"High mountains and flowing water" is a famous song handed down from generation to generation. The music is deep, clear and fluent. It vividly shows the majestic atmosphere of high mountains and the softness of trickling water.

From treble to bass, and then from bass to treble, such a piece is a test of the skills of piano learners.

In fact, "Gaoshan" and "Liushui" are two pieces of music. The original intention is to care about Gaoshan, and those who speak benevolently are happy with it. The latter mind cares about running water, and the wiser enjoys it.

There are four sections in "Gaoshan" and eight sections in "Liushui". For thousands of years, "Gaoshan" and "Liushui" have been widely spread among the people together with the story of boyagu meeting a bosom friend.

Of course, it's impossible for me to play all the twelve paragraphs of "Gaoshan" and "Liushui" together. Let alone whether I can finish it or not. Even if I can finish it, it will be midnight after I finish it? You can sleep in the auditorium.

Since it is an adaptation, these two pieces are naturally adapted into a concise version by various concise means to integrate into this adaptation.

At that time, after seeing the score of the adaptation, I couldn't help crying out because of the concise version of "mountains and rivers"!

There is no doubt that the song of "high mountains and flowing water" is the finishing touch. It perfectly integrates the two songs of "empty mountains and birds" and "ambush on all sides", which are extremely different in style, and plays a connecting role between the preceding and the following.

You should know that there is the softness of running water and the majestic atmosphere of mountains in the novel.

The gentle flowing water is the perfect connection of "empty mountain birds", which makes the song "empty mountain birds" integrate without any violation.

The majestic atmosphere of the mountains, but also can be very perfect will be filled with the atmosphere of killing "ambush" to lead out.

So I think, in this adaptation, it seems that the front "empty mountain birds" is more important, and the back "ambush" is more important, but the most important is the concise version "high mountains and flowing water" in the middle.

Without this piece, there is no way to perfectly integrate the two pieces with huge style differences.

So "high mountains and flowing water" is the soul of this adaptation. There is nothing wrong with it!

At this time, Zhao Lin and I were totally immersed in the music world woven by both of us. We couldn't extricate ourselves and cooperated more and more tacit.

The transition between "running water" and "high mountain" is also very smooth. In the part of "high mountain", my piano voice gradually takes off the previous softness, and gradually turns into a strong piano wind, and the grandeur is also incisively and vividly interpreted by me.

And Zhao Lin actually kept up with my rhythm, before I was worried that Zhao Lin could not keep up with my rhythm, it seems that this is totally redundant.

At this time, how can Dou Jie not understand the real highlight of this song? Dou Jie's face has become more and more ugly!

Dou Jie is also a master of Guqin. His talent in Guqin is no less than anyone else.

Dou Jie, like me, is an all-round genius who knows all kinds of musical instruments and is very proficient in them. What's more similar between us is that Dou Jie is most proficient in guqin, which is also his proudest specialty.

With such high attainments in guqin, Dou Jie certainly soon understood the power of this song's rearrangement.

Who would have thought that the author of this song would be so bold to change such a famous song as "high mountains and flowing water" into this?

If we just take out such a simplified version, it is estimated that the author will be reviled by many Guqin fans of the ancient tradition school?

In many people's eyes, this kind of behavior is just tarnishing this famous song.

But if you take out the whole adaptation, every Guqin fan will clap their hands, right?

Although Dou Jie has only heard more than half of it now, Zhao Lin and I didn't bring out the song "ambush on all sides", which is full of killing spirit, Dou Jie knows that it will only be a matter of time before "ambush on all sides" is brought out according to this progress.

Because now I have no sense of disobedience through the "mountain" to gradually play out the momentum, such as "ambush", "Guanglingsan" is full of the spirit of killing, if there is no momentum at the beginning, the effect will be very poor.

But I perfectly expressed the momentum through "high mountain". As long as I wait for the momentum to reach a certain level, I will lead out "ambush on all sides". I'm afraid the effect will be shocking at that time, right?

At this time, although Dou Jie has seen the result, he is still unwilling.

Fortunately, such an adaptation is not in my hands. Dou Jie knows that it is from Lin Fang's mother.

If I can create such a first-hand arrangement, it will not be compared directly. Dou Jie can never compare with me.

But now I'm just a player. No matter how well I play, what can I do? Can't Dou Jie play better than me?With that in mind, Dou Jie accepted a lot.

However, after hearing the sound of the piano that I had accumulated a huge momentum, Dou Jie only felt that his chest was very stuffy, as if he had been suppressed by something.

Dou Jie was surprised, but he didn't think much about it. Instead, he took a deep breath and continued to listen to my playing, hoping to hear some flaws in my playing.

At this time, I have gradually finished Gao Shan. Zhao Lin has already stopped her action, and even the light on Zhao Lin has disappeared. The place where Zhao Lin used to be is now dark, just like Zhao Lin has never appeared.

And I also in a beautiful ending, the end of the majestic "mountain.".

At this time, the light on my body also happened to be taken away, the scene once again into a dark, quiet, no one spoke.

Although the majestic "mountain" is over, the students at the scene feel that they are still in the atmosphere just constructed by Zhao Linggang and I, and can't return to normal for a long time.

When people react, they are dissatisfied with the sudden stop of the performance.

I have just finished playing "high mountain", which originally belongs to the perfect ending, but people still feel that it is not enough, just like the song is not finished and there is a sequel.

People can't help but be confused. They just feel some regret that they haven't filled in. They wonder whether Zhao Lin and I have really finished playing.


A piano sound full of strong killing spirit suddenly came from the dark, and pulled everyone back to reality.

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