It turns out that tomorrow is the official college entrance examination, so Jiang Qingqing asked the students in the class to inform each other that they would come to the group at 8:30 this evening, from 8:30 to 9:00, to cheer everyone up.

Maybe it's because I don't take the college entrance examination, so I didn't notice. If I didn't go to Q tonight, I still don't know their news!

Therefore, at this time, everyone is listening to Jiang Qingqing chatting in the group.

The main purpose of Jiang Qingqing's chat is to encourage our classmates to have a good rest tonight, so don't force them to read a book, and don't be too nervous. In fact, the college entrance examination is just like that, just treat it as usual.

Looking at Jiang Qingqing's advice in the group, I have a sneer in my heart.

Among the students in our class, only I know that her English teacher went to No.2 Middle School to teach because of me She lurked around me for so many years, in order to get something from me, but I finally found out and exposed it.

So, to see her warm-hearted in the group with the students chatting, a good teacher's appearance, I was very upset.

No, I can't watch it!

Her main purpose as a teacher is to cheat me. What kind of a good teacher is that?

So, when all the students in the group listened to Jiang Qingqing's talk about how to deal with the college entrance examination, I couldn't help typing a line and sending it out.

"Jiang Qingqing, you are just a rogue who has been played all over the world. What qualifications do you have to be our teacher?"

As soon as my words were sent out, some female students scolded me. Zhang Cheng, are you crazy.

When I was about to answer, I received a message from the system that Jiang Qingqing, the administrator of the group, directly flew me!

Yes, I was kicked by Jiang Qingqing!

Kick out of our high school class!

I swore a few times in my heart and threw my cell phone aside. I felt my heart trembling with anger What qualification does Jiang Qingqing have to kick me?

About ten minutes later, my cell phone rang.

When I got through, Gao Dali yelled: "brother Zhang, are you crazy? Scold Mr. Jiang in front of the whole class in the group? "

"I'm not crazy. She's a rogue. You don't know a lot about it!" I gave a cold hum.

Gao Dali sighed and said: "brother Zhang, I don't know what happened between you and Mr. Jiang. In the second middle school, although you were against Mr. Jiang and Mr. Jiang often scolded you, your relationship was not like now. At that time, you were the most concerned student of Mr. Jiang!"

"Her purpose as a teacher is me. How can she not pay attention to me?" I feel cold. Of course, I didn't say this to Gao Dali, and I'm not going to say it to any of my classmates.

"Brother Zhang, after you were kicked, Mr. Jiang said that when we finished the college entrance examination, she would fly with us to have a dinner together. She said that after the college entrance examination, we should not think about the results, just have a good time!"

"When?" After hearing Gao Dali say dinner, I asked.

"The college entrance examination will start tomorrow, and it will be finished in the afternoon the day after tomorrow." Gao Dali said: "Mr. Jiang asked us to gather at the gate of No. 2 middle school after the exam, and then we will have dinner together."

I calculate the next time, today Monday, tomorrow is Tuesday college entrance examination, after the college entrance examination, is Thursday afternoon.

"Brother Zhang, you must come at that time. Don't Miss Jiang because you don't come. Wu Heng and I must have a good drink with you." Gao Dali said on the phone.

"Don't worry, even if I have a bad relationship with Jiang Qingqing, I will come for you!" I nodded with a smile, listening to Gao Dali's words, my mind also recalled the high school young frivolous times!

"All right, brother Zhang, I'll hang up first!"

"Cheng, give full play to it and strive for a good result in the exam!"

After hanging up Gao Dali's phone, I sneered in my heart.

Jiang Qingqing kicked me and told her classmates in the group that they would have dinner after the college entrance examination. Obviously, they didn't want me to go there. At the last reunion before the college entrance examination, I poured Jiang Qingqing wine into the KTV. Hum, this time, I won't let her go!

My mind paid Jiang Qingqing that beautiful face, fist also can't help but tightly pinch together, I gloomy sneer, and then dial the telephone of the Land Rover.

"Young master, what's the matter?"

"Dihu, help me prepare some medicine!"

"Prepare the medicine?" Land tiger after hearing my words, Leng next, way: "little Lord, what medicine do you want me to prepare?"

"I want to make women. What medicine do you want to prepare?"

"I understand!"

The land tiger said with a smile, "young master, you've done what the rich second generation should do!"

"The medicine should be more powerful!"

"Don't worry, young master. I'll get it for you, and it doesn't have any side effects By the way, I'll keep it from sister Sisi! "When I hung up, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

However, after I closed my eyes, my mind was full of Jiang Qingqing's shadow It can't go away.


The next three days are the time for the national college entrance examination.

If I was born in general, I'm afraid I'm going to take part in the college entrance examination just like Gao Dali? College entrance examination is not necessarily the best way out, but it is the only way for most ordinary people to change their fate.

On Wednesday, I got the medicine from Dihu.

I also talked with my cousin and song Sisi about going back to Kunnan to attend the reunion. At noon on Thursday, I got on the plane to Kunnan alone.

When the plane landed at Kunnan International Airport, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

Although Kunnan is still full of my many forces, I didn't inform anyone. I took a taxi directly from Kunnan to No.2 Middle School. No.2 Middle School is an examination center of Kunnan college entrance examination. All the senior three students in our school take the college entrance examination in their own school. When I came to No.2 Middle School, the last subject examination was not finished yet.

So I lay on the track and field, about half an hour later, I heard the end of the test bell.

After the examination, all the students in our class gathered at the school gate.

I also got up from the track and field and went back to the school gate. I had just passed by when I bumped into my classmates. Because I scolded Jiang Qingqing for her extravagant goods in the group last night, our class, especially those women, seemed very angry and didn't treat me very much. In the eyes of our classmates, Jiang Qingqing's status was very high.

After seeing me, Gao Dali and Wu Heng walked towards me and chatted with each other.

We waited about five or six minutes. A Mercedes Benz s350l stopped at the school gate. Seeing this car, I sneered. Isn't this Baiyun's car? Depending on the situation, Baiyun should be the person in charge of the Jiang family in Kunnan.

After the car stopped, Jiang Qingqing stepped down from the car.

Seeing her in a narrow group, white thighs and sexy clothes, I sneered at her in my heart: "dress up like a wave!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!