Hathaway was delighted. Although she often studied all kinds of knowledge, she was not stupid. She felt a pressure from Suellen, as well as Chris and Alex.

Although she is excellent, neither Chris nor Alex is under her. Although she had no exclusive idea, she didn't want to reduce her weight in Suellen's heart.

"Do you like it?"

Hathaway raised her finger and lifted the hair in her ear.

"I like it very much!" Su Lun said with admiration. "Just now I feel more powerful than Chris's charm."

Su Lun said, his body had been honest and impolitely sitting next to Hathaway, and his arm held her in his arms. The other hand skillfully grasps a beautiful leg to play, silky, supple and elastic.

Hathaway's beautiful face showed a blush and her expression was a little shy, but she soon changed a more comfortable position on Suellen and lay down.

"By the way, there is some knowledge in this book. I have questions. Please explain it to me." Hathaway asked, picking up the book "magic tattoo technology" on the chair.

"I don't understand there. Tell me about it." Suellen said carelessly, rubbing his hands back and forth, smelling the faint fragrance from the tip of his nose.

Hathaway's body was a little hot, and the thin silk skirt transferred the heat to Suellen. As soon as they asked and answered, they began to explain the materials, but Su Lun's mind was soon put elsewhere. After explaining for a while, Su Lun directly grabbed the books from Hathaway and threw them aside.

"We'll talk about these things later. We have more important things to do now." then she picked up the shy Hathaway and entered the nearby lounge, and then a voice like a cry came out.


Time passed.

Three months passed in a twinkling of an eye. The ice and snow on the northern wasteland melted, and a layer of green buds grew on the earth. Animals and other alien monsters who survived the cold winter also came out to look for food, and spring ploughing began in the north city of the town.

Su Lun has been learning all kinds of knowledge about wizards for three months. After carefully studying wizards, Su Lun found that wizards have too many things to master.

Now he is looking through the list of books that Hathaway specially prepared for him, as well as the information book that sulun has become an apprentice for five years and an arcane for ten years. Although he is already an intermediate wizard, he is not an orthodox wizard after all. If he wants to go further on the road of witchcraft in the future, he must have a solid foundation. So he is tutoring his lessons this winter.

After learning these wizard knowledge, Su Lun finally understood why there were so many dead houses among wizards. Those wizards spent almost all their time learning all kinds of knowledge and conducting all kinds of experiments, especially the academic school. The number of such wizards was as high as 80%.

It's also understood why those liches carried out the conversion ceremony. In Su Lun's view, they gave up physical pleasure, food and dopamine pleasure, threw their whole body and mind into magic, and lived in the wizard tower for decades. It's no different from prison. No, it's worse than prison. Even if they are in prison, they can find their friends to solve it, You can know that men go up, and the Lich is left with a pile of bones on his body.

This kind of immortality is simply no fun, even torture, but how can anyone want to do so? Now he understands that these lichs are basically academic dead houses.

There are many types of wizard schools. The most popular ones are plastic energy, protection, mantra, dead spirit and other factions. Some are divided according to inheritance, and some are battle wizards and college wizards.

Combat wizards rarely participate in the study of knowledge. They are more proficient in fighting and powerful. According to the name of the Academy, they know that they are not good at fighting. However, over time, when the academy has mastered more and more knowledge, this perception will shrink rapidly.

The most powerful wizards in every era are basically academic wizards. One of the reasons why lichs are powerful is that they get long enough. Another reason is that lichs are basically transformed by academies.

Basically, every Lich is very rich. They have enough time to make all kinds of sophisticated and powerful magic props. Many powerful magic equipment in the world are made by lichs.

Su Lun also found that the vast majority of academic wizards are straight men, even steel straight men. Su Lun found many such things in some diary manuscripts. In the eyes of those wizards, women are a very troublesome creature.

They will moan without illness, pull you to see meteors when you observe the stars, and then make solemn wishes. Make a wish to a meteor? Is wishing more convenient than this? They will make a mess of your experiment. They will spray perfume and strange substances, and then affect the accuracy of the experiment.

When you meditate, you use all kinds of unrealistic so-called romantic ideas to interfere with your will. You like to take up a lot of your time to do something completely meaningless, such as shopping, watching some sick groaning operas, and attending deliberately flattering hypocritical banquets.

Therefore, many college photographed wizards will directly summon demons when they have physiological needs. Compared with those human women, demons are simple, direct and very easy to use. As long as they pay a little price, they can let those demons serve themselves with various superb skills, which is much better than those human women, and demons will not waste their time, No messy ideas, on call, convenient and fast.

Of course, in addition to the demon, there are other Outland creatures, but the costs are also different.

After seeing these comments, Suellen had to admire these people. Fortunately, although Hathaway is also academic, she is not such an extreme academic wizard.

During these three months, Suellen, Hathaway, Alex, Lorraine and Andre served as wizard mentors and took turns to teach those wizard apprentices.

Fortunately, these courses are not many. About once a week, Su Lun sometimes attends classes, such as alchemy. Alchemy is a very important subject. Sulun can only be said to be an introduction now. Andre has the most teaching tasks. He has six courses a week.

Many times, Suellen also goes to the classroom for lectures. With the end of winter, Su Lun's study of wizard knowledge came to an end for the time being.

Although there are no caravans in the north of the town in winter, the construction of the city has been progressing steadily. All the roads in the city have been repaired in these three months. The outer cities of the north of the town are now slate roads and gravel roads. All the roads in the whole city have been hardened. Even if it rains, you don't have to worry about becoming muddy.

In addition to the roads, the drainage facilities in the north of the town have also been completed, and the drainage channels in the outer city have been connected, which can directly discharge domestic sewage. Similarly, there is no need to worry about waterlogging in the city when it rains.

All kinds of infrastructure have been basically completed. Except for some areas, there are sporadic construction in the whole city, and most areas have been completed.

After the completion of the construction of Zhenbei City, sulun Jianguo also entered the countdown state. The ice and snow melted, and the roads were unblocked again. The caravan in Zhenbei city began to set off again. However, this time, in addition to trafficking goods, they also had a duty to convey information to the countries or noble lords who made friends with Zhenbei city.

The name of the principality was decided by Su Lun after thinking for a long time. The name of the principality was going to be called Beifeng principality.

In sulun's system interface, Zhenbei city has exceeded the critical point for the establishment of a principality. In fact, the requirements for the establishment of a principality are not high. It has a population of 100000, a territory of 20 square kilometers, and has at least three cities, the army, prosperity, popular support and the number of buildings. These have been achieved in the urban interface for a long time.

In addition to agriculture, animal husbandry has developed fastest in the north of Zhencheng during this period. After eating fish for a long time, they can't wait to eat beef and mutton.

The two rivers outside Zhenbei city are rich in fish resources. Especially in the past winter, sturgeons migrate. At that time, the whole Hongsha River and Baishui River can be said to have a good harvest, and countless sturgeons migrating from the sea fill the whole river.

The river can be seen sparkling everywhere. From March to May every year, sturgeon migrates. Just after the cold winter, hungry animals and aliens on the wasteland will catch a large number of these fish.

The fishing technology of Zhenbei city is much better than that of these animals and alien tribes. At this time, it will be a bumper harvest. These migratory fish return from the sea and then travel thousands of miles to the upper reaches of the river to lay eggs. At this time, the fish meat is not only rich, but also a large number of roes.

Last year, Zhenbei city just made a lot of dried salted fish without caviar because it was not prepared. This year, it is the migration season again. Su Lun plans to try to make caviar.

Caviar is not difficult. This kind of food only needs to be pickled with some salt. Of course, Suellen is only a half bucket of water. The task of making caviar still needs to be handed over to Frodo, a halfling. Halfling people have unexpected talent in food production. They are very sensitive to food. After hearing sulun's simple description, they began to try.

The soldiers in Zhenbei City ate fish for more than half a year. After a year, the number of cattle and sheep in Zhenbei city can finally be supplied.

And dried fish can't be wasted. Sulun let these foods begin to supply a large number of civilians, refugees and slaves. At least they are no longer fooled with fish soup. Even dog headed people and goblins can eat a few pieces of fish.