In the northern wasteland, when the first ray of dawn pierced the darkness of the sky, the dawn light crossed the astrological platform on the top of the wizard tower, the highest place in the north city of the town.

With the first ray of sunshine, the bell rang loudly in Zhenbei City, and the originally silent Zhenbei City woke up at this moment.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Dozens of magic fireworks burst into the sky, breaking through the darkness before dawn and blooming gorgeous fireworks in the sky. The whole city became a sea of joy at this moment.

Outside the palace in the north of the town, which has just been transformed, rows of well-equipped and upright divine gun guards appear on both sides of the road. On the roof around the palace, it has been occupied by semi elf archers,

All the main roads of the city have been cleared, and the wide and straight Avenue extends to the palace. The streets are covered with red carpets, and all kinds of petals fall from the sky. All the residents in Zhenbei city stand on both sides of the road, and countless people wave their arms and cheer.

At this time, several dark shadows in the sky approached quickly, and the sound of wings flapping could be heard. With the dawn in the sky, a group of people appeared in the sky.

The huge bodies of nine ice pterosaurs appeared in the sky. Although these pterosaurs were only two years old, they had spread their wings for more than six meters. On each ice pterosaur sat a drow elf knight. The armor made of refined iron was not heavy, setting off their tall posture. The ferocious pterosaurs under their hips looked heroic and extraordinary.

However, they are not the protagonists. They are just the vanguard guards who open the way in front. Behind these ice pterosaur knights, a divine steed flies through the air. Su Lun wears a sword on his waist and a silver gorgeous armor to ride the steed. The morning glow in the sky covered them with a layer of golden red glow, making them look like gods emitting golden light.

"Long live Suellen, long live the north wind principality!"

After seeing the figure in the sky, the neat cry rang out! The army in the north of the town shouted in unison, the sound was deafening, and the surrounding residents also shouted with the sound, the sound resounded through the sky. In the north of the town, some people peeping in the dark watched from a distance.

As long as they are not close to important areas in the city, the hidden guards will not expel them. Su Lun chose the founding ceremony at dawn, the last darkness before dawn, and then he went to the first ray of sunshine to pierce the darkness and fall from the sky.

With the golden light, Su Lun took nine pterosaur Knights down from the sky. The pterosaur Knights took off again after gliding in mid air. Su Lun rode a Pegasus and landed on the red carpet with scattered flowers 100 meters away from the Arc de Triomphe.

The heavenly horse neighed and gently kicked the horse's hoof. Just at this time, the bell rang again and spread leisurely throughout the city. It was like an order. The drum music in the north of the town was symphonic, the bells and drums sounded together, and the solemn music sounded in the city.

A golden light fell from the sky, and the avenue at the foot of Tianma was frozen in an instant. It was as bright as gold, but it was not vulgar. The golden light Avenue extended from his feet to the king's palace in the north of the town. Su Lun smiled and gently clamped his horse's belly. Tianma snorted, and then stepped on the golden light.

As he continued to move forward, the residents on both sides of the road knelt down one by one. With his continuous progress, the crowd was like a domino, kneeling in rows.

One step, two steps, three steps... As Su Lun keeps moving forward, the solemn Arc de Triomphe also emits a faint aura. As he keeps getting closer, the aura becomes brighter and brighter. At the same time, a faint voice also rings from around the Arc de Triomphe and becomes clearer and clearer.

Finally, as Su Lun came right in front of the Arc de Triomphe, the song became deafening, and on the Arc de Triomphe music, dozens of hundreds of pale golden figures appeared. These figures were wearing armor, holding weapons, and their cold faces emerged, which was the appearance of all the victims in the north of the town since its establishment.

War spirit!

These soldiers who died in the battle did not disappear, but became military souls and entered the Arc de Triomphe. If they were given enough time, these military souls would gradually become heroes. At this time, these military souls woke up from their deep sleep and escorted Su Lun's coronation ceremony.

Seeing this scene, Su Lun's footsteps stopped slightly, and then continued to move forward as if nothing had happened. At this time, he had felt that several miracle buildings in the city were activated by themselves, and spiritual lights rose and enveloped the whole city.

In the magnificent song, Su Lun gradually walked into the palace in the north town. At this time, the song stopped and the cheers sounded again. In the neat cry of the army, some uneven voices were integrated into a whole. Soon all the voices were integrated into one, and the loud voice rushed into the sky and echoed over the north town, Even the clouds in the sky were scattered by this powerful sound.

In the palace hall, the originally spacious hall has been surrounded by people. Several countries that have made friends with Su Lun have sent envoys. Many noble envoys are also listed. Next to these people are senior members of the temples of various family churches in the north of the town. They will all be spectators and witnesses today.

Suellen came to the door of the hall, turned over and dismounted. Hathaway, Chris, Alex and Phyllis, who had been waiting here for a long time, all put on their costumes and waited with a smile. Suellen nodded slightly to several people, and then walked ahead first. Hathaway was holding Suellen's arm in one hand, half a step behind, and the others followed closely.

The Party led down to the hall by several waitresses, and then boarded the central platform. Several other half elf maidens came forward with trays containing crowns. Suellen reached out and took a gorgeous crown and put it on her head. Then she crowned Hathaway, Chris, Alex and Phyllis respectively.

"Special envoy of the king of Florence, congratulations to the city of Beifeng duchy and the coronation of the Duke of Beifeng!"

After su Lun put on the crown and sat on the throne, the messenger who had been ready came forward, walked a noble ceremony, and then congratulated Su Lun.

The special envoy of the kingdom of Florence opened the prelude, followed by the special envoys of many kingdoms and nobles.

"Special envoy of the kingdom of lorenza, congratulations on the establishment of the Principality of the north wind and the coronation of the Duke of the north wind!"

"Special envoy of AMH Kingdom, congratulations on the establishment of the Principality of Beifeng and the coronation of Duke Beifeng!"

"Kart City, special envoy of marquis Savoy, congratulations on the establishment of the kingdom of the north wind and the coronation of the Duke of the north wind!"


For a time, all noble envoys, including lorenza Kingdom and amkh Kingdom, came forward to congratulate. Soon, with the completion of these noble congratulations, the churches in the north town also came forward to congratulate the establishment of Beifeng principality.

After these people finished congratulating, Suellen stood up.

"Ha ha ha!"

With a long smile, he took two steps forward, "thank you for coming to participate in the establishment of Beifeng principality and my coronation ceremony!"

The voice was loud and clear. The clouds cleared and the sky rose at the beginning of the day. The dazzling sun fell from the sky and shone on Su Lun. It seemed that he was the only one in the world.

In the hall and on the square, thousands of people set up on both sides, and their burning eyes focused on Su Lun. They gathered together at this moment with respect, joy, admiration and fear.

"I declare that the Principality of Northwind is officially established!"

"In the name of Duke Beifeng, I announce that today will be the national day of Beifeng principality."

"Also canonize Hathaway, Chris, Alex and Phyllis as Duchess!"

Hearing Su Lun's words, the nobles around looked at each other and canonized four duchess at once, which was also the first time among many absurd nobles. For a moment, the noble messengers in the hall whispered.

Hathaway got up and came to Suellen and snorted.

The voice was low, but it seemed to ring in their ears. In an instant, the whole hall was quiet, and then a powerful energy wave surged from Hathaway.

Even the surrounding Yingluo decorations were blown back and forth by this force.

"Hiss!" they all took a breath!

"Legend... Legendary wizard!"

"How can it be, 20-year-old legendary wizard!"

"How strong!"

After feeling the power fluctuation emanating from Hathaway, the noble messengers who had just fallen into silence suddenly looked at Hathaway with an unbelievable face.

In this world, the deterrence of legendary wizards is much stronger than that of a legendary warrior. After all, even if a legendary warrior is powerful, it is difficult for a person to destroy a city, but legendary wizards are different. They have too many ways to destroy a city.

Meteor shower, meteorite fall, scourge of the dead and many other powerful spells can even permanently change the environment of an area.

After learning that Hathaway has become a legendary wizard, just now she whispered. The whispering noble messengers were quiet and honest like quails. The deterrence of legendary wizards is very high.

At this time, Su Lun chose to show his strength. A legendary warrior and a legendary wizard took the seat, and the status of Beifeng principality was instantly consolidated. After all, many principalities don't even have a legendary strong man.

A young legendary wizard, it almost surprised those people's chin. You know, legendary wizards are not as easy to advance as legendary soldiers. Now there are few countries with legendary wizards on the mainland, and they all need to support the experiments of these legendary wizards.

The annual cost of Kinnard is a huge number, but there are still many people willing to do it. Compared with soldiers, wizards live a long life. As long as there are no accidents, they can live for thousands of years.