"Fighting back and forth? Are we qualified to fight back and forth? "

As a matter of fact, the situation is even worse than Lin Yu imagined. Hearing the four words of "fighting back to back", Professor Li immediately closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the bench and said: "we call it phagocytic civilization. A large number of experts speculate that the other party should collect civilization memes, which are the consciousness and personality of all people in the micro level, and through a large number of stress tests at the macro level ……”

"That's why there are dimensional wormholes everywhere, and the so-called frontal battlefield?"

Lin Yu took a deep breath, and all the information gradually connected with Professor Li's words.

One civilization, one containing hundreds of millions of civilization memes.

At first, he did not understand how such a civilization could exist. After all, there are countless countries and countless disputes over ideas on the small earth, and the coexistence of hundreds of millions of civilizations with memes, it can be said that there will inevitably be ethnic integration or disintegration, so this kind of civilization does not exist in theory.

What's more, how to collect the memes of civilization is also a problem. The most important thing about memes is various concepts of consciousness. These things are difficult to record and express. For example, cultural differences between the East and the West. Unless we really live for a period of time and accept the subtle influences, no matter how we describe them, we can't record them, let alone express them A meme of an entire civilization.

But if all exist in the virtual space, if there are civilizations using electronic information technology to build a virtual space simulating the rules of reality, and then transfer the individual consciousness of each civilization completely, then all the problems are not problems.

In the virtual space, everything must be controlled and monitored by some kind of brain or system. Everything in the space can be changed and manipulated. As long as we hold the way of consciousness interfering with the outside world again, no matter how the internal civilization develops, all the knowledge and technology developed by them will be collected and turned into the civilization behind the scenes Details.

Hundreds of millions of different civilizations develop independently in separated virtual space, or exchange and help each other, or even intermittently raise poisonous insects to kill and ladder like ruling competition No matter what form this virtual space is in, as long as it can simulate the rules of reality, the civilization behind the scenes will become the combination and absolute ruler of hundreds of millions of advanced civilization. If we add the technology of consciousness acceleration, its civilization will be far beyond the limit of human imagination.

This kind of civilization is a monster that constantly devours the growth of other civilizations. If a set of competitive governance mode can be established, the civilization that creates virtual space behind the scenes, even if it doesn't do anything, will spread around itself, swallowing all available civilizations and resources.

Now it's clear that the giant's tentacles have spread to the earth.

As the converted Archbishop said, it is not the enemy of the earth, and has never been the enemy of the earth. Perhaps it is just a small civilization within it that has explored the existence of the earth, but the Devourer accidentally stepped on the earth this little ant on the way of his own growth and expansion.

Of course, it is very economical. It will not only trample to death, but also completely devour the little ant.

"Yes, many of the soldiers who knew the truth collapsed, and some simply changed their ideas and went to convert."

Professor Li's tone was painful, his breath became heavy, and his closed eyes turned red.

Temporary dimensional wormholes are just appetizers. In fact, there are still many stable wormholes on earth. In the face of alien civilization harassment troops, they can only rely on the battle groups to block them.

And it's not so much that they're blocking it, it's more that they're experimenting with them.

If they don't want to cover up the virtual space, it's enough for them to cover up the virtual space of the earth.

But they didn't.

What the Devourer wants is not only the consciousness data of all the people on the earth to reconstruct the earth civilization, but also to squeeze all the potential of the earth through various stress tests to test the evolution in the face of crisis.

But even if we understand this, what can the earth do?

However, the world is really likely to be destroyed by invading forces, at least in the city where the wormhole is located.

However, if it is blocked, it is completely filling a bottomless hole with the life of the battle group, and it has no significance. On the contrary, it will speed up the meme data collection process of the Devourer, and let the earth step into the abyss more quickly.

No matter what they do, it doesn't make any sense. Once the Devourer has collected all the data, the earth will face a global liquidation. Their heroic efforts will, to some extent, speed up the progress. This will make it possible for those members of the battle group who have sacrificed themselves to death countless times not to break down.


If the Devourer really cares about what conversion works, there won't be such a result. People have all kinds of attitudes. In the eyes of devourer civilization, conversion is only a part of the experiment. At most, it can barely make a better living when the collapse comes.

"Professor, is there nothing we can do about it? Is there anything I can do? "Lin Yu opened his mouth.

He would like to say some words that can help him to turn the tide. But in the face of this magnificent situation, his personal strength is so small.

Even if he upgraded his whole body to level 10 or level 8, he could not match such a terrible civilization. He didn't even know where to start when he wanted to struggle to death.

"Don't think about it. Try to develop your camp in the mountain and sea world and try to win a good place in the global awakening League."

Professor Li opened his eyes, sorted out his emotions and patted Lin Yu on the shoulder.

"The league?"

Lin Yu was stunned.

"The global awakening League is meant to give you young people fame and status."

"Take the whole world as the pool to raise hundreds of dragon, only wish to have the real dragon soar to the sky on the day of overturn, and protect the peace of one side."

Professor Li gets up and takes Xiaoke from Lin Yuhuai. He slowly lifts Xiaoke up and looks up at his complicated eyes as if he is staring at his own things.

For a moment, he put Xiaoke back into Lin Yu's arms: "Xiao can, you can take it back. If you don't have time, let your mother take care of it."

"Let my mother take Xiao Ke?"

Even before he could react to Professor Li's heroic words of "raising the dragon", he was glad to mention the external pillow. Lin Yu hesitated: "that Xiaoke's father..."

Li Xuewen's bearded daughter will allow him to take Xiaoke for a long time?

And if I really want to give it to my mother, I always feel very dangerous.

"You don't have to worry about this. I'll take care of it." With a big wave of his hand, Professor Li didn't give Lin Yu much room to explain. He left his granddaughter and ran away.

"How do I feel cheated?"

Lin Yu looked down at the little Lori in her arms. After thinking about it, she didn't seem to suffer any loss, so she gave up immediately.

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