The New Year celebration was held as scheduled. Although the north town was established in a short time and many places are very simple, the New Year celebration was still very lively.

Su Lun specially asked Hathaway to make some magic fireworks. The gorgeous fireworks are really beautiful when they bloom in the night sky. The central square of the territory has become a happy ocean. Because of the celebration, food is not limited, but waste is prohibited. In order to maintain order, Su Lun also dispatched half of the soldiers to cooperate with the security team.

Fortunately, sulun didn't open the wine supply, otherwise there would be drunkards making trouble. Although the regulations here in the north town are very strict, there are always people who want to challenge the rules and make trouble during the celebration. Suellen directly asked Harrison to lead people to put these people in prison and deal with them after the celebration.

Frodo, the halfling, prepared a lot of food. Of course, he directed other chefs to make more food. He made only the food of sulun.

To Su Lun's surprise, some craftsmen with business mind in the territory made many small commodities and then sold them during the festival. Su Lun did not prohibit this behavior. Their behavior made the celebration more lively.

Their behavior was soon imitated by more people, so a group of small vendors appeared in the territory during the celebration.

The New Year celebration lasted for three days. When the celebration was over, Su Lun heard a prompt sound again.

"Congratulations to the host, your territory town Beicheng has successfully added a new festival [new year]. The festival date is January 1 every year, and the festival lasts for three days." at the same time, in sulun's system interface, there is another [new year] Festival under the festival column.

[New Year: the beginning of a year, which is one of the most important festivals of the year. Grand celebrations will be held on this day every year. Festive atmosphere + 10, joy + 20, prosperity + 5, ORDER-3]

Although the celebration of the new year has ended, the aftermath of this grand ceremony has not faded. For these slaves and the bottom people, this festival makes them feel heartfelt joy. After coming to the city in the originally painful days, they finally see a glimmer of hope. After this festival, they are full of passion for life.

This is a vibrant land.

Hope is a beautiful thing. Sometimes it is small and weak. It seems that a gust of wind can blow it out, but as long as they have a chance, they can burst out shocking power.

After the new year, if it is in the southern provinces, it is already spring, but in the northern wasteland, it is still covered with snow and the weather is still cold. This period is actually the most difficult time in the northern wasteland.

By this time, many tribes living on the wasteland have almost consumed their food reserves. At this time, these tribes are also the most dangerous. They have looked at other tribes with hungry eyes. As long as there is a chance, they will jump on it without hesitation.

In fact, sulun's territory has attracted the attention of other tribes in the wasteland. After all, the environment here is very good, and almost all races know that humans are best at growing all kinds of crops, and they have a lot of food. Before, under the leadership of sulun, Zhenbei city launched a series of wars around to suppress those tribes, but in the face of hunger, they looked here again.

For a long time, the biggest dispute between human beings and other intelligent creatures is land. Land is a resource and the first element of ethnic reproduction.

After the celebration, sulun did not relax his vigilance, all scouts were sent out, the training of soldiers was not slack, and even some refugees were forced to carry out military training.

In the barracks interface, in addition to training regular soldiers, there is also a militia option, which can train the militia. The combat capability of the militia is very low, but sulun does not want them to fight directly, but to act as auxiliary soldiers, follow the city or transport materials.

After the upgrade of Zhenbei City, each wall is one kilometer long. Such a long wall depends on the army and security army of Zhenbei city. Even the wall is dissatisfied. If there is an attack by other tribes, the only way is to let the militia participate in the city defense.

After the order to recruit the militia was issued, Harrison quickly recruited 1000 people from the refugees and 1000 from the slaves to form a militia team of 2000 people.

In fact, the population structure of Zhenbei fort is very unreasonable. More than 70% of the population in Zhenbei city are men and less than 30% are women. This is because there are few women, whether refugees or serfs. There is no way.

However, although it brings some trouble, the advantage is the large number of adult men. So that the territory's labor force has always been abundant.

All the two thousand people's soldiers are engaged in primary military training. They are not required to be strong, but all kinds of instructions must be clear. The deployment of a large number of people to participate in military training has not had a great impact on the construction of the territory. The bottleneck of the development of Zhenbei city is still the population.

After Zhenbei fort is upgraded to Zhenbei City, it needs more population to fill it. If you want to develop in the northern wasteland, you can't do without population support.

In fact, sulun has decided to immigrate from kart city when the ice and snow melt. Although the northern provinces are not as prosperous as the south, they also have a large population, just like kart city. Although sulun has not seen the records of the city hall on population, according to his inference, the conservative estimate of the city's population is about 200000.

The population of other northern cities is less than 10000 or 20000, and more directly is 70000 or 70000. The total population of the northern provinces also ranges from 1.5 million to 2 million.

During this time, Zhenbei city gained a lot of wealth because of trade. If it were not for the desolation in the north of Zhenbei City, those nobles would have started to rob it. Now it is impossible to immigrate from their territory without paying a lot of money. He planned to buy slaves in large quantities from these cities and cooperate with the local nobles. He paid for the population from the nobles.

The military training in the north town went well, especially with the participation of drow spirit instructor, which directly doubled the speed of military training. Although these drow elves believe in dark girls and belong to the good camp, it does not mean that they are the virgin. These drow elves are also cruel and cold for military training.

Anyone who fails to complete the training or violates the regulations will be brutally punished by the drow elf instructor. Suellen asked them to dispose of them as long as they were not disabled or seriously injured.

Such cruel training allowed the militia to complete the militia training in the shortest time. After the militia finished training, Zhenbei city also had the strength to support a large-scale war.

The peeping eyes of the surrounding tribes are more and more. As time goes by, they are about to lose their hold.

Half a month after the New Year celebration, Su Lun got the news of the scouts again. He found traces of orcs in the woods ten kilometers north of the north city of the town. At the same time, the number of jackals, goblins and Goutou people around the territory was obviously increasing. There are signs that war is coming.

At the same time, in the orc tribe, groups of ORC soldiers began to move towards the north city of the town. There was not much food for the tribe, but the war with the Centaur was still deadlocked. In order to obtain more food and weapons, they turned their eyes to the north town.

According to their investigation, there are not many human beings in this emerging city. Although they have built walls, it can't stop them.

For the orc tribe, dispatching some Orc soldiers can reduce the food consumption of the tribe. Even if the orcs fail in the end, it can also reduce the food pressure.

The orc warriors gathered a large number of jackals, dog headed men and goblins along the way. Although these monsters were not strong, they were qualified as cannon fodder. After all, a human city was not easy to break. Because the orc tribe had to face centaurs, they could only send 1000 people, but by the time they arrived in the north city of the town, the number had exceeded 6000.

In addition to those orcs, a large number of small tribes that could not survive in the wilderness were gathered by them. Goblins, bear goblins, big goblins, dog headed men, jackals and a small number of trolls formed a huge coalition under the temptation of food.

It was five days after su Lun received the news. When he knew that a large number of monster coalition forces were ready to attack, the town north city immediately closed the gate and the whole city entered a state of alert. And led a large number of archers and barbarian soldiers to guard the river.

The Hongsha River and Baishui River are on the left side of the north town. If you want to attack from the north, you must cross these two rivers. After the north town has a harvest altar, all the rivers near the North Town have thawed. You can only cross the river by boat.

The orc army cut down a large number of pine trees and made them into rafts to cross the river by force. But they underestimated Su Lun's army. Nearly a hundred longbowmen and elite archers blocked it. The monster army on those rafts had been killed and injured before they landed.

Under the arrow rain, after paying huge casualties, the monster army finally landed successfully, but they were greeted by the long-awaited spearmen and the barbarians who were eager to try.

Naturally, there was no accident. The monsters who had just landed were defeated by a charge by the barbarian guard before they could celebrate. The orcs in charge of the team were directly beheaded by the barbarians, and the rest of the scattered dog headed men, all kinds of goblins and jackals were destroyed without any waves in front of the long Spearman array.

The first battle between Zhenbei fort and the orc coalition ended with the overall victory of Zhenbei fort.