I was scolded by the fat woman for being sick, and I was deeply hit. I was rejected. A handsome young man like me was rejected by a fat woman. I can't help feeling sad for the fat woman. You can say you're fat, but why are you so low minded?

I know what I look like. I can't say I'm a mess, but I'm sure I'm not ugly.

Just like Wu Wu's evaluation of me, I look pretty!

My cousin is the only one who says I'm ugly when I'm so old. Of course, the reason why my cousin says I'm ugly is She compares my appearance with her. That's nonsense. She's a beautiful, flawless and gorgeous woman. I can't compare with her. So compared with her, I belong to the ugly one.

Because I am often attacked by my cousin, my anti attack ability is quite strong.

So, even if Feipo refuses me, I won't be so sad that I cry, make trouble and hang myself. At most, I just scold her for not having eyes. But the key is that if I want to get my mobile phone from Gao SHIMENG, I have to get Feipo's phone number.

If I don't get fat, I won't get my cell phone.

So, after hearing that Feipo scolded me for being sick, I took a deep breath, continued to carry the red wine, and then sat on Feipo's table. Feipo seemed to come to play with some friends. Her friends all went to dance, so she was the only one at the table. After sitting down, because of the close relationship with the fat lady, the smell of the perfume and the body odor is stronger and stronger.

I resisted the urge to vomit, looked at the fat woman and said slowly: beauty, maybe you think I'm very frivolous, but I hope you can understand that when a man's heart beats, he always can't control his heart and wants to be close to his favorite goddess, so I hope you give me a chance to tell me your contact information.

When I heard that, the fat woman turned to look at me. Because she was too fat, her eyes became a gap. She said: sorry, you are not my type, and I already have a boyfriend.

My chest seems to have been stabbed in general!

At this moment, I even suspected that Wu Wu had a crush on herself. Was she blind?

Looking at Feipo's serious appearance, I know that no matter how hard I try, she won't tell me her phone number. I give her an ugly smile and turn around to go back to where Gao SHIMENG is. However, when I turn around, I find that Gao SHIMENG has just left the table and is leaving for Phoenix Business Club.


See this scene, I can't help but scold out, she ran out to do? It's not about the privacy in my cell phone, is it?

With this in mind, I was even more anxious. With a step on my feet, I rushed out towards the door of Phoenix Business Club. I pushed through the crowd and ran outside. When I ran to the door, I found Gao SHIMENG standing not far away, holding my mobile phone in my hand and looking through it all the time?

See Gao SHIMENG like this, my heart a tight, quickly ran past, at the same time shouting: give me back my mobile phone.

After hearing my voice, Gao SHIMENG turned to look at me. She saw me running towards her, and her action was also very fast. She suddenly put my mobile phone into her chest. At this time, I also felt angry.

Without my consent, peeking at the privacy inside my mobile phone, what does that mean?

So, after I came to her, I grabbed her wrist angrily and said in a deep voice: give me back my mobile phone. You are very impolite. Do you know?

However, with such a straight face, Gao SHIMENG didn't seem to be afraid of me. I grabbed her wrist and she didn't care about me. Instead, she looked at me and said coldly: Zhang Cheng, why are you so nervous? As a friend of Xiaowu, I have the responsibility to supervise your every move for her. I just don't give you my mobile phone back to see what you can do?

What Gao SHIMENG said aroused my anger.

You are Wu Wu's best friend, so you are qualified to see my mobile phone?

So I stare at her and say: Gao SHIMENG, don't force me!

Gao SHIMENG glared at me and said: what's the matter with you?

With that, she pointed to the position of her chest with another finger and said: the mobile phone is right here. If you have the ability, will you take it?

I scolded. Shit!

Does she really think I can't? And I also thought, this is not the way to go on, if Gao SHIMENG has been hiding her cell phone in her chest, can I never get my cell phone? So her stimulation directly made my head hot.

In my heart, my other hand moved.

The dress she is wearing today is deep v. from the deep ravine on her chest, we can see that her chest is very material, but now I can't manage so much. I just want to get the mobile phone as soon as possible. This is the gate of Phoenix Business Club. There must be monitoring, but I just chatted with Dihu. I know this is my home site. If there is monitoring, I'm afraid of Mao. Just delete it directly. If there is no evidence, I don't believe Gao SHIMENG can bite back with Wu Wu Wu and say that I molested her.When I think of it, my hand has already stretched out to Gao SHIMENG's chest.

This is the feeling when I put my hand in to get my mobile phone. Gao SHIMENG probably didn't expect that I was so bold that I dared to put my hand in to get my mobile phone, so his beautiful eyes were staring at me.

Her eyes made me feel guilty, so after I caught my mobile phone, I had to reach out and take it out. When I took it out, my hand accidentally touched a certain point. They all said that women have two advantages, which are really "advantages"!

However, the moment I reached out my hand, I felt something flash.

Since I learned Kung Fu with Yi Shi, I'm very alert to this aspect, so I can't help but turn my head and my eyes fall into a car not far away. It's a Tiguan car. The window is open and a man is taking pictures of me and Gao SHIMENG with a camera.

Just now I put my hand into Gao SHIMENG's chest. He must have photographed it!

My head suddenly so a turn, Gao SHIMENG's attention was also diverted by me, her eyes fell on the man on the way, can't help shouting: paparazzi!

The man who took photos on Tiguan was also quick to react. When he found that Gao SHIMENG and I were staring at him, he started the car.

My brain is quick enough to know that something is wrong!

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