I nodded, reached out and took the same thing as this account book. This is the list of all the members of the pentatonic temperament, which my mother recorded one by one.

The information of all the people in this list is recorded, even the people in the Department of underground business.

It's just that some undercover agents have only one name, no photos or other information. Just like Shang Ying, the leader of the business department, they perform the most secret tasks. It's said that no one except my mother knows any information about them, even Song Si.

I was going to open it and have a look, but it's still on the street. It's very unsafe for people to come and go.

This account book records the information of all the members of the pentatonic temperament, which is one of the most important and core things in the pentatonic temperament. If it is leaked, the pentatonic temperament will face a very serious disaster.

"Come in with me first." I said to Yu Feng.

Seeing Yufeng nodding, I walked towards the gate of Jiangnan club, and Yufeng followed me.

Yufeng and I came to the basement of Jiangnan club. My cousin stood at the door of a room, and her beard stood behind her, as if waiting for me.

After all, Yufeng is a member of the five tones and six rhythms, not a member of the Yan family. For the beard, Yufeng is a stranger, so naturally the beard should be alert to Yufeng.

"This is my man. Don't worry." I explained to my beard.

Then he pointed to the opposite room and said, "that boy has been brought into this room by me."

I nodded and then said to my cousin, "sister, do you want to go in together?"

In fact, I don't have to hide this from my cousin, but I'm just afraid that I can't bear some facts later.

My cousin shook her head slightly and said with a smile, "I won't go in."

It seems that my cousin still understands me. I look at my cousin gratefully, and then walk into the room with Yufeng, who closes the door.

At this time, the man with a mole on his face was lying on the sofa. Although he didn't hurt his muscles and bones, some blood holes were left on his legs, which were left by the abnormal beard.

This man can't stand up now, so I don't have to worry about whether this man will stand up and beat me.

When Yu Feng saw the man, his face suddenly changed, as if he saw something incredible, and his eyes were wide open.

"What's the matter?" I asked with a frown, and an ominous premonition gradually rose in my heart.

Is Is my guess correct?

"Young master, this This man is a member of five tones and six rhythms Feather breeze points to this whole body is the man of blood, one face is startled of open a way.

At this moment, my face finally changed, and the hand on my back clenched into a fist.

"Is that true?" I asked Yu Feng.

"It's true Feather breeze answers a way.

As the core figure of the intelligence department, Yufeng naturally remembers very clearly what the members of the five tones and six rhythms look like.

Because the information of the members of the whole organization is controlled by the intelligence department, it's hard for Yufeng not to remember!

Feather breeze once again saw that man one eye, then then toward me say: "young Lord, can you give this list to me?"

I nodded slightly and handed the account book to Yu Feng.

It seems that the idea I just guessed is that the murderer is a man with five tones and six rhythms!

At this time I do not know what language to use to describe my mood, I only know that my heart is very chaotic.

Doubts, anger, disappointment and a series of negative emotions mixed in my heart and couldn't be dissipated.

At this time, Yufeng is rapidly flipping the account book in his hand, and sometimes he will look at the man lying on the sofa.

"Found it!" The feather breeze suddenly opens a way.

I also quickly came to the side of the feather wind, when I saw the feather wind turned to the page, my head Bang completely blank down, as if all the emotions in my heart, and as if all the emotions have disappeared.

This man is really a man with five tones and six rhythms!

Moreover, he is one of the six Yin laws!

Before, I went through the list of all the members of the pentatonic temperament in the headquarters in Chuansha area. That's why I just thought this man would look familiar.

When I first came up with this idea, my first reaction was that I didn't believe it.

How can people in the five tones and six rhythms come to kill me? How could it be so inhumane to shoot ordinary people?

But I can't refuse it if I don't believe it. I still called Yufeng and asked him to bring the list of members of the five tones and six rhythms.

It seems that now the facts have proved that my idea is correct.This murderer with a mole on his face is a member of the five tones and six rhythms!

"How could that be? How could that be? " I Leng Leng's opening way.

Now, Yufeng doesn't know what it's like to be in his heart. Although Yufeng doesn't know why the members of the six Yin Law are tortured like this, Yufeng can roughly understand that this is probably one of the killers sent to ambush me!

The shooting case a few days ago has shocked everyone. Of course, it's the first time to know the five tones and six rhythms.

Fortunately, my little master didn't have a name problem, which also let the members of Yu Feng and other five tones and six rhythms breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, the killer sent to kill me is one of the five tones and six rhythms. How can Yufeng not be shocked?

"Young Lord, I'll go up and interrogate you." Feather breeze says to me.

I just reacted to come over, looked at feather breeze one eye, slowly open mouth way: "don't worry first, I need to make clear some things."

I don't know if it's because of too much bleeding or too much pain. One of the six Yin laws, lying on the sofa, has closed his eyes, but he's still breathing. He didn't die. He should have been in a coma.

Feather wind and I came in, he naturally did not find.

"Yufeng, do you know anything about the six Yang and six Yin laws?" I asked, squinting at Yu Feng.

The last time I went to the headquarters of Wuyin Liulv, I only saw the person in charge of Wuyin. No one was present in Liuyang LV and Liuyin Lv. At that time, I had some doubts about why this situation happened.

Unexpectedly, just a few days later, members of the six Yin law appeared.

But the way he appeared made me never think that it was to take my life!

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