices and foods now, thanks to our travels. Since we had stopped by the sea, I also made sure to buy plenty of seafood. Thus, I ended up making a seafood jambalaya. It was spicy, but it also tasted really good over rice. Just as I was eating with the girls, Faeyna walked in.

“M-master? Did you cook it? You didn’t have to do that! I’m here!”

“Ah, that’s right.”

I had forgotten that we relocated Faeyna to Chalm today. She still needed to go to the capital, but she wanted to see the mansion first to decide on what supplies she should focus on before heading back. She’s had a good day to look over her new mansion and city now, and she looked refreshed and reinvigorated to begin managing the household. I had forgotten, so I made food since I was excited by some of the seaside spices and such.

“Well, no matter. I do pride myself on my cooking, though. What is this? Ah… it smells spicy. I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

“It’s shrimp, clams and a few other fishy things in a jambalaya. It’s a dish from my world.”

“Oh? How unique! Given my level in cook, I’m sure I could even improve upon it! Let’s just take a bite, MMm!”

She froze, her eyes wide as she had the spoon in her mouth.

“How is it?” Miki asked, a flash of mischievousness in her eyes.

Seeing her look, I realized what was wrong. My cooking skill had exceeded Faeyna’s thanks to all my time in the dungeon, not to mention my knowledge of food from another world, where taste exceeded all. This was a world where most commoner food was tasteless, and only nobles got things like spices. Although Faeyna had never had her first job as Cook, she had prided herself on her cooking ability, which satisfied nobles. However, compared to my world, where taste was taken down to a science, and my own cooking job, which I could equip to take advantage of various cooking bonuses, it would naturally be the case where my food was a bit better.

“H-h-how did you cook this?”

I winced at her upset glare. “Ah… I didn’t say. I have the Cook job…”

“I-impossible! After everything… master is a professional cook!?”

“Well, I mean, you know I can change jobs at will.”

“Change it!”


“Make me a Cook!”

“I’m still a higher level than you though…”

“This is… from the dungeon! You must take me into the dungeon!”

“Even if you say that I sort of need you to have Head Maid as a job…”

“Then… give me a second job! The other girls have second jobs!”

“Th-that’s true… but they only have 2nd job when they are close to me. Once I enter the dungeon, you’ll lose it. Your Cook job will only be around when I’m in Chalm.”

“E-even so… is there really no other way?” She looked up at me with very charming eyes, and I found myself unable to say no to the elf.

That’s how my dungeon party ended up growing to 7.