A tactical eyepiece has been a bit of a shock to all parties, but the launch is still going on.

"Well, let's move on to the next item."

After introducing the tactical eyepiece, Zhang Zhong turned his words and said with a smile: "the science and technology industry is booming these days, especially the exoskeleton of milijian's individual soldier in mass production."

"We do have mechanical exoskeletons. We must all know the Raiders and killers of the props division, let alone the performance. Unfortunately, this is too high-end. If we want to mass produce it, we really can't do anything about it, and it's not cost-effective. After all, the cost alone may be enough to arm several special forces..."

With Zhang Zhong's words, the mood of the public slightly calmed down because of the mass production of tactical eyepieces. There was also some commotion in the barrage of live broadcast.

"Listen to this, our country popularizes the exoskeleton not to play?"

"Isn't it? You know, don't say it. You can't admit it

"Jicao, sit down and sit down. Don't you know the nature of the bureau? Strategic blunder, don't disturb the overall plan. "

"Don't worry, there must be a turning point. It must be suppressed first and then raised. But the language art of our country, those shady and evil, must not be banana people or black spies."

"I'll translate for the Bureau: the props are too high-end, one is better than one hundred, disdaining to play low-end. Some people are worried, some are indignant, some are sad, some complain and complain that the moon is rounder in foreign countries, some are waiting for good plays, and each has his own mentality. In the small live studio, all kinds of people are concentrated, and the interpretation is incisive and incisive.

Of course, excluding some people who pretended not to understand or were confused by various emotions, more people actually understood the meaning of Zhang Zhong's words.

Sure enough, Zhang Zhong's words soon turned sharply: "but Although there is no mechanical exoskeleton, another kind of special exoskeleton has been equipped with special operation forces in various places for several months

With that, Zhang Zhong raised the small remote control and pressed it towards the back, and a video picture was switched on the screen again.

"Hello, everyone."

The video seems to be a non professional shooting by a person with a camera. First, a valiant beauty in military uniform greets the camera, and then the camera moves towards the front, all the way to the multi person dormitory similar to the training base, but the woman's voice is still saying.

"Recently, I heard that my little sister in uniform is very angry, isn't she? Shh, I'll take you to see our brave little sister

The beautiful woman in military uniform has a fresh and skilful voice. She holds the camera and enters the dormitory area, but she doesn't really go in. She whistles after standing in front of a row of dormitories.


A cry, the quiet dormitory area seems to be suddenly awakened, accompanied by a short commotion, 20 or 30 military women quickly ran out of the dormitory.

A large group of women, but not under the normal circumstances of the Yingying Yingyan Yan Yan, on the contrary, appears extremely solemn, quickly assembled into a neat queue.

I dare not say anything else. At least in terms of military discipline and quality, China has always been unable to criticize by all countries.

A large group of women in military uniform can not be said to be very good-looking, or even most of them have traces of wind and frost, but all with a unique heroic spirit.

"Wow, there are so many little sisters in military uniform. As expected, our little sister is pretty. It's so handsome. The camera sister is even more beautiful."

"666, bureau seat, your Sima Zhao's heart has been exposed. Is this a banana man who wants to lick a dog?"

"Support licking dogs! Look at our little sister, this is called Yingqi! It's just too low-key for me to say

"Emmm, although I feel a little bit inappropriate, but I like this domineering style, which has greatly affected our country."

The appearance of this scene made many people in the barrage extremely excited, even more excited than the announcement of mass production of tactical eyepiece. The words also revealed a little pride.

Although a few of them lick dogs, most of them are still normal. They also have a sense of national honor. Moreover, as in the face of small fresh meat and brain powder, many people have been unhappy with dog licking on a blog these days, and they even have to bend down.

(it's not made up by me. There was a similar event some time ago. Forget it. I'm afraid the beast won't mention it.)

"Liu Lan, come out and have a dragon Boxing Demonstration!"

"The rest of you, fight in real combat!"

Just when everyone thought it was a dog licking video, there was a change in the picture. It seems that the camera girl of the team leader ordered it.

Hector! Ha!

The next scene, the moment let everyone disordered in the wind, and even scared a shiver.

Twenty or thirty female soldiers were scattered in an orderly manner. Most of them directly started to fight with 1v1, with one fist and one foot. The sound of fist and foot collision and the holes that were trampled on the earth ground made people feel numb.

Then a short haired beauty named by the camera alone demonstrated a set of boxing techniques after the camera moved the camera to her body. Then there were demonstrations of strength and speed, such as climbing over obstacles at high speed, smashing solid bricks with one punch, kicking a small tree with one leg, and so on."Crouch, these little sisters are all awakeners?"

"Er, according to this situation, it should not be the awakening. Does our country really have the legendary martial arts? Chinese art? "

"I'm scared. It's over. It's all over."

"Where can I find such a little sister? I've got a good sense of security ~"

"married + 1"

" Upstairs, aren't you afraid of a little punch on your chest? "

In the barrage, some were frightened and some were excited, but fortunately, the awakened people appeared, and the performance of these female soldiers was not out of line. It was easy for people to accept.

At the end of the video, Zhang Zhong's voice sounded again: "dragon boxing, a set of special fighting skills developed by China's special research group in combination with traditional martial arts, can control the muscles of the whole body, greatly improve the five senses and the flexibility of the explosive force of the body. With the upper physical training, it will not be inferior to some awakened body type awakeners, and some outstanding people will break out temporarily The force can reach at least half a ton or more. "

Zhang Zhong once said this, immediately set off a boiling again.

But in terms of performance, compared with the awakened people, maybe these young ladies are not surprising, but it would be frightening to say that these people are not awakened people, and they are still trained.

"A ton? Fighting skills? Is NIMA a a martial art? Don't try to fool me

"Bureau seat, you're not authentic. It's obviously the traditional Chinese art in the legend. You're fooling your own people?"

"Since it's martial arts, does it mean that everyone can practice it? Hiss, I remember. It seems that many anchors have gone to special training some time ago, is that it? "

The audience belonging to China are very excited, especially for those who are a little older. Nowadays, young people see many kinds of fantasies, but some of the older generation have a martial arts dream. How can they not be excited when they see that they really have martial arts skills.

Of course, audiences outside China can't get excited.

Watfax? Do you really want to kill you?

Can you get a ton of punch power by practicing a set of boxing techniques? Tyson doesn't even have that number, okay!

Lao Mi's face is even worse, and there is almost no frying pan.

We should know that the strength of their individual exoskeleton is only more than 100 kg. Although it is a pure mechanical driving force, it can increase by several times to nearly half a ton in theory. However, the mechanical structure of the exoskeleton of the individual soldier is relatively rough. Its flexibility is incomparable with the Arm Armor developed by the human body or props division. In fact, it can't play a perfect role to form such a great lethality Two or three hundred kilos are good.

However, China's demolition can achieve half a ton or even a ton of strength. It is still a human body. Flexibility and adaptability are definitely far beyond the mechanical exoskeleton. This is simply a thorough crushing of performance. With the combination of dragon boxing and tactical eyeglasses, I am afraid that all Chinese troops will become super soldiers in the future, and the population base is still terrible.

"Calm down, calm down. They all said that it is necessary to take a long time to train since it is a skill. In terms of popularity, these soldiers who practice boxing are not as good as our individual exoskeletons."

"Yes, and don't forget that our individual combat system also has flying skateboards, which have air supremacy and high-speed mobility. The air force in modern warfare is the king."

Soon, some members of the staff analysis committee spoke, which calmed people down.

"These Chinese people are really cunning. They only talk about their strong points and hide all their weaknesses."

Some people are relieved.

Unfortunately, the relevant departments were specially prepared to blow up some faces this time. Just at this time, Zhang Zhongjing, who was on the scene of the press conference, waited for a moment, and then continued to speak after the video was completely finished.

"Of course, we just talked about exoskeletons. Let's get back to business."

Zhang Zhong continued: "although the effect of Longquan is ideal, it is not without disadvantages. It can be divided into three levels: bright strength, dark strength, and transforming strength. It represents different degrees of control over the body. Each stage requires extremely long training time. However, here we need to thank Mr. Lin Yu and Longteng technology again..."

With that, Zhang Zhong raised his hand again and pressed the remote control to switch to another video.

The video shows a floating model of a black tights with tactical vest and some text introduction listed on the left.

"This is the Longquan battle suit. It is a set of special combat clothing developed by Chinese experts led by Mr. Lin and Longquan. The unique electrical stimulation technology can perfectly help control all muscles of the human body to achieve the effect similar to dragon boxing. Based on its own constitution, it can produce stronger strength. At the same time, the material used also has a certain degree of bulletproof and stab proof effect It's a growing exoskeleton armor for the trained special forces, and it's an excellent accessory for the awakened

Zhang Zhong said: "in addition, in essence, the Longquan battle suit is just a suit of clothing. Therefore, it has the flexibility that normal mechanical exoskeleton is difficult to achieve, and the operation is hardly difficult. Its core components are only some chips and electric shock devices. The cost is very low. Compared with some excellent bullet proof clothes, it is not much worse than now, and it has begun to grow Mass production and popularization troops... "With Zhang Zhong's orderly introduction, not only the audience across the screen, but also the reporters in charge of the on-site interview and broadcasting were unable to sit still. They began to venture to interrupt and ask various questions.

In the live broadcasting room:

"sleeping trough! Sure enough, the props are praised by the props

"What else can I say besides the big guy's criticism?"

"I drop a day, dragon set technology, what kind of immortal company is this? Black technology is emerging in endlessly. What kind of individual combat system is dragon boxing uniform? It's just scum."

"Yes, completely. If the props division used to only attract me with equipment and strength, now I really do. Tactical eyepiece and dragon boxing uniform are all black technology that can improve national strength in the future!"


In the live broadcast room, the barrage of bullets is springing up in the sky. However, what countries are paying attention to this China press conference is falling into a dead silence.

Originally, I just wanted to fry some fish to keep food and clothing, but unexpectedly, a big shark came out. Even in their eyes, this big shark was premeditated for a long time. It was more than a cry without tears.

It can be expected that the next period of time, the international news will usher in a big earthquake, and the props Teacher Lin Yu these five words will ring throughout the world!

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