The imperial capital of Yanzhou.

The news that Lou Mu's smoke was damaged in the extremely cold mountains was wildly spread by interested people. In addition, she did not appear for more than a month. The whole people of Yanzhou thought that she was dead.

Many political enemies of the Lou family are secretly watching jokes, but the Lou family has not hung up Bai Ling or announced the death of Lou Muyan in the past month, which makes them feel that the Lou family is deceiving themselves and others.

The Lou family's father and son are gloomy every time they go to court recently. Who points to being shelled immediately? Isn't this the reaction of their dead granddaughter / daughter?

On this day, the martial arts hall of the Imperial Palace was full of officials and some disciple families, as well as some students of Imperial College.

Today is a very important day. The entry list of the Tianling mainland storm competition is announced today. All the disciples of the younger generation have bright eyes. Even if they can't attend, they are looking forward to such a grand event.

The students who participated in the extreme cold mountain trial are waiting for it. If they can represent Yanzhou country to participate in the competition for hegemony on the mainland, they will not only have a bright face on the family's face, but also have unlimited opportunities.

As an emperor, yuntianchen naturally wants to express some praise and encouragement first.

"The Tianling mainland storm competition is held every 20 years. The competition will open in two months. This time, we Yanzhou country won six places. These..."

Yun Tianchen said a big deal, and finally said, "now the imperial master announces the six places to participate in the mainland storm competition."

Emperor Shi yuncang stood at the top with a serious face and announced the list of participants without nonsense.

"The people who went to the competition for hegemony in the mainland are Yunzi Mo, Yunlan, Fu Chen, Lou mubai, Chi Yixuan and Lou Muyan."


Everyone present was shocked. The five people in front went to the mainland storm competition. They thought they deserved it. But what's the matter with Lou Muyan?

How does a dead man compete? What's more, even if she's not dead, she's not a waste. Isn't it qualified to attend such a grand event?

"Emperor Shi, isn't Lou Muyan dead? Why is her name on the selection list?" an official stood up and asked under the sign of Gu Yuankai.

But before yuncang spoke, a strong palm wind swept from the temple door and fanned the official's face.


Before the crowd knew the situation, a clear and pleasant female voice sounded.

"Who said Miss Ben was dead?"

"The dog can't spit out ivory. It should be beaten!"

Then he saw a lavender dress, beautiful and dusty Lou Muyan and Yunlan walked into the Wu hall.

"You, you are presumptuous!" the official who was slapped by Lou Muyan's palm fan stood up with his face covered, stretched out his hand and pointed at her angrily.

Lou Muyan sneered: "if you don't put your paw away, Miss Ben will break it."

During this time, the Lou family has always been very low-key. These desperate things often provoke. In particular, Gu Yuankai's dog needs to bark from time to time. She doesn't mind being arrogant and abandoning it.

"You arrogant child."

The official wanted to point to Lou Muyan and scold, but she was swept away by her cold and fierce eyes and unconsciously stopped. Her eyes showed resentment. She knelt down in front of Yun Tianchen and cried on the spot.

"Emperor! The old minister was slapped in the face by an ignorant baby in public. His face was lost. The old minister didn't live."

"Then you'll die." Lou Muyan spit out again.

The minister who was still crying choked and howled again: "it's going to be reversed, too."

Just as soon as his voice fell, Lou zhantian screwed up his collar and lost it in the hall, "it's too noisy!"

Their behavior made everyone here have to wipe their sweat and sigh. Their grandparents and grandchildren acted too overbearing and arrogant.

"Emperor, how can Lou Muyan's arrogant and domineering behavior qualify to participate in the Tianling mainland storm competition? Don't annoy those who can't provoke and bring infinite trouble to the Empire at that time." Gu Yuankai flashed his smile and respectfully stood up to advise Yun Tianchen.

Hearing his words, many people were also moved. Lou Muyan was really easy to offend people. Moreover, if she was pulled down, maybe her disciples could top the quota, so they agreed one after another.

Gu Yuankai kept a smile on his plump face, but his eyes were cold. The girl from the Lou family came back alive. He must not let her participate in the mainland storm competition.

Lou Muyan's sarcastic color on her lips did not hide, but looked at several people on the top. If they protect Gu Yuankai, don't expect her to come up with good things to subsidize.

The reason why she is so arrogant today is actually a temptation to the royal family. She is going to participate in the Tianling mainland storm competition. She doesn't want to help an empire that can't protect her family.

Naturally, Yun Tianchen also saw Lou Muyan's sarcastic expression. His heart thumped. The girl's temper is really big, but such arrogance is much better than the insidious cunning of Gu Yuankai's family.

"I'm not responsible for selecting the list of the Tianling mainland storm competition. If you have any problems, go directly to the emperor." Yun Tianchen smiled gently and immediately pushed it out.

Lou Muyan rolled his eyes. This uncle is really slippery, but as an emperor, he is really not as good as an emperor.

"Lou Muyan is the name list set by the Emperor himself. If you have any objection, go to the imperial Pavilion Hall." yuncang sneered and swept it. Several people who jumped out recorded it in his heart.

Naturally, he knew that imperial concubine Gu secretly poisoned the emperor. He hated the Gu family. If it hadn't been kept temporarily for some reason, the royal family would have copied the Gu family and dared to take the lead in shouting and causing trouble here. It's really a moth of the Empire.

"..." everyone didn't expect that Lou Muyan was the candidate set by the Emperor himself. The people who jumped and walked changed their faces several times and didn't dare to say anything.

Gu Yuankai's eyes are full of haze, but he is no longer multilingual. The old ancestor is a cruel lord who can't be refuted by anyone. It's not worth the loss if he destroys the whole plan for the girl Lou Muyan.

However, even if they dare not object, some people are not satisfied with the quota, especially the young generation who did not get the quota. Many feel that Lou Muyan has always got the quota by relying on his family background, which is extremely sour.

Lou Muyan took a panoramic view of these people's eyes and opened his mouth: "I know that some people don't accept that I was selected to participate in the Tianling mainland storm competition. I don't want the Lou family to be gossip. Now I accept the challenge of anyone who meets the conditions to compete for hegemony. If anyone wins me, my quota is his."

She wants a fair place and doesn't want the Lou family to be slandered after she left.


The little girl of the Lou family is really arrogant, which is the feeling of many people at this time, but people who watch good plays naturally hope to develop in this way.

The people who make friends with the Lou family keep winking at Lou zhantian and Lou Moyu. Your girl is too stupid to accept any challenge after setting a quota!

Lou Zhan was relieved and laughed: "OK! It's worthy of being my granddaughter. Yan'er beat all those who have no eyesight. Don't play dead."

"..." the crowd was in disorder in the wind.

At this time, I also understand why Lou Muyan is so arrogant. His feelings are learned from the old man.