"Can we say it now? Where's the freak? "

After apologizing, Lin Yu asked.

"Remember what happened to us two days ago? That day, I just came back from a special mission. "

The mandala didn't sell the point, and said directly: "the length of the mountain behind the camp is very exaggerated. I even suspect that it spans the whole continent where we are. I took Yongjia people deep into the mountains. As a result, they met the revolting metabiotics, and they escaped after dying. As a result, when they came out, they ran into iron backed bears and were chased all the way."

"You mean there are monsters deep in the mountains?"

Lin Yu is very interested in a laugh.

Mandala nodded: "yes."

"So in fact, your mission has not been completed. Antarctica asked you to find foreign aid or allowed you to find foreign aid. You plan to cooperate with me, and then the deformation monster will be mine?"

Lin Yu has a funny smile.


Mandala subconsciously will nod, but then suddenly suddenly surprised, surprised and uncertain way: "how do you know?"

"Last time you said that you signed a confidentiality agreement. When you mentioned these things, you were vague. In addition, the so-called task just replaced by a special task. This proves that you are still a bit prudent in this respect. Subconsciously, you should avoid disclosing it. If you just said no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders: "but now he takes the initiative to mention these things to me, and takes out the deformed monster as a chip. Isn't it obvious?"

Brain strengthening and thinking variation are really some children's tricks for him, especially his thinking is affected by reading power information, and he can't control himself. He looks at everything as if several people with different personalities are looking at the same thing, and one of them is in line with the reality.

"Lin Xueba It really deserves the reputation. "

Datura took a deep look at Lin Yu, then wryly laughed and said, "it's almost like this, but this time the mission has changed, and the destination is still the same, so it was handed over to me again. Fortunately, Antarctica allows us to find foreign aid, otherwise I won't break the mission if I kill you."

She meant to repay her kindness, so she would immediately come to her door when she heard that the props Division also offered a reward for the deformed monster in the thunder base. After all, she found the deformed monster, and Antarctica did not say anything to save her life.

However, there is no meaning of pulling several powerful foreign aid. No one knows the danger there better than she who has faced the riot. If she still takes Shao Yongjia and other people in, she really has no confidence that she can survive from it. What's more, this mission is much more dangerous than the last time, and they are all going to die.

"When do you start? Who else but me

Lin Yu asked directly.

"Did you agree?"

After hearing the speech, Mandala breathed a sigh of relief and said, "the sooner the better, the sooner it will change. I plan to start tomorrow morning, but if you still have something else, you can deal with it first. This time I didn't call too many people. In addition to you, there is only a troop of mercenaries with good strength in Baishou camp."

"I do have something else to do. Well, how about leaving in two days?"

Lin Yu has a slight jaw.

"Ha ha, no problem. This time I hope to hold your thigh of Lin Xueba, and have a good cooperation."

Datura smiles and reaches out his hand.

Lin Yu also reached out and shook her, but it was just a touch to put it away, and the mandala quickly left their home contentedly.

"Are you going into the mountains with them?"

Zhao Xiaolu didn't cut in when they were talking about business. Until Datura left, he did it on Lin Yu's legs, and said with a bit of coquetry: "I'm going to go too."

Obviously, she also noticed that Lin Yu just said "I" instead of "we". I'm afraid she didn't intend to take them.

"Didn't you hear from Mandala that there was a dimensional biological riot? It's too dangerous. "

Lin Yu shook his head: "and I will use these two days to drive out the design drawings of the mobile hotel. I need you and Wei Wuji to go out and inform Zhou manyun to prepare and receive materials. When I come back, I will directly start to transport materials from the outside in a large scale. If no one is watching, I'm afraid someone will make trouble."

"It's up to my father and uncle Lin to receive the materials."

Zhao Xiaolu frowned and said: "as for the danger, it's not dangerous here. I'm not inferior to you now. In terms of group warfare, you can't even compare with me. Since it's a riot, the number of secondary creatures is certainly very large."

"I'm not as good as you in group warfare?"

Lin Yu is happy.

Hey, I'm so grumpy. I haven't been abusive for three days. Do you want to go to the house and uncover the tiles?

"Just a little bit. I have a super electromagnetic gun bombing matrix, and I can directly control high-voltage electricity. How about you? Do you depend on six kinds of stupid cutting? "

Zhao Xiaolu waved his small fist and spit out a slight contempt.

"Oh, look."Lin Yu pushed Zhao Xiaolu to his feet. He took out the big man's standard tough guy cigar and took it in his mouth. Then a big and exaggerated Gatling appeared in his hand: "thirty six metal storms, one million shots per minute. Do you want to talk about group warfare?"


Zhao Xiaolu's words are blocked for a moment, but his thinking can exceed the frequency. In a flash, he reacts: "what's the use of shooting fast? It's certainly very low in power. Its lethality to dimensional creatures can be compared with that of super electromagnetic gun?"

Lin's words can't deceive her, but it's not necessary for Lin to lie.

With such a terrible increase in firing speed, it is inevitable that the power will be weakened.

However, Lin Yu is not only equipped with this equipment. The single bullet power of metal storm is relatively low. What's more, it just complements the six styles.

"You don't forget that my type six has a turret mode. Every bullet in a metal storm accelerated by a magnetic field is an electromagnetic gun."

Lin Yushan holds the metal storm in his hand and takes out the six style combination sword. He laughs.


Zhao Xiaolu has nothing to say.

Lin Yu looks up at the ceiling. Alas, life is lonely like snow. The life on the wall is so boring and boring.

"In short, I just want to go. More people can always be more safe. Don't leave me behind."

Zhao Xiaolu played a rascal.

Mountain sea world is not like the earth, there is no night watchman, once in danger, it is really dead.

She has been working hard to develop her powers, to knock on professional books that she had been sleepy to improve herself, so that she could no longer be powerless in a critical moment, no longer need to hide behind others, and stand side by side with Lin Yu, instead of living in a safe rear.

"Well, I can't help you, but you must listen to me then. I'll run as soon as I tell you to run."

Lin Yu saw Zhao Xiaolu's strong expression and even seemed to have a little watery in his eyes, so he sighed and did not refuse.

Bat wing skateboard carrying more than a small girl or no impact, big deal when the time to run directly.

"Hee hee, that's right. Don't worry. When people arrive, they will follow suit. If you let me go east, I won't go west. If I catch a dog, I'll never drive a chicken."

Hearing the speech, Zhao Xiaolu immediately turned to be happy and clapped his chest with a smile.

"Go and go, who will follow your husband's advice and go along with you."

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