"The 206 day when I came to Longteng building Start final spraying and testing... "

After recording the video log, the camera shifts to the front of a set of silver exoskeleton armor with Lin Yu's body moving.

The whole set of armor is clear-cut, several circles larger than ordinary people. It is about two meters high. It does not have the thin and flowing line of iron man's war clothes, but it does not show any bloated. It seems to be a strong and strong man, giving people a feeling of strength and perseverance.

There are three engineering mechanical arms around the armor. Under the control of Lin Yu, the robot arms smoothly and smoothly spray the armor into bright black, which adds a ray of depth and cold to the strong exoskeleton armor. The red eye socket of the armor, which is similar to the tactical eyepiece, gives it a violent and cruel visual impact.

Then he slowly stepped onto a small platform with black exoskeleton armor.


The red eyes on the black armor blinked for a moment, and the armor, breastplate and leg armor automatically popped open.

Lin Yu leaned forward with his back to the armor, and his hands reached into the armor. The armor quickly closed in a fine "click" sound, and the originally raised armor fell down.


Red eyes light up and turn into scarlet.

"The assailant butcher is deployed and begins self inspection..."

"Energy reserve: 100%, the energy supply module operates normally."

"Powertrain test Normal. "

"Data detection and interaction testing Normal. "

The video switches to the view of battle armour, various detection data and virtual interactive panels emerge one by one, and the melodious and soothing background music gradually becomes high and exciting.


A satisfied and complicated sigh rings out. Lin Yu slowly raises his hand, slowly turns his hand over and looks at it. His five fingers gradually close together.

Click, click, click!

The armor on the arm makes a sound of movement, the five fingers move together forcefully, and the music comes to the climax.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

It seems to be familiar with the state of wearing armor, black armor slowly and heavily, step by step down the platform to the door of the laboratory, after a few steps quickly restored to fluency.

Lin Yu stopped for a moment and seemed to be making psychological preparations. A moment later, he raised his hand firmly and slowly to sweep away the debris blocking the door and opened the door.


When the metal gate opened, it was dark and dead, but this time he did not stop and stepped out, and the induction lights in the corridor gradually lit up with the sound of heavy footsteps.


Taking the elevator to the first floor in silence, the bloodstain in the hall has already dried up, the original human remains have disappeared, all around are covered with thick dust, and the outside of the building is more desolate and lonely.


There was a commotion in the grass outside the hall. Several familiar green skin human monsters came out. It seemed that they were attracted by the footsteps of Lin Yu and rushed into the building with strange cries.


With one punch, a green monster in front of him was directly punched through his chest, and his blood splashed directly onto the black armor, and then flowed into a trickle down the armored shell.

Dang Dang block!

One punch pierced the black armor of a green skin monster and stopped. The corpse of the green skin monster that had been pierced was hung on his arm armor. The claws and teeth of the other monsters also hit all parts of the armor one after another, but only a clanging sound was made, and the armor was intact.

"So You will bleed too ~ "

after a long pause, a deep and contented sigh came from the armor, followed by suppressed and ferocious laughter.


The black armor moved again, lifted his hand and swept it at will. At the same time, another green monster was hit by a train, smashing the wall of the hall and flying out.

This time, he did not stop, and wildly stretched out his thick palm to grasp the heads of the last two green skin monsters and collided with each other fiercely.


The two heads burst and the yellow and white objects were scattered and splashed.

To solve a few monsters, Lin Yu keeps walking, and after the fury, some bleak back is gone.

As soon as the picture turns, the old place revisits. Lin Yu is already standing on the street corner at the beginning of the video. Step by step, he steps into the mossy street. His step is as heavy as a bell and reverberates around.


On the way, one side of the wall suddenly smashed, a red figure rushed out.

"Sure enough, it's still here..."

Not surprised, but happy, murmured, and Lin Yu raised his clenched metal fist a little.

Dang! Boom!

At the same time, a metal roar and a huge sound from the leather hammer sounded at the same time. A red claw slapped on Lin Yu's chest, but the latter didn't move. Instead, a huge fist fell down, which directly made the red figure roll back and roll out, rolling on the street for several times before stopping.At this time, the red monster finally revealed the whole picture - a huge red haired wolf.

"Can tease the prey, can wait for a rabbit, you should have some wisdom?"

"Now it's your turn to howl and run, scum!"

Ferocious in the corner of the mouth hook a trace of arc, Lin Yu step by step toward the hair has been blown alert of the red wolf walked past.


The red wolf launched the attack again.

Lin Yu still does not dodge to bear, and then Raise your fist! Drop it!


The wolf flew out again.

Take the attack, raise the fist, drop

Take the attack, raise the fist, drop

"Come on! See who dies first

"Cry! Run away! Get out of the sewer and be a rat! You're going to die, too

The frenzied and frenzied laughter was like crying, accompanied by mechanical but equally violent metal punches again and again.

Finally, the red haired wolf was still afraid. Instead of rushing forward, he quickly turned his head and ran away. Lin Yu followed suit, and the roles of prey and Hunter were exchanged for the first time.

At this time, the video slowly came to an end.

"Hiss, it's so cool. I'm so excited about this counter attack!"

"This is the power of technology. The biggest difference between man and beast is that he can use tools."

"If you attack the butcher, you will be handsome and powerful! I feel that compared with the steel clothing, this is the mecha that men should open. "

"It's better than that, boss. It's really wearing exoskeletons. It's much better. I'm looking forward to the live broadcast."

"Emmm, yes, but That's fenril, right? It's really good to grab your pet and beat it like this. Can I just say you're fighting fake games

"It's a complete movie with high scores. It's so conscientious to be a video player."

In the black screen, some actors emerged one after another, and the barrage began to become active, chatting about their impressions and venting their blood and excitement.

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