When Zhao Qin heard me talking about the photos, she seemed to think of something and called me directly.

I hummed coldly in my heart and cut it off directly. Zhao Qin continued to fight and I cut it off again. Now I can imagine the expression on Zhao Qin's face. I must be very angry. Then when she called for the third time, I connected the phone. Zhao Qin's tone was very bad. When she asked me what photo, Zhang Cheng, please tell me clearly.

I told her that it was just your picture.

When Zhao Qin asked about the photo, her voice became colder the second time. I thought that she had guessed what I meant by the photo.

I don't want to play tricks with her, so I just tell her the picture when you are sleeping. Do you want me to send you one?

Hearing me say this, I can feel that Zhao Qin's breathing seems to be much heavier. Even through the phone, I can feel the chill. After a long time, she slowly said in a trembling voice: there's no reason for her to speak. Please send it to me.

When I said yes, I cut off the phone and sent it to her in the form of MMS.

After five minutes, Zhao Qin sent me a message and asked: Zhang Cheng, what do you want!

I smile in my heart and return to her: either kill each other, or keep each other's secrets.

Zhao Qin may be angry, return me: OK, you are cruel, Zhang Cheng, I will never let you go in my life.

I don't bother to pay attention to her. I know I have her photos. She should not tell Zhao Lin the photos of me and the head teacher.

I couldn't sleep all the time. I was thinking about how to ease the relationship with the head teacher. I knew that the head teacher liked lilies. That day, she called me to come to No.2 Middle School to take her to the hospital for dressing change. Maybe that bunch of lilies also played a role. Women, who don't like flowers?

Keep sending her?

I made up my mind to pay attention. The next day I went out and found the earliest store to buy lilies.

At the beginning, I planned to send it to the front door of the class teacher's dormitory, just like last time, and then leave secretly. But I thought about it seriously and thought that I would do it another way. So after I hid the flowers, I went to class. Today, the first and second class are all English classes of the head teacher. After the first class, I went to the junior high school department, scanned my eyes, and caught a boy wearing glasses. This boy seems to be a kind of very good, very timid kind.

After catching the boy, I asked him who didn't know me?

He was afraid of me and didn't dare to look me in the eyes. He whispered to me: you are Zhang Cheng.

My reputation has long been spread. Now the school knows that I am the bearer of No.2 Middle School. Many boys are afraid of me. Seeing this boy's reaction, I am very satisfied. He is afraid of me, which is more conducive to my plan.

Then I used a very strict voice and said to this boy, let him help me send flowers to high school class one, to the hands of teacher Jiang Qingqing, no matter who asked, are not allowed to say who sent.

That boy was scared by me. I think he was afraid that I would beat him. He nodded and said that he would not tell anyone.

I'm quite satisfied with his reaction. After all, I don't want other people to know about sending flowers to the head teacher. If it's spread to Zhao Lin's ears, it's good?

I also gave the boy ten yuan, which is the cost of running. I also told him that if I send him this time, I will find him when I send him again.

After I gave him the lily, I ran to the classroom to stay!

After the bell rang for a while, when the head teacher was preparing for class, the boy came to the door of our classroom with lily. He looked a little timid, or the head teacher took the initiative to ask his classmates what's the matter with you, the boy came in, handed the lily to the head teacher, and said: Mr. Jiang Qingqing, someone asked me to give you flowers.

Jiang Qingqing opened her mouth, presumably to ask the boy who sent it, but the boy agreed with me that he gave the flowers to Jiang Qingqing and ran away.

Girls all like flowers. When they see someone giving flowers to the head teacher, the girls in our class are very noisy. They all ask the head teacher, who will give you flowers? So happy.

At this time, I saw the head teacher glancing at me.

I can't help feeling a little excited. Does she know that I sent the flowers?

Then she put the flowers on the desk and began to give lectures. I watched her all the time and found that when she was giving lectures, she would look at the lilies on the desk from time to time, but she didn't look at me. After class, she left with the flowers and didn't look at me.

She doesn't look at me when she comes to study in the evening, and she doesn't talk to me when she checks the dormitory in the evening.

This makes me very depressed. I wonder what the head teacher is up to. All the flowers have been sent. If you forgive me or not, you have to creak and show your attitude!

After thinking about it in bed, I'm still not reconciled.

So the next day, I went out to buy lilies, found the boy, and sent her flowers in class.

Unfortunately, the effect is the same as yesterday, and the head teacher still ignores me.Her performance makes me very painful. I wonder if you like lily? I've sent you twice. Why haven't I responded?

On the third day, I still went out to buy lilies.

I thought that my cousin told me that women have vanity. This time, I didn't send them to the head teacher in class. Instead, I asked the boy to send them to me when all the teachers were in the grade office. The boy was timid and said he didn't dare to go to the teacher's office. Later, I threatened him and said that if you don't go, I'll find someone to beat you, which scared him to send them.

I find that I've gone bad, and I'll intimidate the children!

After the boy sent the flowers, I hid in the dark to see the head teacher's reaction. After the meeting, she came out from the office holding the flowers, with a smile on her face Walking on the way, I was still infatuated with the smell of lily.

Seeing the head teacher's reaction, I was secretly excited. It worked. Damn it, it was really vain. This Lily must have made him fight for a lot of face in front of the female teachers of the whole grade, right?

On the fourth day, I asked the boy to send me to the grade office.

However, on the fourth day, my cousin called me and said that the dressed animals had found a good place around my school, and I could start training next week. The time I could use was non-stop time, and the time from class to self-study in the afternoon.

This week, because I had a wet kiss with Zhou Xiaoxiao, when I had dinner together in the canteen, I was embarrassed. She didn't answer me when I was talking, and I didn't answer her when she was talking.

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