That night, Lou Muyan sat on the roof to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars.

After the lower part of the Magic Wizard has reached the second level, it needs to absorb the power of the stars and the power of thunder to strengthen the quintessence, and the essence of the stars will be more perfect.

The array she arranged suddenly fluctuated in the inn. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Mingxiu, dressed in red, fell in front of her on the roof.

"Yan'er." then she was pulled into her arms and hugged tightly, "I miss you very much!"

Lou Mu Yanxin moved and put his hands around Mingxiu, "I miss you too!"

She had never experienced the feeling of missing. Since she met and fell in love with Mingxiu, she found that it was so beautiful and expected to miss someone.

Listening to Lou Mu's clear and sweet voice, Mingxiu's heart itched like being scratched by a kitten's claw.

He bowed his head and kissed the pink lips moistened by smoke and water, gently tossing and lingering.

Lou Mu kissed back a little bit around his neck.

After hugging and kissing each other, they sat side by side on the roof and looked at the stars.

Mingxiu stretched out his left hand and clung to Lou Muyan, "Yan'er, are you sure of the alchemy competition?"

"Yes, I've been promoted to the eighth grade alchemist." Lou Muyan said against Mingxiu's shoulder.

Ming Xiu's deep eyes showed the color of expectation, "I believe Yaner will win the championship."

"Well, but there are many talents of the younger generation in the Guangling world, and I may encounter strong enemies." Lou Muyan never despises anyone, especially the talented people in Zhongzhou.

Ming Xiu thought for a moment and said, "let me help you sort out a more powerful alchemist who can advance to the finals of the five states."

"No, I know too much, but I lose the fun of challenge." Lou Muyan was confident and smiled: "I prefer stimulation, so I look forward to someone's surprise to challenge me."

Ming Xiu's lip angle raised an arc. His woman is special, but this is also his favorite side.

He also likes stimulation and challenges. They are a natural couple.

"OK." he paused and said, "recently, my father has been closed and needs me to be with him. I should watch the alchemy competition with the royal family. I may not be able to be with you."

"It's all right. I'm always noticed when I participate in the finals of the alchemy conference, and we'll be found together." Lou Muyan replied.

Ming Xiu took Lou Muyan into his arms and asked, "Yan'er, why don't we open our relationship."

"When the dust of the alchemy competition is settled, I'll join the mercenary Union." Lou Muyan doesn't want any changes because of their open relationship.

She heard that the people of the imperial family of the underworld Palace are very proud and strong. If they open their relationship, she is afraid that the imperial family will invite her to be a priest of Dan at that time. She can't refuse. She doesn't want to participate in the royal family.

Moreover, she didn't count the Royal people in her heart, such as whether the father of Mingxiu would allow him to find a woman with no background to form a double cultivation partner. She hoped that her identity would match him when she was in public.

Mingxiu doesn't care what others think of Lou Muyan, but he wants to give her the best, and won't force her.

"Well, we'll have a public relationship later." Mingxiu kissed her forehead and said, "Yan'er, don't worry. My father and Emperor will like the woman I like."

In the nether Palace Royal family, the only person he attaches most importance to is the father emperor. What does other people have to do with him.

"Well, I hope so." Lou Muyan smiled.

Early in the morning, when the sun fell on the yard, Lou Mu smoke jumped down from the roof.

Mingxiu had left before dawn, and no one found his trace.

"Master, master." Bing halberd immediately gathered together after seeing Lou Muyan's cultivation. "The city center of Zhongzhou city is very lively, there are many shops, and your spirit grass is about to be consumed. Let's go shopping."

Lou Muyan looked at him funny and said, "it's false to buy. It's true that you want to go out for a walk."

"Hey, hey, I can't hide anything from my master." Bing Ji smiled.

Miaomiao and Xuexue also couldn't sit still. "Master, master, let's go out for a walk."

"OK, call my second brother and let them go together."

"I'll call them." Miaomiao ran to call people with a smile.

Xuexue has been a handsome young man with delicate face and fair skin since he was promoted to Danyuan territory. He has no active temperament.

After Lou Muyan washed and came out, the others arrived and went to the center of the city together.

Zhongzhou city is bustling with a long and simple atmosphere. The street in the middle is very wide and can accommodate six wind riding carriages. There are rows of shops on both sides of the street.

Every shop has a sense of low-key luxury. People coming and going not only have average accomplishments above the sword statue, but also wear different clothes. It can be seen that many swordsmen from other places have flocked to watch the alchemy competition recently.

Lou Muyan visited several shops selling spirit grass with several people and bought some seeds of spirit grass. As for level 8 spirit grass, these shops don't have any.

Walking down the street, Miaomiao pointed to a luxurious shop in front and said, "master, there are women's jewelry and accessories. Let's go and have a look."

"Well, let's go." Lou Muyan also saw the shop that was very conspicuous in the whole street.

This should be the largest jewelry store in Zhongzhou city.

Women's business is the best. Therefore, there are special forces that will recruit some skilled craftsmen in refining tools to make the jewelry worn by women into magic tools.

It not only makes beautiful women dress more beautiful, but also has the function of defense or attack. It has the best of both worlds. It is very popular with female swordsmen.

Of course, in addition to women's things, such shops also sell men's accessories, which also includes the function of array or attack and defense.

Immediately after entering the shop, a waiter greeted him.

"What do you gentlemen and ladies want to see?" the waiter was a beautiful young man with a baby face. He smiled and recommended: "we recently came a batch of jewelry, which is very suitable for the temperament of several ladies. Do you need to see it?"

Although the dress of Lou Muyan and his party is not much publicized, it is absolutely not bad. In addition, the handsome men and beautiful women have extraordinary temperament, so the sharp eyed waiter regarded them as big customers to introduce new jewelry.

"OK, then take us to have a look." Lou Muyan thought to buy some beautiful jewelry and accessories for Miaomiao, Chihuang and wunuan.

"Please follow me," the waiter smiled and took several people to the third floor.

Because the alchemy competition is about to start, many powerful young masters and ladies from other states have come to Zhongzhou city. Their business is very hot recently.

Having been a waiter for more than ten years, he naturally could see whether those people could afford it, so he was particularly polite to several people.

Lou Muyan and others followed the waiter to the third floor. At the same time, the other two people also walked into the shop and were introduced to the third floor by other waiters.