"Come on! This way

Soon, the special forces, together with Wu Qiang, Zhou Bo and other awakened people also rushed to come. A group of people together hanged the bat group without any resistance, and soon strangled all the ghost bats.

"Brother Lin, the gun that you said helped me train Isn't it just that? "

Until Lieutenant Liu confirmed that there was no shadow bat in the vicinity. All the people had time to meet and talk. Wu Qiang led Zhou Bo to come over and took a glance at Lin Yu's empty hand. His face was full of fear.

Nima, was that a gun? You can't beat the Tema gun, can you?

Just now, the ghost bat was at least a real third-order creature, not to mention its defense and strength, at least it would not be worse. As a result, three or two guns were blown to death, and the light column soared into the sky like a meteor, which means that it can shoot satellites from the ground.

Fortunately, I didn't promise from my heart before. I used this to refine my body? He doesn't have enough to live.

"That was a special case of all-out explosion. I don't have any small power. You see, what I shot out is only steel needles, which will never die and leave any wounds."

Seeing Wu Qiang's face "I suspect you want to murder me," Lin Yu explains in silence. He takes out the light fighting gun blade from the tactical props bag and turns it in his hand twice.

"And then you can't take it out and mess up your internal organs, right? I'm afraid it's difficult to find someone to have an operation because of the quality of the goods. "

Zhou Bo ridiculed him.

Zhang Mao, Wang Kai and others also looked strange and focused on the gun in Lin Yu's hands.

It seems that it's true. Wu Qiang's body is too strong to be operated on. I'm afraid it's not easy for ordinary people to take out these steel needles. At least, they will suffer a great crime.

Think of dozens of small steel needles have been in the body disorderly stir feeling, everyone can not help a burst of cold.

"I didn't think about it, but it's for dimensional creatures. We're comrades in arms. I'm afraid I can't beat you with this thing."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes when he saw everyone's eyes.

"Yes, there's no moral need to deal with dimensional creatures."

At this time, Zhou Bo seemed to find that he had just said something out of time, so he hastened to answer.

"How can I listen like a hypocrite in a martial arts novel that you don't need to talk about the morality and morality of the world to deal with demons."

Zhang Maowen also joked.

They are not afraid of or can't avoid it because of the problem of gun blade. If we say that there are more bacteria, viruses, firearms, bombs and other poisonous things, light gun blades can only be regarded as pediatrics.

However, considering that this is to deal with dimensional creatures, they do not have to suffer for the enemy, and the people are also vaguely relieved.

Having been a hero anchor for so long, they are very familiar with the injuries of playing close combat. But when we think about the foreign body like steel needle swimming in the body, it is still instinctive and extremely uncomfortable.

"It seems Shall we play in two days

Just at this time, Wu Qiang suddenly came a sentence.




Originally, the atmosphere was more relaxed, because Wu Qiang's words made the smile on people's faces froze, and they couldn't smile any more.

The relevant departments are looking for men who are strong enough to survive in close combat. Let alone Wu Qiang, they are also faced with the dilemma of difficult operation. It's good to say that once the defense is broken, it's afraid that it will hurt to death if the defense is broken. The stronger self-healing ability may even lead to the growth of steel needle and flesh.

As for not breaking the defense Just think of the power of those guns, I always feel that it is not reliable to place hope on this point.

"Don't worry, I try not to use the light gun blade as far as possible, and it's an illusion anyway. I'm afraid it's a hair."

Lin Yu laughs and scolds.

"The problem is that you just had a few guns. I'm not sure if I don't use this. OK."

Wu Qiang turned his eyes and said: "ordinary shooters or long-range us can't bear the firepower to rush up and hammer to death. You pervert, but you still carry exoskeleton armor with you. The gun is also a special close combat weapon. I'm afraid that close combat is better than long-range."

"Yes, it is said that your equipment has always been ahead of a version known by the outside world. It seems that this is still a small one. Just now your guns are more than just a version, which is totally different from that in the audition. I'm afraid I have read all this information for nothing."

Zhou Bo also sighed helplessly.

At the thought of facing this kind of opponent in the provincial competition, these fierce men in close combat feel a little helpless. They can only be shelled at a long distance. They can hardly run to the front, and they will become more fierce soldiers than you. How can they fight.

"I can't help it. I can't give up."

Lin Yu shrugged helplessly, paused for a moment, then thought again and said with a smile: "but I'm afraid it's too late now, but if you want to strengthen your strength after the game, you can contact me. Maybe I can help you make a suit of equipment"Are you going to take these equipment away?"

Zhou Bo was stunned at his speech.

"I started a company. There's nothing I can't sell."

Lin Yu smiles.

He wanted to buy materials from the powerful teams in these cities. He could not have asked for this kind of thing. Otherwise, he would not have mentioned it.

It may be a bit troublesome to buy and sell directly to all people in a systematic way. It is necessary to take into account the relevant departments. However, it is not necessary to customize some equipment for acquaintances on a small scale.


Everyone's eyes brightened when they heard Lin Yu's words.

In fact, the relevant departments can also exchange points for equipment, but perhaps considering the stability factor or most of them are supplied to the army, there is no thermal weapon that ordinary people hold that can pose a strong threat. The rest of the equipment is very expensive. However, these abilities are different for them. In fact, it is not very practical if you can use them from the props division It would be great to discuss customization.

"It's true, of course."

Lin Yu nodded: "but don't think about the things I use myself. It's mixed with a lot of special materials such as dimensional creatures, which can't be produced in mass production. If you have materials, I can help you to make something. Of course, heat weapons and so on. This is rather annoying."

"Understand, we can't use guns if you do it."

Zhou Bo said with a smile: "by the way, are you collecting points or something? I just feel that I have more survivability than I have, and my positive combat power is not good enough. I just want to get some equipment to strengthen it. I can make preparations in advance after discussing it first."

"Dimensional biomaterials. As you know, I rely on equipment to support my combat power. As long as there are some dimensional biological bodies with special abilities, I am short of them. Anyway, if you kill them, they are also sold to the relevant departments. You might as well sell them to me or use them as equipment."

Lin Yu said with a smile.

"That's settled. I'll go to Changhai to look for you later."

"And me."

"Me too. Sign up in advance. Remember to do it for me first. I signed up first, and queue jumping has to be in the back."

For a moment, all the people present were very interested in signing up and were very enthusiastic. They became very close to Lin Yu.

It is human nature to ask for help from others, and to be polite to others.

After all, what the hero anchor does is to work hard. Even if there is a night watchman for the time being, it is not perfect. No one will think that his strength is high.

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