The ice pterosaur has no dragon scales, but the Dragon skin is still very tough. The Dragon skin is an important raw material for making extraordinary leather armor, which is better than the angry wind demon tiger skin last time.

Hathaway has decided to make a dragon skin robe for herself with these dragon skins. Of course, this requires her to use the softest and best magic guiding skin of these pterosaurs after she has advanced to a senior wizard.

Pterosaur meat can't be eaten directly. Pterosaur meat is poisonous. Most people will be poisoned and die. Special methods are needed to neutralize the toxin. The neutralized dragon meat tastes good and can increase their physical quality. In fact, the meat quality of many Warcraft animals in the world has this effect.

Those nobles eat, drink and play all day and don't work hard in training, but most of them can become knights or trainee knights. In addition to good training, professional mentors and excellent breathing methods, they also eat all kinds of Warcraft meat for a long time.

Long term consumption of Warcraft meat makes their body host far more than ordinary people. Coupled with professional training and excellent breathing method, as long as it is not too waste, it is not too difficult to activate life energy to become a knight in adulthood. It's just very difficult for ordinary people.

Knight training needs to supplement a lot of meat. Ordinary people can't afford to support a knight. Most civilians can only rely on nobles to become their servants to obtain resources.

Su Lun took out a peeling knife and began peeling. Because of the previous battle, the Dragon skins of several ice pterosaurs were damaged in many places, and those damaged places can only be discarded. Moreover, the Dragon skins of the Dragon wings are not suitable for making leather armor, and these parts are more suitable for making blank scrolls.

The most valuable is the heart, which is an important material for making secondary dragon blood medicine. As for other internal organs, they can also be used as alchemy materials. Dragon blood can be used to make magic ink and copy scrolls, including the Dragon whip, which is the favorite of nobles. This thing is very popular among human nobles. All the bits and pieces add up, Such a pterosaur can earn about 20000 ginals.

The ice pterosaur had some trouble to deal with. Su Lun spent a lot of effort to divide the six ice pterosaurs. There are only a few bones of ice pterosaurs and some worthless things left in the original place. Su Lun's ten cubic meters of storage space has been fully filled, and even Hathaway's several space equipment have been filled.

Seeing that there were still some low-value materials on the ground that could not be taken away, Su Lun felt a burst of heartache. In addition to the bodies of these pterosaurs, thirteen ice pterosaur eggs were found in three pterosaur nests. Su Lun made a simple net bag from a piece of dragon skin and carried it.

The storage space can't store living things. If these pterosaur eggs are put in, they will soon become dead eggs. The price of dragon eggs that can hatch pterosaurs is still good. Of course, the premise is that you have the method to domesticate dragons. Except for the drow elves in the dark area, the best domestication is the wizard.

The drow elves in the dark region have a simple way to domesticate dragons. Just find a male pure blood dragon. It can be said that the drow elves in the dark region are very similar to the demons. By the way, there are lustful demons. Suellen plans to domesticate several pterosaurs. When it grows up, it is not only powerful, but also very good as a mount.

In addition to these dragon eggs, there are some jinnar and damaged things in these pterosaur nests. Should this be because the unlucky egg was attacked by the pterosaur, or those hot-blooded youths came here to be left by the Dragon Slayer.

These things are of average value. It is the nature of the dragon family to collect wealth. The same is true of these Asian dragons. Sulun also found some dog head gold, crystal agate and some precious stones in these nests. As for those who want to gain huge wealth by killing dragons, it is only possible to attack those real dragons who have lived for hundreds of years, but few people who dare to do so come back alive.

These things are not many. Just make a bag with dragon skin and put them in. After cleaning up all the things that can be taken away, Su Lun is ready to leave here with Hathaway. After decomposing the pterosaur body just now, it is full of blood smell. The strong blood smell will attract other predators. Although Su Lun is not afraid of them, it is better to have fewer meaningless battles.

There are several vultures and other creatures circling in the sky. These animals covet the flesh and blood of those pterosaurs, but they don't dare to come down because of the smell left by Suellen and pterosaurs, but they can't stand it for long.

Seeing that Su Lun was bloody and dirty, Hathaway frowned with disgust on her face, then snapped her fingers, and a flash of light flashed. All the blood and flesh filth on Su Lun's appearance had been cleaned up. Although many 0 ring spells had no lethality, they were very useful.

After getting clean and tidy, Suellen grabbed Hathaway's slender waist with one hand and jumped directly from the cliff with the other carrying a dragon skin pocket.

The cold wind howled in her ears, and Hathaway shouted excitedly. Fortunately, it's not an snow mountain here. Otherwise, such a shout would easily lead to an avalanche. Blessed with flying and feathering, Suellen and Hathaway flew directly from the LOTAS mountains to the foot of the mountain.

This feeling of bungee jumping at high altitude is not too cool. After they came up and down, they were not in a hurry to leave. First, it was not early, and second, they had just experienced a fight. Although they were not injured, they were a little tired.

Looking for a shelter from the wind, Su Lun made a small house out of fossils and mud. He will stay here tonight.

After putting things down, Hathaway began to prepare food, and Suellen opened the system to list her harvest.

The mission obtained two gold treasure boxes. Su Lun directly opened the two treasure boxes. Two consecutive flashes of light flashed, and the cold prompt sound of the system sounded in his ear.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the skill floating thunder array."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the item assistance order!"

[lightning array: after use, you can summon eight lightning balls around your body. The lightning balls can move according to the command of the host, cause lightning damage of 2-5 intensity to the surrounding enemies, and have a chance to paralyze the enemies.]

[military aid order: a special magic item generated by the system skill (ambush Array Series) after integrating the rules of the world. After use, it can summon a team of soldiers. It can be used in both non combat and combat States, with 11 times]

After spending a little skill to learn the lightning skill, Su Lun's lightning energy becomes more active.

"Ding, it is detected that the host has thunder lightning gun, floating thunder array, partial information of lightning field and partial information of lightning control, which can be integrated and advanced. Whether to integrate advanced information or not."

As soon as he learned the floating thunder array, there was a prompt sound of the system in his mind. Su Lun was pleasantly surprised when he heard it. After confirming with the system, he directly agreed to integrate.