"Two hundred? Do you want to be so poor? "

Lin Yu can't help crying and laughing at the prompt of the game system that pops up when he recovers the assassin's endless Arsenal.

Although there are no points for killing a rival competitor, it is equivalent to destroying all the fortresses it occupies after completely destroying a team. The occupying points of fortresses that have not been settled as team points will still be given as usual.

Unfortunately, this fierce bear team is obviously taking a predatory route. Almost all the points they have are looted team points. The fortress occupied in the early stage has already been destroyed by various teams. A good top ten team can not give more points than playing two unmanned fortresses.

But at least it's better than nothing.

"Next is Arthur Campbell. At least we have to send people away..."

Although the fierce bear team was defeated with only 200 points, it at least solved a serious problem.

On the side of his bed, he could not rest assured that a strong man like Vladimir wandered around his territory.

Of course, there is also Arthur Campbell, which is a greater threat than Vladimir, but also more troublesome. If there is a type III Raider and butcher, he can't predict the victory. If the rest of the science and technology team collides with it alone, it will be very difficult for the rest of the science and technology team to fight back.

But At present, it is possible to have a good fight between snipe and mussel, but he does not have to take the risk on his own.


Time came three days after the real fantasy of the finals.


Instead of returning to lakanish fortress, he contacted Lin Jin, who was involved in the jungle mutual aid alliance, to take back the ruling Temple windbreaker, and then he turned back to the swamp area and quietly observed it in the area occupied by the God bless alliance.

Select the target, follow up like a paparazzi, record speech habits and social relations. All images and audio images are recorded and stored by the intelligent accessory brain with the help of Lin Yu's own visual system, and then analyzed and organized by Xiao Ke to establish a character database. In less than three days, a simple database of human and physical behaviors was established.

Of course, this rudimentary is only relative, but the time is too short to cover all the details. If you have one or two months to observe and record, it can be more detailed and perfect. Therefore, it is called "humble" by Lin Yu, and it has been very perfect in fact.

This time, although he intends to use Lin Jin's old skills again to join the divine protection alliance, Lin Yu's target is more radical - Batis, a member of the divine protection team.

In fact, it was not so much his radicalism as his unexpected joy. Originally, Lin Yu planned to select a small head of the divine protection alliance as the target of face changing. However, from the follow-up news, we can see that this member of the Shenyou team is really suitable.

The structure of Shenyou team is different from most teams in essence. Vatican has so many people, there is no need to hold any national games. The whole Shenyou team is completely determined. Its personnel are also allocated for the global finals. I don't know whether I learned some inside information in advance or what. Although there are several good positive combat capabilities in the team, they are actually in fact On the main or around the saint Angela to create a large-scale team battle lineup.

Batis is is such a humble and extremely important role. He is a middle-aged priest who was born in the church. His fighting ability is so low as to be ignored compared with the rest of the competitors in the finals. His ability to wake up is just to enhance his affinity. In short, it makes people look better.

However, this man is an old man. With the affinity ability, he is very good at communication and negotiation. He is mature and has rich experience. The external communication of Shenyou team is almost made by him. He can build the divine protection alliance in a short time. This person accounts for at least half of the credit.

Although Angela has great personality charm and command ability, she is still a little younger after all. It is not a problem to coordinate the overall situation, but she also has to rely on battis in many details and implementation, such as Communicate with all teams in the alliance.

In short, this is a "connecting link" figure in the divine protection alliance. If he can quietly replace his identity, Lin Yu can easily grasp the trend of the divine protection alliance, inherit Batis's network, and easily contact with most members of the divine protection alliance.

Such a comprehensive and connecting role, not to say how deep friendship can be generated with the rest of the Shenyou League in such a short period of time, but at least a little bit of intimacy and good will still exist. In addition, Angela's orders are basically given through him. Even if he has no friendship, he will give him a face in small matters. For Lin Yu who wants to get involved in things It's a perfect fit.

The most wonderful thing is that although the members of the Shenyou team are more protective of Batis, they can't follow him all the time. According to the news Lin Yu heard, when he formed the Shenyou League before, Batis was was killed once because of the collapse of negotiation with a certain team. There was no need to think of a way to consume his chance of resurrection.

Lin Yu could not miss such a perfect opportunity. He immediately changed his target without hesitation. After three days of observation and building a database, he finally saw a chance for Batis to stay alone and easily ended his life."Keke, Hello, my name is battis."

changed to the black priest's dress of the lady of bath. He had already coughed his throat with the easy language of the facial mask. His mouth gave out a steady and steady magnetic voice, and a faint smile of affinity appeared on his face.

In fact, the sound is very easy to solve. For now, he can easily make the hidden voice transformer. The intelligent glasses in his backpack that can be used for simultaneous translation have this part of hardware. The only trouble is to collect and adjust the sound line characteristic data. However, practicing Batis's iconic friendly smile has wasted a lot of effort.

"It's barely passable. If you don't pay attention to it, it should be OK."

After calling out the image data of Batis recorded in the intelligent Deputy brain, Lin Yu has a slight jaw head and sits and watches Batis's body dissipate due to no interference for a long time. Then he takes an orderly and steady step as if every step has been measured to return to the Shenyou station.

In fact, it is easy to see a person's character from people's daily behavior. Batis is is a very old-fashioned or didactic person. He likes to plan everything properly, even his pace is the same. These details are really thanks to Lin Jin's latent experience. It seems that dad is quite skillful in this aspect and has a talent.

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