"Arthur Campbell, I'm not afraid. I'm afraid of you?"

In the broadcast booth of the global league, with the voice of Vladimir, the picture of confrontation between the two and the fortress wall appeared in front of all the audience.

"Vladimir and the propsman again?"

"Are people in Maoxiong country so tough? Has just been killed by Arthur once and got into trouble with the propsman? "

"I don't think so. Vladimir's strength is not weak. Don't forget that the propsman suffered a secret loss on his hand not long ago. If he didn't meet Arthur, it would be so easy not to lose the second."

"Anyway, it must be a fierce battle."

Seeing the confrontation between Lin Yu in silver wing armor and Vladimir riding the mutant giant goblin, all the audience were excited.

There is no lack of fierce fighting scenes in the broadcasting room, but I don't know whether it is accidental or intentional by the league. The top strong teams that can be ranked in the front are scattered, and they are tacitly attacking the weak teams around them. There are relatively few temporary conflicts. The fight between the violent bears team Vladimir and the props division of the science and technology team can be said to be the most top-notch at present and can be expected to be inevitable It was the most fierce confrontation - Arthur Campbell and Vladimir just did not count, Arthur that is a monster, the whole time spent chasing people, after catching up with a sword and seconds, let them look forward to the exciting scene in vain excited.

"I don't need to scare you, just You die. "

In the screen of the broadcasting room, Lin Yu, who is half suspended in the air, does not talk much after feeling the rage from Vladimir. The silver wing armor disappears on the body surface, and the body loses its support and falls directly to the ground.

But then

Click, click, click!

Numerous metal parts poured out of thin air again. With the sound of intensive operation, another set of exoskeleton armor with a larger size was quickly assembled in mid air.

"Exoskeleton armor!"

"Attack the butcher! Oumaiga's is the assassin! The props are really serious

"Falk, our individual combat system is just a piece of shit. This is what the experts say is only a little better than the individual combat system?"

This is far beyond the real visual impact of all sci-fi movies, which makes all the audience excited.

The finals of the global awakening League is a global event without warm-up before the match. In addition to the storm of high-tech "small arms race" launched by various countries before, the reputation of assassins is not low. Even in terms of "well-known", the armored one is even more than Lin Yu himself.

The first set of real combat exoskeleton armor!

The high-tech war armour that can make ordinary people compete with the top awakeners!

forces countries to expose their secret projects, which in disguise causes a small arms race!

Although many people have rationally analyzed the armor before the match, it is only equivalent to the top six class body awakeners at most. Compared with some real monsters in this league, there is still some gap between them, but I can't stand his handsome!

There is a saying that good, strong is a version of the thing, handsome is a lifetime of things! Look at people's cool transformation. It's even more sci-fi than sci-fi film. Is this mechanical aesthetics comparable to that of those who only rely on muscle foolishness?

"Why, wait a minute. It seems that something is wrong. How can we attack the butcher differently from what I saw last time?"

"No? Did the propsman upgrade it in such a short time? "

In the process of cheering, some of the audience who are familiar with Lin Yu and the assassins noticed something wrong.

The body of the assailant butcher in front of us is obviously much larger than before. At least 2.5 meters tall is very oppressive. His broad and strong body is full of power like a hulk.

In addition to qualitative change, there are also quantitative changes in science and technology. Just looking at this shape change, at least the props division must have strengthened the power of the Raiders and obviously made a lot of preparations for the finals.

"Vladimir's physical fitness is also very strong, originally I was a little worried, this has a good show to watch, ha ha."

"That's not necessarily true. Don't forget the ability of the king of riding. The propsman was just killed. Arthur was caught off guard at first, and his mount was robbed."


The barrage in the broadcasting room was full of excitement and expectation.

The assailants did not fail to live up to expectations. They deployed on the way down. They crossed their fingers and clenched them into hammers. They smashed and fell with violent force.

"Hammer me to death? You are... "

When Vladimir, riding on the giant goblin, heard Lin Yu's speech that he was going to kill himself, he was driven by Lin Yu's speech of hammering himself. Driven by his anger and laughter, he jumped up to meet him fiercely. His posture was like a mechanical arm which was smashed down by a hard and hard attack on the butcher.

Most people who have a little knowledge of Vladimir are not surprised.

In fact, Vladimir is more like a knight than Arthur Campbell, who is known as the knight with lion heart. The ability of riding king is not only to tame and control the mount, but also to ride. Vladimir with mount and without mount are two concepts. As long as he is mounted, he can be perfectly mobilized like "man and horse" With the power of mount."Are you coming?"

"Who is more powerful?"


Under the breath of all the people, the assailant butcher from the sky collided with Vladimir.

However, as soon as his fist touched, Vladimir's face suddenly changed.

"This strength..."

As soon as he touched, he felt as if there was a mountain pressing down. Vladimir quickly gave up his intelligent idea of "hitting the fist" between the electric light and the flint. The strength on his fist was collected directly, and his body trembled rapidly at the same time, directing all the fist power from the mechanical arm of the rapist under him.


The giant goblin, which was originally riding on Vladimir's neck, burst suddenly. Countless blood fog and bone fragments exploded like a piece of shrapnel. Some ordinary Goblins who survived under the crow laser missile finally followed suit, and the rest scattered after losing the deterrent of the giant goblin.

If you press the button, you can get back to the point.

Vladimir is very experienced in fighting, and he has a strong national nerve, which is dangerous and dangerous. He still does not have any timidity. He instinctively jumps on the giant goblin before he dies and grabs the armor of the assassin.

His purpose is Neck!

Lin Yu, who still saw this move, reacted in an instant.

"At the same time, it's not only useless for the Saint warrior."

Although aware of Vladimir's intention, Lin Yu just cocked his mouth and let Vladimir turn over his shoulder.

And then


With the black luster of the metal mechanical palm backhand shot, a fresh body into meat mud, just like Kill a mosquito that bites itself.


There was a brief silence in the whole studio.

Of course, after all, the audience base is there. It is not true that there is no barrage. However, the barrage seen in the live broadcasting room is basically meaningless words of astonishment.

One punch, one slap, two moves to kill Vladimir!

Although it is not as good as Arthur Campbell's sword, the impact of this scene is more than that of the people who had expected this fierce and even battle.

What about a good fight? A slap to death, is that too exaggerated?

What is more difficult for people to accept and understand is that Vladimir has already turned over to the propsman's back. In principle, his ability should have worked. Why is the propsman completely unaffected?

"Is it because the propsman is wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, so Vladimir's ability can't be controlled?"

"How can it be? Riding ability directly controls the props division, and exoskeleton armor is controlled by props based on somatosensory interaction. As long as the ability works, the exoskeleton can't interfere, unless the action program of the interaction system is violated in advance Whoa, I think I found something? Did the propsman make a face-to-face approach to Vladimir? "

"666, it's so horrible. It's like a master!"

"Nonsense, it's iron man

There are so many versatile netizens that you can guess the reason for it.

It is true that the failure of riding ability of Vladimir is due to the assault on the butcher. However, it is not Lin Yu's presupposition of targeted response procedures in advance, but the interaction mechanism of raiding butchers.

After the last upgrade, the main interaction system of the Raider butcher has been changed to brainwave interaction, which is controlled by brainwave in most cases. This technology can not only bring about such things as arm and finger and tactile perception, but also reverse the process of somatosensory interaction, in which the body controls armor, and armor in turn drives the body.

Vladimir's ability to control the biological body, whether it is venom colonization or silver wing armor must be controlled, but after all, it can not interfere with consciousness. The brain wave interaction of the predator is its natural killer.

"It's a pity that the judgment temple is not on you, or you won't have to be disgusted by these strange abilities..."

After the end of the battle, Lin Yu remembers the judgment temple on Lin Jin, and realizes once again the value of this special equipment.

If we decide that the temple is in the body, we should spend all the rules and regulations, and all the ghosts and snakes are paper tigers.

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