Within the age of the musk deer.

After Yang Bo and Wu Heng came back from dancing, they asked me to drink again. The reason is that they haven't seen me for a long time. Today, they must get me drunk. Moreover, according to Yang Bo, I have a good capacity to drink, so it's hard to see me drunk, so I have to get drunk tonight.

So, they're all aimed at me.

As a man who came out of Fenghuang village, he never knew how to drink. The villagers of Fenghuang village usually work in the fields with their faces facing the Loess and their backs facing the sky in order to live. After a day's hard work, they are used to drinking two cups of wine to activate their muscles and bones. Therefore, Fenghuang village has a unique feeling for wine.

I grew up in Fenghuang village and was influenced. When I was in junior high school with my dog, I began to exercise my drinking capacity slowly. I don't know how to drink. This is the true nature of men in Fenghuang village.

When I was having a good time drinking, I didn't know that next to me, I had been monitored by Jiang Mingchuan.

I have drunk a lot of wine before, but now I am forced to drink a lot. Even if my drinking capacity is good, my brain begins to faint.

No way! My brain is getting dizzy!

It's more than 11 o'clock now, but today, Yang Bo and they all had a good time, so after drinking for a while, they said they wanted to howl. I said OK, howl and howl. Who is afraid of who?

So after I said hello to the people in the age of Yan she, under the leadership of Li Wei, we went up to the VIP room upstairs, where the fruit plate snacks and wine were ready.

But now we all had enough to drink, so after we went in, we began to sing. After Yang Bo and his friends sang a few songs, Zhao Lin took the initiative to ask for a song, ordered a song "sisterhood", and then handed a microphone to her sister Zhao Qin.

"Sister, let's sing a chorus."

"Yes Zhao Qin is not constrained and takes the microphone.

As soon as their voices came out, compared with Yang Bo's wailing and howling, it was one heaven and one earth, which directly compared them.

At this time, Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at Zhao Lin and Zhao Qin with some meaning.

Zhao Qin and Zhao Lin haven't finished singing yet. I suddenly feel a lot of pain in my stomach. My consciousness has been a little vague, but I still know that I want to run to the bathroom at this time. After I stagger into the bathroom, I lock the door and when I go to the toilet, I can't help but vomit out.

Lying on the toilet, I vomited for a long time. I quickly vomited out my bile.

After I felt more comfortable in my stomach, I got up and went to the lavatory to rinse my mouth. Then I went to the door. Unexpectedly, my feet softened, my body tilted, and I sat on the ground with a bang.

I'm so drunk.

I struggled to stand up, and finally opened the door of the bathroom. When I went out, I also stumbled. I didn't know who had put a small apple outside. My brain was a little dizzy. I felt that if I continued to shake inside, I would vomit again, so I felt outside.

When I got to the door, I saw Gao Dali. The guy was also outside.

"Big Dali, why don't you go with them They sing? "

My mouth vaguely said, compared with just now, I seem to be more and more drunk, my brain is spinning constantly, and my feet are also staggering. Gao Dali saw me like this, quickly held me, and then said: "brother Zhang, we'll make you drunk together, ha ha..."

Then he helped me to the rest area not far away and sat down to have a rest.

"Dali, if you don't hurry to find a girlfriend, it's not a matter for you to do this every day." I drink too much, so drunk, even like a wife, become talkative up: "young do not know sperm expensive, old to empty tears do not know?"

"Your sister." Gao vigorously scolded and said, "brother Zhang, I find your peach blossom luck is very good. Who is your favorite woman?"

"Who is the woman I love?"

When I heard Gao Dali's words, a person's shadow appeared in my mind, so I got drunk and took out my mobile phone, then opened the address book, finally opened my cousin's number, and then I pressed the dial-up button.

How to face the love between brother and sister bravely, how to accept his real face

The color ring of "sister brother love" comes from the mobile phone.

More than ten seconds later, the phone was connected.

"What can I do for you, cousin?"

"Sister, I love you." I grabbed my cell phone and yelled.


When I said this, Gao Dali, who was sitting next to me, slipped and fell to the ground. Then he looked at me with wide eyes and cried, "crazy, crazy, brother Zhang, you drink crazy..."

Gao Dali looked at me shivering, and then he was scared back to the compartment.

"Sister, why don't you talk? I love you. Do you hear me? " Because my cousin didn't speak, so my voice, can't help but become loud again. When I drink too much, my voice is loud. Many people do."Listen to me A soft voice came from my cousin.

"Hee hee, sister, I really want to sleep with you." I like a child, coquetry said.

When I said this, Li Wei, the person in charge, happened to pass by. His eyes were straight round, and then his chin was about to fall to the ground. He walked away quickly. Then he couldn't help looking at me and murmured: no wonder Miss Yan she didn't talk to anyone. It turned out that it was because of Zhang Cheng Sister brother love, crazy

"Are you drunk?" My cousin was very sensitive. She recognized that my tongue was a little big, so she asked.

Drunk people are a virtue, that is, when people ask him whether you are drunk or not, he always says that he is not drunk, so am I. When I hear my cousin ask me this, I directly say: "sister, I am not drunk, I am sober!"


"Sister, I'm awake. You have to believe me."

"If you're awake, how dare you say that to me?" My cousin's tone was a little funny.

"Why not? I dare to sleep you, don't you believe it? "

"I'm not sure!" My cousin scolded me and hung up the phone with a slap.

What does my cousin scold me for? I scratched my head, then slowly put my mobile phone in my trouser pocket, sat on the sofa, and my eyes turned more and more.


Tangchen Yipin, the location of the sightseeing balcony on the 26th floor, after her cousin hung up, she quickly made a call.

"Hello, mother's darling, do you miss your mother?"

"Don't be so numb, Tang Jinxiu, OK?" My cousin scolded.

"What's the matter, baby?"

"Cousin, he told me!" My cousin said that although her tone was calm, it contained endless joy.

"Seriously? The boy's brain is finally opening up? " My aunt's suspicious voice came from the phone and said, "I don't believe it. Did he tell you something in his dream?"

"He didn't talk in his sleep, but he was drunk." Said the cousin.

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