I didn't expect that when I said she wasn't clean, she would go crazy and slap me in the face.

At this time, I also scolded her in my heart for being a whore and erecting a memorial archway, pretending to be pure. However, what I didn't expect was that I grabbed one of her hands, she had another hand, and her other hand slapped me. This time, I didn't react well, and slapped on one side of my face.


It hurt a lot. Her slap made me angry.

That share of anger, let me can't help but aim at Jiang Qingqing, raised the palm of her hand, her eyes stare at me, motionless said: fight ah, you have the ability to fight ah.

Although I'm angry now, I don't know why. Looking at her delicate face and staring at my beautiful eyes, I can't fight this slap. I slowly put down my raised hand. When the head teacher saw me like this, he sneered and said: what's the matter, don't you mean to fight? Now that I'm counselled, I dare not fight again?

Being stimulated by the head teacher, I leaned on her. My brain became hot. I took her arm and pressed her down on the sofa. I pressed her soft body hard under her body. I took a look at her soft face and sucked the familiar and infatuated taste from her. I was crazy to kiss her.

Class teacher constantly struggle, but her strength where such as me, directly let me dead, unable to move.

She just that sentence stimulation, let me become a little crazy, mouth ruthless kiss her, let me in the heart of a surge of revenge pleasure, this kind of feeling constantly stimulate me, ruthless pressure on her, after a kiss, I will go to pull her clothes, the head teacher struggled even harder, her hands and legs are moving.

She struggled so hard that I couldn't do anything. I had to change my angle again, and then pressed her body hard.

However, when I pressed her, I accidentally pressed her injured leg, which made her cry out in pain, and her brows were tightly wrinkled, with a look of pain. Seeing her like this, I felt no pain in my heart. I got up from her and went to see her injured leg.

Her leg had been drugged and bandaged with gauze, but I pressed it. It seemed that the wound was broken and blood came out again. The gauze was red.

Seeing this scene, I reproached myself again and secretly scolded myself for being so impulsive. She was injured and bullied her.

I touched her gently and asked her if it hurt?

Maybe my voice is a little soft. The head teacher didn't scold me. After a sound, she said she was sleepy and wanted to have a rest.

Looking at her back in the bedroom, I opened my mouth, but I finally held back. After I cleaned up the computer and stereo and went back to my study, I lay down on the sofa. Thinking about what happened just now, I lost sleep again. My head was full of the shadow of the head teacher. I felt very guilty. I really wanted to smoke my mouth. Why did I hurt her again and again.

Because of the flag raising ceremony, and the first and second classes are all class teachers, she called me up after she got up. Her face was very calm. I don't know if she was angry with me. In short, when we went downstairs to the playground with her for the flag raising ceremony, we didn't speak.

Because of her leg injury, she wore trousers. In class, unless she wrote on the blackboard, she would sit and give us lectures.

Maybe it's because of that night. Our relationship seems to be more complicated, but there is less talk between us. Of course, because I'm the monitor, she still has to explain some things in the class to me, but it's only limited to the things in the class. Besides the things in the class, she won't tell me anything else.

It has been like this for two or three days in a row. During this period, I sent a message to her via wechat, trying to find out her attitude towards me.

However, she didn't reply to my wechat.

I think maybe it's because of lily. She guesses that the person on wechat is me and won't come back to me?

The head teacher can scold me or even beat me, but I hate the feeling that she doesn't talk to me at any other time except for class affairs, which makes me feel very uncomfortable.

I couldn't help it any more when I was studying by myself on Thursday night. If the head teacher treated me with this attitude again, I felt that I would go crazy. She was the one who kept studying by herself. After a few minutes of studying by herself, I deliberately said that I wanted to go to the bathroom. She made a sound, and then I left. I stayed in the dormitory for a long time, waiting for her to call Call me.

But let me down.

The head teacher didn't call me. If she didn't go back for such a long time, she would call me This kind of feeling made me go back to the end of last semester when I scolded her. She also told me that I was not her student of Jiang Qingqing and would not be in charge of me in the future.

This time, although she didn't say that, her attitude to me was the same as last time, that is, she didn't care about me and regarded me as the air. Sometimes, what she wanted me to do was to ask Xia Shi to pass a message to me, but she didn't take the initiative to say.I couldn't stay in the dormitory and went back to the classroom.

I went to the bathroom and spent a night studying. She didn't say anything. I stood at the door and said a report. She didn't even raise her head. She came in quietly and continued to prepare for the class. I was still not reconciled. After thinking about it, I went up with my English training book and was ready to find a chair to sit next to her and ask her English questions.

However, she replied that she was busy preparing lessons. Let me ask Xia Shi. She said that Xia Shi was sitting in front of me. She was very good at English and could help me solve all the problems.

I went back to my seat disheartened. I didn't know how to do it. I was very sad. I thought that day in her dormitory, she broke her heart. That's why she did this to me. Will she forgive me? Or will you never talk to me again?

Because of the class teacher's business, I have no mind to listen to the class, basically spent in a daze.

On Friday morning, I got up early and went outside the school. I waited outside the flower shop for a long time. After the owner came to open the door, I bought a bunch of lilies. I ran to the head teacher's dormitory of the staff dormitory building with the lilies in my hand.

Today's class is the third quarter, and she must still be in the dormitory. I wanted to knock at the door, but I was always brave. I stood at the door for half a day, but I couldn't summon up the courage to knock.

In the end, I had to put lily at her door, and then I sneaked downstairs and left.

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