No one can deny the charm of her cousin, even Eli, a European.

When Eli first came to Mordor, my cousin and I held a banquet for Eli in Jiangnan club. At that time, Eli's eyes were straight when he first saw her. I could see her clearly.

From then on, I knew that Eli must be unkind to her cousin. In addition, I mentioned her existence several times later, and I was more sure of this idea.

I didn't expect that in these days when I left Mordor, Eli was very impolite to find my cousin in Tomson Yipin.

Is cousin a foreigner like him?

"Mr. Eli, I miss you so much when I'm out these days." I'm talking serious nonsense to Eli.

"I'm thinking that if the Phoenix Restaurant we cooperate with opens, it will probably become a famous brand in China and even in the world. I don't know how long Mr. Eli will have to prepare? "

Eli glanced at me, dark in her heart.

Eli is just a shareholder in Phoenix catering. It's too inappropriate to cooperate.

Moreover, Eli is a shareholder with the reputation of Michelin family. It's reasonable to say that Eli is the owner, but in the end, he didn't get the absolute controlling position.

But Eli can bear it. Anyway, Eli thinks he's just using me. It's fair to give me some advantages.

"Mr. Zhang, we have signed the contract. Are you worried that I will not follow the contract?" Eli said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I just can't wait."

I'm afraid no one will easily give up such a big benefit, right?

If we can cooperate with the Michelin family in Phoenix catering, I'm afraid Phoenix Group will soon have another pillar industry.

"Although Mr. Zhang and I have already signed a contract, this matter has a great impact. After all, Michelin has not done any evaluation in Chinese restaurants before, so I have to go back to France to seek the consent of my family on some things." Said Eli.

In the past, Michelin rating agencies have not evaluated in China and other regions. In a sense, Michelin's practice may attract the attention of the whole world. Eli is giving me a big cake.

If Phoenix catering can really rely on Michelin's reputation to open, it will attract the attention of the whole catering industry at that time, right?

"So? When is Mr. Eli going to return to France? " I nodded as a matter of course.

"Mr. Zhang wants me to go back to France as soon as possible?" Eli is still smiling, like sapphire eyes, but with a different look.

"I'm just asking. Please don't mind Mr. Eli." I skin smile meat don't smile of ask a way.

Of course, I have to figure this out, otherwise how can I estimate the time of Eli's medication?

From the beginning, I had the idea of controlling Eli, just as Xia Wanyu controlled me.

If I can control Eli completely, I will use it in their two sisters? I'm afraid Eli's going to have to ask me to do something, right?

It seems that we can find a time to let Yuyu go back to miaojiang and help me get some poisonous insects that can control people.

"Since Mr. Zhang has returned to Mordor, I think you two brothers and sisters must have a lot to say? Then I won't disturb you Eli said hello to her cousin, and then walked out of the living room door.

Looking at Eli's back, the smile on my face disappeared.

Originally, I doubted whether Eli had ulterior motives in making such a big profit for me. Besides, now Eli is even thinking about her cousin. It seems that Eli can't be better off.

"Cousin, what are you thinking?" When my cousin came to me, a familiar fragrance penetrated my nostrils and made me feel refreshed.

I just drew back my eyes and said with a smile to my cousin, "I'm thinking about how to firmly control Eli."

I don't have to lie to my cousin. In front of a wise cousin, lying doesn't play any role. It's even easy to be punished by my cousin.

Although I have some ideas in my heart, how to implement them to make Eli win?

Can't you just take out something that looks disgusting and give it to Eli for him to eat?

"The brain is open? I thought you wouldn't think about it Cousin hands ring chest smile said.

Just now, my cousin has been looking on coldly, and I'm very satisfied with my present performance.

"How is it possible not to think about it?" I said with a curl of my mouth.

"I want to kill him directly, so that this guy will always think about you."

Seeing the way Eli looks at her cousin, I feel angry. If it wasn't for Eli's special identity, I might have done it.

I didn't expect that my cousin put away her smile and looked me in the eyes seriously. "Cousin, the struggle for interests is not a fight for morale. If you don't think about it, you will regret it all your life."Now Eli's identity is so conspicuous. If there is any accident, I'm afraid it may cause international disputes.

If that is the case, it will be a big deal. No one can afford it.

I quickly nodded, I know that my cousin is educating me, she does not want to see what I do now impulse things.

I have already passed the age of impulse, but now many things I still can't control my temper.

"Of course I know that. I'm just complaining. The way this guy looks at you makes me feel uncomfortable." I said to my cousin.

"Cousin, not only can't you fight Eli openly, but you should always send someone to protect him." My cousin spoke again.

Protecting him? Eli?

"Sister, are you kidding? Why should I protect him? " I asked with a puzzled look at my cousin.

My cousin was very angry and pinched my arm. It's not to mention that my cousin suddenly made such a little daughter's action, which made my heart shake.

"Just because you don't do it to Eli doesn't mean other people don't do it. I don't know how many enemies Eli has. And will your enemies see you working with Michelin so easily? If they do something to Eli, cousin, you are the biggest suspect. Would you like to be the big wrongdoer My cousin told me that I was not angry and said.

When I heard my cousin's words, I suddenly realized that there was another reason. , the fastest update of the webnovel!