"Boss! Nuclear batteries and room temperature superconductivity we have come up with! "

In the afternoon of that day, Lin Yu came to the R & D Department of Longteng technology for a tour, and finally got a good news.

"Well done. I'll get you a weekly raise later."

Lin Yu glanced at the increasingly worried hairline of a group of researchers, and immediately waved his broad hand.

This is a meritorious official who took the place of his hair loss.

"Hehe, it's easy to say that the salary of our company is rich enough. How about taking a vacation for us, boss?"

The researcher who came to report to Lin Yu said with a smile.

This is Professor Li. His name is Liu Yaowen. Now he is the department head of the R & D Department of Longteng science and technology The price is that the hairline has been moved a full centimeter back.

Most of the time, the R & D Department of Longteng technology is studying some materials thrown by Lin Yu or some tedious and repetitive preliminary design drafts handed down by Lin Yu. Occasionally, they put forward some small projects. Therefore, they are not subdivided into multiple departments. To some extent, Liu Yaowen is the head of the R & D department.

"Holiday? That's not good. The salary is easy to discuss. There's no need to talk about holidays. "

Lin Yuyi resolutely refused, and then said: "you come just in time. If the relevant departments want the cold fusion reactor and metal storm weapon system, you are responsible for it. You can lead people to study the mass production plan and work out a suitable standard."

"Ah? Isn't that another overtime? "

Originally, Liu Yaowen wanted to put on a fake. He was so stupid that he could not help himself.

Why am I so cheap.

Knowing clearly that the boss of his family who can't see the end of the dragon must have something to do. He also comes to me with his butt bumping. It's not asking for baldness.

"I can't help it. If you insist on it, it's all for the country. If you think like this, you can reduce the sacrifice of more than ten people and work overtime for a period of time You get used to it. "

Lin Yu patted Liu Yaowen on the shoulder with great care and was relieved. His final speech turned abruptly and almost didn't let Liu Yaowen flash his old waist.

"Boss, you are not a human being. I'm not used to it for such a long time."

Liu Yaowen wanted to cry without tears.

To be honest, I have learned more from Longteng technology during this period than in the past ten years, and the salary is extremely generous, but there is only one thing that is not good, that is, there is no end to adding classes.

However, this overtime is not all the above requirements. After all, they are basically exposed to the cutting-edge technology and even black technology left behind by their own boss. What kind of nuclear battery room temperature superconducting exoskeleton can not be found by the outside world. They can study it as if the evil ghost in color meets the naked beauty, and for them, the scientific research workers can see all kinds of black hair from the boss How can science and technology bear it? If we don't think about one, two or three, we can't even sleep well. We can only call on friends to stay up late and explode liver.

Although the hairline is worrying, he is actually five or six years older than the boss in front of him, but standing together, he is almost ten or twenty years old, OK.

"That's because you don't have enough overtime."

Lin Yu laughs and says, "it's so decided." then he goes upstairs to his private laboratory.

has benefited from the momentum of the National Games. Recently, these two days have experienced rapid growth in all kinds of equipment experience, and metal storms are even approaching upgrading. In addition, the cosmetic mask has also gained enough experience of three levels.


took out the cosmetic mask and ordered an upgrade. The faint blue light shines only after dozens of seconds.

-- - --

[smart cosmetic mask - customized upgraded version]

[grade] LV3:14280100W

: a facial mask that can adjust facial muscles and contour, has been formed with a face record, and the face can be temporarily solidified and add new denaturation function. After a month's regulation of endocrine and tissue structure, it can be permanently changed. Sex change characteristics.

[evaluation]: the four magic arts - denaturation!


“…… What about playing with me

aimed at the eye property board and Lin Lin's mouth corner, and almost missed the new cosmetic mask.

Even though it needs to be controlled and enabled, the mask has become a bit dangerous. If it hadn't been for the words "four magic arts" in the evaluation, he might have really put it in the cold.

"Forget it, take it first. Three of the four magic arts have come out, and in the end there will be PS. if you can reach the level of p-chart, how can you make money?"

suddenly felt tired of the Lin language, the cosmetic mask back into the backpack, and then come up with the national reward of the awakening agent.

"Xiao Ke, be ready to wake up with strong stimulation and contact me every two seconds."

Lying on a sofa in the rest room of the top laboratory, Lin Yu gave a command. Then he took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and poured down the awakening potion.Last time, the process of almost schizophrenic metamorphosis has made him a little psychological shadow. This time, he really wants to fall into the state of incarnation of hundreds of millions. He is really not sure that he can get rid of it.

That's why he's not at home and the awakening potion. He doesn't want his parents to worry.

At this time, drinking the awakening potion is a bit of a gamble. If he can, he certainly doesn't want to take risks. However, he always has a sense of crisis in his heart. Compared with some risks, he can't stand standing still.

Even if the heart comforts oneself, the sky falls down to have the tall person to support, but ten thousand one even the tall person also cannot hold up?

Even He may be one of the tall men now, at least on the face of it. He is a national champion at least. He is the top one, not to mention the awakeners hidden by the government and some people.

The farther he went along this road, the more heavy the pressure in his heart.

"Yes, sir!"

"how are you, sir?"

"Do you need to contact medical staff, sir?"

Time passing by

Fortunately, this time, he didn't fall into the same state as last time, but his normal metabolism accelerated and his body temperature increased. His whole body became warm. He communicated with Xiao Ke for nearly half an hour. After confirming that there was no problem, Lin Yu fell into a deep sleep.

"Sir, sir, it's time to get up."

When it comes to the preset alarm time, Xiao Ke wakes up Lin Yu with her cute cry.

"Yawn, wake up, wake up."

Lin Yu yawned and rubbed his eyes, then felt his own change.

The body is not enhanced, and the speed of thinking and the five senses also feel little change.

"Can't it be ineffective? Is it that powers have new functions? "

Lin Yu's heart moved, casually took out a piece of equipment and opened the attribute board.

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