The words are divided into two parts.

Time retrogress a little bit, say again Lin language.

"It's easy to talk to smart people. It doesn't seem like I'm going to have to spend a lot of time talking to them."

Ma Tianci laughed, and there was no other movement between the waves. However, the zombie dogs that besieged Datura and Lin Yu retreated like tides. Then he raised his voice and said, "I agree to the conditions."

As he said this, he also walked down from the hillside, followed by a man and a woman, but his appearance was strange, neither Lin Yu nor Datura knew.

"Happy cooperation."

It seemed that he had just negotiated a business friendly. When Lin Yu and Datura approached the entrance of Tianmen Mountain, Ma Tianci held out his hand with a smile on his face.

"I hope so."

Datura doesn't give Ma Tianci any good face, but Lin Yu still reaches out and shakes Ma Tianci.

Although it is only a small gesture of ritual sense, it also makes the atmosphere of tension between the two sides reduced a lot.

"I've always been trustworthy."

Ma Tianci laughed and said, "let's take you to the mine."

With a man and a woman behind Ma Tianci, a group of five people went straight through the mouth of Tianmen cave and went deep.

Behind the cave entrance is an extremely long canyon. On both sides of the gorge are cliffs of nearly 90 degrees. On the top of the canyon are unevenly covered with wind erosion caves of large and small sizes. Even the whole part is in the shape of wavy lines, showing the power of nature's uncanny craftsmanship.

All the way into the canyon, the more forward, the lower the terrain. After walking for nearly 20 minutes, when I looked up at the sky again, it had become a white line, and everything around it was dark. Even if the eyesight of Yilin Yu and others could only barely see the scene of ten or twenty meters.

After walking for a few minutes, even the only light left on the top of my head was completely lost. Fortunately, there were more artificial traces. Every other section of the road, there was a groove for placing lights on the rock wall. After a long walk, it came to the end completely.

"Here it is."

It is not Ma Tianci that makes a sound, but Datura.

After all, she was chased and killed by the beasts camp before, but she still did not put down her vigilance against Ma Tianci. Maybe she was worried that there was still ambush, so she deliberately reminded her.

"Yes, the mine is ahead."

The two people who are not satisfied with the natural end of the cave smile.

After walking for such a long time, in fact, they are basically under the ground. The surroundings are dark and humid. After entering the natural cave, there is a shallow underground flow, and the internal path is even more extensive.

"These are T3 memory metal mines?"

Along one of the corridors inlaid with wall lamps, Lin Yu touches the gradually silvery gray wall and looks at Ma Tianci.

"The value of these comminution is not great. The T3 memory metal is special. Only after a whole ore is purified can it have extremely strong ductility and recovery characteristics. The melting point is about 3000 ℃, and the solidification can be completed by molding at 3500-360c."

Ma Tianci is very good as a "guide". After introducing the characteristics of memory metal, he turns the subject and says with a smile: "how about we make another deal?"

"What deal?"

Lin Yu is not sure.

Ma Tianci walked along the plain way: "according to the previous conditions, I can give you half of the memory metal mine, now I can give you the other half, but you have to pay according to the price."

"Would you be so kind?"

Lin Yu looks him up and down in surprise.

Pay? Memory metal is not something you can buy with money. Ma Tianci's so-called transaction can be understood if there are any additional conditions, but as long as you pay, it is no different from giving it away.

"Just give me back. In fact, I know those zombie dogs can't stop you."

Ma Tianci shook his head with a smile, and then said, "we Antarctica does not set foot in industry. In fact, keeping this thing is also selling money. Whether we sell it to you or Tianhe heavy industry, we will sell it. Moreover, since the information of memory metal is leaked, we can't stay in Antarctica. The official will find it sooner or later."

With that, he glanced at the mandala.

The technology industry specializes in memory metal. If Longteng technology is in the hands of a top armament supplier, such as Longteng technology, and Lin Yu's special status, the official may turn a blind eye to it. However, Antarctica can't keep it by itself, and it can't be used to keep it. The final result is not to sell it to make a profit.

"Not enough."

Lin Yu shook his head.

This is the reason, but on this basis, Ma Tianci can still make some demands, which can not be the reason why he is so generous.

"Just think of me as if I want to make a good relationship and have multiple allies. You are not the only intelligent person in the world. I was exposed to zombie virus much earlier than you."

Ma Tianci helped his glasses and laughed.

"How much do you know?"Hearing the speech, Lin Yu's eyes coagulate.

"I don't know anything. It's sealed too tightly."

After Ma Tianci finished speaking, he quickened his pace and stopped speaking. The atmosphere between them became silent.

"Sister man!"

Soon, Shao Yongjia and Qu Yun's voice sounded, and the mandala, which had heard their conversation, ran up in a hurry.

There is still a cave ahead. Shao Yongjia and Dong Quan are guarding the entrance of the cave. The interior is full of lights. However, it is not the human miners who are mining, but the huge pangolin that is similar to a rhinoceros.

"This is a secondary creature domesticated in the camp. I'll give you a instruction manual later. Of course, if you want to change to a robot, you can also..."

Ma Tianci is very indifferent to the performance of mandala and other people. The only focus is on Lin Yu, which he introduces.

However, before he finished his words, a man and a woman who had been following him suddenly said in one voice: "supervisor, someone came in, and the speed is very fast."


As soon as their words fell, the deafening roar suddenly resounded through the whole underground cave, like an arrow through the wind tunnel, and then through the refraction of the cave wall, it turned into a sharp roar like tide.


A man and a woman reflexively moved to Ma Tianci's front, but a gray shadow flashed by, and their bodies suddenly split apart. Ma Tianci was smashed alive and his small half of the body flew out.

So far, the speed of gray shadow has not slowed down.

His goal is - Lin Yu!


Seeing the sudden death of three people, Lin Yu's pupil shrinks suddenly. He has no time to wear the assassin, so he can only communicate with each other urgently.


venom's combat instinct is very keen. In fact, it doesn't need to be called by Lin. The black gel has already gone through a rapid rush to proliferate and Encore the body of Lin language. A large amount of gel in front of the body has built up a shield barrier, and a few sticks of spider silk sticking to the side of the hole have pulled their bodies out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!