When the ice and snow melted, the northern wasteland became lively again. The caravans who had endured for a winter began to pack up and set out when the ice and snow melted at the beginning.

Although the weather is still a little cold at this time, if the ice and snow completely melt, the road from the northern provinces to the northern wasteland will become muddy and very difficult to walk. Therefore, experienced caravans will set out some time in advance.

After entering Beifeng principality, the road is completely different. Beifeng principality has a special interest in building roads. They connect all cities in Beifeng principality with slate roads. According to them, this is official road.

The official road of Beifeng principality is very extravagant. Yes, it is extravagant. In old Hahn's view, it is completely burned with more money. The average width of the official road of Beifeng principality is six meters, and four carriages can be easily paralleled, which is unmatched by the roads in many cities in other countries on the mainland.

With the melting of ice and snow, the immigration work to Beifeng principality has started again. According to sulun, Beifeng principality needs at least one million people in the short term, and at least one or two million people to develop the northern wasteland.

This is a long-term task that may last for decades. In addition to the population migration in the northern wasteland, immigration routes have also been opened in the deep-water city. The countries in the southern sea have developed rapidly because of their warm climate, developed commerce, relatively stable society and high grain output. At the same time, the population of these countries has also increased rapidly.

However, the good natural conditions and environment did not bring all benefits. The productivity of the world was only around the middle ages. There were no large-scale factories, which could not absorb too many people. The amount of land was also very limited. The nobles would not spend more money to hire more farmers. As a result, these countries had a large number of idle people.

In order to live, many people choose to be sailors or pirates and want to fight. After all, the navigation technology of this era is very dangerous every time they go to sea.

But even so, there are still a large number of people who cannot be resettled, which has become a hidden danger to urban stability. After discovering this, Su Lun ordered deepwater city to go to those places to publicize immigration in a planned way.

Those who are willing to immigrate to Beifeng principality will get ten mu of farmland as long as they work for Beifeng principality for three years. In addition to these ten mu of farmland, the government will build a house for them, and they also have the right to open up 50 mu of wasteland. The farmland obtained by opening up wasteland will be exempted from tax for three years and only half for five years.

As for why Suellen didn't offer better conditions, it's because the conditions you gave were so good that others didn't believe you and would only think you were a liar. He said that as long as he left, he would give you 50 mu of land, give you a house and give you tax exemption. Then get on board, leave the port and sell these people as slaves.

This kind of thing has happened many times before. The ship is not as good as the land. When they get on the ship, they say forget it. At the beginning, many slave merchants used this deceptive way to get rich. At the beginning, the immigration ships of deepwater city offered good conditions when they came to the southern waters to recruit immigrants, but few came to sign up, and many people didn't come at all after signing up.

After seeing this situation, the immigration officials in deepwater city were also full of fog, and even improved the immigration conditions again, but the result was that fewer people came

Immigration officials who do not understand the situation finally find some people familiar with the situation as consultants, and then with the help of these people, they reduce the immigration standards, which is the success of immigration.

Now the immigration officials of the deep-water city go further. They now cooperate with the nobles in the southern sea cities. These nobles are basically powerful nobles in the local area. For these nobles, the large number of refugees in the city is a factor of instability, and they are deeply welcome for these deep-water cities to accept these refugees.

At the same time, officials of deepwater city also said that they could exchange white sugar, toilet paper and rum. As soon as they heard that they could exchange these popular commodities with refugees who are useless and even affect social stability, the nobles went crazy and directly sent troops to catch people in the territory.

The immigration channel of deepwater city is busy rapidly. At most, 16 ships are transported to the post in one day. About 400 people are loaded on the ship every day, and 6000 or 7000 immigrants are transported in just one day.

With the deepening of this cooperation, the number of immigrants is also increasing rapidly. On average, there are 120000 or 130000 immigrants in a month in deepwater city.

After arriving at the deep-water City, some of these people stayed in the deep-water port to support the construction here, and the rest were sent to the north town of Zhenbei City, which was then assigned to Jinghu city and new town.

The arrival of a large number of people has also put pressure on the north city of Zhenbei. All kinds of living materials are consumed rapidly. The most important thing is food. Fortunately, sulun has always been very interested in food. The north city of Zhenbei stores a large amount of food every year.

It is also because of these grains in hand that Su Lun dares to immigrate in such a large number. Because of the harvest altar in the North Town, the grain output is very high, of which two or three thousand kilograms of potatoes can be produced per mu. In the North Town, Su Lun has planted 500000 Mu of potatoes, and the output of potatoes alone is enough for one million people to eat for a year. Moreover, potatoes can be planted here in Beifeng principality for two seasons.

In addition, there are all kinds of cattle and mutton around Zhenbei city. It can be said that Zhenbei city has sufficient strength to feed these immigrants. As long as it survives the first year, the grain output in the north of the town will be higher and higher. Basically, there is no need to worry about insufficient food.

However, a large number of population migration has also brought many problems, such as insufficient housing construction and a serious shortage of grass-roots officials. Moreover, with the arrival of these new immigrants, the urban environment has begun to deteriorate. These immigrants have no health awareness at all, and it is common to urinate and defecate everywhere. It was originally trained by grass-roots officials.

However, the number of immigrants is too large, and the manpower in the north town is seriously insufficient. At the same time, many immigrants began to carry out various illegal and criminal activities while taking advantage of the shortage of manpower in the north city of the town.

Many of these immigrants used to be gangsters. After seeing the prosperity of Beifeng principality and no gangs, they were ecstatic. They quickly contacted their original friends to form gangs, and then divided the territory.

But they did not expect that Su Lun would pay so much attention to urban security. After finding that there were insufficient grass-roots officials, they immediately asked the army of Zhenbei city to join in to maintain order.