The mountains near the beast camp are mostly barren mountains with only weeds and bushes. Therefore, all the way to the forest language people are very calm, and even the dimensional creatures have not met.

However, after crossing the two mountains, the surrounding vegetation gradually became more and more dense. The original landscape of the place without human foot was well preserved. Giant trees that had been growing for many years could be seen everywhere. The dense branches and leaves covered the sky, and the air around became sultry.

Sand, sand, sand, sand, singing and bird singing are endless in the mountain forest, but in addition, some are quiet and lonely, and the loudest sound in the ears is the rustling sound of feet treading on the thick and rotten leaves.

"It's too dark in the woods. It's getting dark. Dimensional creatures are as active as wild animals at night. Let's camp here."

After crossing the four mountains, seeing that the light around it was getting dimmer, the mandala stopped the procession and stopped in the valley with sparse vegetation.

A group of people took out their tents to set up a camp. The mercenary team also divided several people around to pick up dead branches and raise a campfire. The skilled appearance is worthy of the word "professional".

Lin Yu's side is a little bit eye-catching. Just listening to the clatter, a large number of miscellaneous items emerge out of thin air and pile into hills, pots and pans, quilts, tents, and even a small gas stove, which makes people think that they are here for a picnic.

"Why do you even have this with you?"

Even Zhao Xiaolu couldn't see it any more, and he couldn't speak a word.

"I have to ask your aunt Jiang. You think I want to take it."

Lin Yu rolled his eyes in anger.

It's only a routine operation for my mother to pack the suitcase full when I'm away from home. It's just that his suitcase is a little big.

"Brother Lin, you are Space backpack? "

Feilong and others look at the scattered objects like a hill, and their mouth twitches, but they are surprised and envious of Lin Yu's backpack.

Storage space, no matter where it is placed, is an excellent auxiliary item. For those people who often have to slosh and fight at night, it is also the artifact of artifact.

It's a pity that space materials are extremely rare, and few of them can make use of, or understand the use of Earth Science and technology. There may not be a big force like the beast camp, let alone those who work hard.

"Well, I was lucky. I met an empty kangaroo when I took the task."

Lin Yu nods, and then helps Zhao Xiaolu set up the tent and clean up his belongings. However, the latter soon pushes him away. He squats on the ground alone, pouts his small buttocks, and soon sets up the tent, small gas stove and so on. It's really like a good wife and good mother.

"Hey, hey, I'll go around and see if I can get some prey to mix with the heat."

Yingci may also be a bit of a foodie. She takes a look at Lin Yu's pots and pans and takes the initiative to take over the task of hunting.

"Let's go together and have some help."

Zhao Xiaolu takes all the things in the past, and Lin Yu, who has nothing to do, also gets up to keep up with shadow thorn.

Shanhaijie is a place where the day is fast and dark. It is only after the people have settled down for a short time, the sky is completely dark. There may be a little light in the outside world, but in the dense forest, there is a sense that one can't see five fingers.

Fortunately, both of them were well-equipped, and even the shadow stab would not lack a flashlight in their hands. Therefore, they could walk all the way without any hindrance. They followed the roar of animals and the sound of various footsteps that had gradually become lively to find their prey.

"Brother Lin?"

But when walking, the shadow stab's state was not right. From time to time, she looked back at Lin Yu, and her expression became very nervous and wanted to stop talking.

After a while, he finally couldn't help it and said, "brother Lin, how can you walk like a ghost? Can you go ahead? Or we can talk, or I always feel fluffy in my heart. "

Too much penetration.

He heard only one man's footsteps.

He didn't pay attention to it when a group of people acted in broad daylight, but now they are alone, and he finally finds the strangeness of Lin Yu.

Obviously, there was no footstep, no breath or even sixth sense.

If you don't have the sound of footsteps, you can't even breathe. You can't feel your sixth sense. It's too weird.

Ordinary people, even ordinary people, have a little premonition when they are followed by individuals or someone looking at themselves behind their backs, but now they can't feel it if they don't look back.

You should know that he is an awakener with five senses, and his own ability has a good improvement on perception. He should not be unable to feel it.

The dark and lonely environment makes the thinking spread out involuntarily. He can't help but think less. The more he associates, the more he gets angry.

“…… Aren't you the awakened one? Still afraid of ghosts? "

Seeing such a middle-aged man's appearance from his heart, Lin Yu was speechless, but still walked a few steps to the front of the shadow stab."Whoever stipulates that the awakened cannot be afraid of ghosts. I am an awakened one, not a monk or Taoist."

Being able to see Lin Yu's back and talking to each other, yingci finally felt quite relieved this time. When he had no words to talk about, he kept staring at Lin Yu's back, as if he was afraid that he would disappear or move to his back with a whoosh.

After a while

"What, brother Lin, let's go back, OK?"

After walking with Lin Yu for a moment, yingci suddenly has some advice.

After a while of observation, he really determined one thing.

In front of Lin Yu, there is no footstep sound, no breath sound, and it is not a shadow concealing step skill or controlling breath, but a real feeling.

"What's the matter? Brother, you might as well change your nickname to assassin from the heart. "

Lin Yu couldn't help but turn his head: "this is the effect of this coat on me. I can also guest act as an assassin."

"No, I just think it's too far away from the team. It's easy to have an accident at night."

Shadow thorn clumsy cover up, the heart is very pathetic.

From my heart? Am I from the heart? We face the dimensional creatures are not changed, OK, clearly you are frightening people.

Return coat effect, believe you have ghost, cos assassin creed can have assassin ability, besides you don't bully me, the game play less, the protagonist of assassin creed is crazy soldier with Assassin's name.

"We're close to where the sound comes from. Catch one and go back, OK?"

Lin Yu is helpless.

"All right, all right. That's up to you."

What else can shadow stab do? Of course, it's from the heart.

Forced to bear the creeps, shadow thorn followed Lin Yu for another distance. With the sound of the gun, he finally killed a leopard like dimensional creature.

At the moment of hitting the prey, the shadow stab suddenly burst out with infinite vitality. It is just like taking part in a race walking race that it is not running but walking.

The moment when the fire in the camp in the mountain depression caught his eyes, he was so excited that he ran to the fat dragon with the leopard on his shoulder.

"Big fat dragon, I believe Lin Yu is an assassin. He is not a human being..."

The murmur of murmur was faintly heard, as if seeking comfort and embracing. (don't think about it) , the fastest update of the webnovel!