More than a month passed quickly.

For more than a month, No.6 mountain and sea boundary was calm, the four camps were under construction and development, the awakened people were taking risks to fight against monsters, training and doing tasks, and everything was in order.

Thanks to this stable environment, Lin Yu is not listening to things outside the window, and is comfortable building his own mobile hotel.

The temporary residence where the mobile hotel is located is basically undisturbed. At the beginning of transporting materials and preparing to start construction, it also attracted some peeps from the four major camp forces, but now they have forgotten the threat free Linyu and Longteng technology.

However, the official side is confused by Lin Yu's delay and inaction. The thunder War Regiment has sent people to ask whether they have selected a good place to need support or not. There are both overt and covert urges.

In fact, if someone comes here now, they will find that a huge "building" has sprung up here.

[small mobile hotel]

[grade] lv0: 05000w

[introduction]: a mobile Hotel, driven by cold nuclear fusion reactor, adopts crawler and mechanical foot hybrid movement, equipped with electromagnetic gun, metal storm rapid fire gun and other defense weapons, and has a variety of smart home appliances.

Evaluation: do you call it a hotel?

this is the property panel of the mobile hotel. Although there are still some internal adjustments and tests to be done, it is basically ready to be completed.

The demand for basic upgrading alone has reached 50 million, but this is actually caused by its huge volume. There are many alternative materials for mobile hotels, such as metal minerals, building materials, etc., which can be used in plural forms. Therefore, the first level can still be expected.

Even if it is not upgraded, the mobile hotel at this time can be called a magnificent and ferocious fortress.

"I can't imagine it was made out of our hands."

Wei Wuji and others stood beside and looked up at this special building. Even though they were personally involved in the construction during this period of time, they couldn't believe it, as if they were in a dream.

Majestic, spectacular and shocking, this is definitely the only feeling after seeing the mobile hotel for the first time.

The mobile hotel is built of pure metal. It looks like a kind of spire castle. It runs like a crab. It has a side of more than 60 meters wide as its front. In the center is a slightly larger spire building. The two sides are close to the two small ones. These spires can be folded and contracted, so the actual height is far beyond five meters.

The most prominent feature of the central building on the front is a driving platform, which is similar to a balcony, protruding in mid air and covered with hemispherical high-strength glass. Standing on the platform, you can have a panoramic view of the scene ahead, and various control buttons and levers are densely distributed among them.

Then there are windows one by one, and there are some electromagnetic guns and metal storms all over the outer walls of the small buildings on both sides, which are like honeycomb like jets. However, these are usually hidden in the outer walls, so you can't see anything from the outside.

These electromagnetic guns and metal storms in mobile hotels are limited by technical materials. Of course, they can not compare with the original ones. However, under the power supply of large-scale cold nuclear fusion reactors, they are still big killers. Even if they are a little bulky, they are covered with armor grade metal walls. It is not too much to call them mobile fortresses.

"Let's go in and experience what we've achieved."

Lin Yu also stopped and looked up for a long time before the mobile Hotel, calmed down the shock of his heart and inexplicable pride, then laughed and invited everyone to go to the hotel.

There are not all castles on the chassis of the mobile Hotel, but a small distance is set aside around the hotel. The guardrail is enclosed. It is similar to the meaning of splint. In front of the huge open and close gate facing the central castle, there are retractable steps connecting the corridor, which just goes straight into the hall of the central castle.

After entering the hall, the overall layout is somewhat similar to that of the hotel. On the right side is the camp reception platform and self-service touch screen, and then a little deeper inside. In front of the hall are stairs on the second floor, and on both sides are corridors, leading to the guest rooms on both sides of the first floor. Although it is a large two small three buildings from the outside, the interior is connected.

Of course, the interior layout of the mobile hotel is just similar to that of the hotel. In fact, the decoration style is completely different. A large number of metal structures and pale blue walls hide lights. It seems that you are in the space warship, as if you step into the world of science fiction movies.

"Wow, are we going to live here in the future? I don't even want to go out. "

"Brother Yu, can I have a room for a long time? I must choose a big one. I don't plan to buy a house in the future. I'll stay here for a long time."

Fan Lei's people are small and weak, so they have less time to come to the construction site. They are basically staying at the rented houses in the Baishou camp. At this time, when he saw the cool scene inside, his eyes suddenly burst into light and exclaimed.

"Of course, I'll give you a fracture Oh, no, 50% off. "

Lin Yu laughs when he hears the speech.

"You just said fracture, didn't you? Sister Lu, you see, brother Yu has begun to reveal the essence of treacherous merchants. "Fan Lei went to the boss's wife to complain.

Who knows Zhao Xiaolu is also smiling: "play 50% is really too much, we are teammates, should hit the whole body fracture just right."

The party chatted and laughed, and strolled on the first floor.

"There is also a shortage of service personnel, but we can refer to Jack Ma's unmanned Hotel, and let the company order a batch of robots to come to make up for it."

After a tour, Lin Yu thinks about the shortcomings and asks Xiao Ke to record them. Then the party goes upstairs to the second floor.

On both sides of the second floor, there are corridors leading to the guest rooms. However, the part facing the stairway is not open to the public. Inside is the cab. There is a heavy door at the entrance of the stairs to block peeping and entering.

But Lin Yu, the owner, wants to go in. Naturally, Lin Yu wants to communicate with Xiao Ke. The metal door is opened directly, and the people walk into the cab.

Part of the inner layer of the cab is the room on the central building, equipped with some auxiliary control console, rest sofa, bookcase and even beverage rack and other living facilities, and further forward is a semicircular platform suspended out of the air.

On the suspended platform is the main cab. Through the hemispherical glass reinforced with metal frame and decorative lines, you can have a panoramic view of the scene below and in front of you. Standing here, you will have a lofty feeling of climbing the five mountains and seeing the small mountains.

At this time, the mobile hotel is still parked in a remote corner of the grassland. Therefore, it is natural to see a scene of green wind blowing grass, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Well, there's a driver missing."

Lin Yu, who has been here several times, said he was used to it and made a summary calmly.

It is impossible for him to open the house without doing anything. Therefore, it is necessary to find a tool person to open the house.

"I will, I will! Brother Yu, I won't pack the room. Let me drive. I don't have to pay. I can stay here every day. "

Fan Lei raised his hands in excitement.

"You're not as high as the bridge, and you can drive it?"

Lin Yu couldn't laugh or cry.

As a matter of fact, he has a suitable candidate for the driver for a long time, but he is not in his company. If he wants to dig in, he doesn't know if it will take some time to go back to the earth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!