Hearing my words, lunzhu's movement was stiff in the air.

After a while, lunzhu smiles at me again and says, "brother Han, it's inconvenient for you to be alone. You can't wipe the wound on your face. Let lunzhu come."

I wanted to continue to refuse, but seeing the look of lunzhu looking up at me, I had no way to say it.

Finally, I compromised and sat in front of lunzhu.

Lunzhu finally smiles again, and then carefully smears the ointment on my face.

Smelling the fragrance of lunzhu's body, I couldn't tell what it was like.

I would like to ask why lunzhu betrayed me and told her what I told her, but I can't say it.

And last night I deliberately told Lun Zhu about it. Didn't I have such an idea in my heart?

At this time, I fell into the tangle again.

Before I could react, lunzhu patted her little hand and said with a smile, "OK."

"Thank you." I took a look at lunzhu, and then flatly said these two words.

Hearing my thanks, lunzhu was dull again, but didn't say anything more.

Lunzhu packed the ointment and other things to the place where he had just taken them out. I thought that lunzhu might start questioning me, and I was psychologically prepared to wait for lunzhu to come and ask me questions. By the way, I would also ask lunzhu what I want to know.

But let me surprise is, at this time lunzhu did not come to my side, but went to the other end of the room bed, squatted down, carefully doing something.

Soon, I heard a burst of noise, which made me a Leng, quickly went to the side of lunzhu.

What surprised me was that lunzhu pulled apart a piece of floor at this time, and there was a hole under the floor that was more than one person wide, and a ladder went straight to the ground.

"This What's this? " I was stunned. I didn't know what was going on.

"Shh Lunzhu quickly made a silent gesture to me.

Lunzhu looked at the door and made sure no one came. Then lunzhu waved to me and said in a low voice, "brother Han, go in quickly!"

"What does that mean?" I didn't do anything, but frowned and asked lunzhu.

"Don't worry, brother Han." Lunzhu thought I was worried about something.

"This is the way to my cellar, but other people have never known that there is a small passage in this cellar, which will lead to the back mountain. Brother Han, you can run out of that passage directly, and then you don't come back. I'll try my best to hold it for you."

I was stunned again. I didn't react at all. Lunzhu was helping me escape. No wonder lunzhu didn't want to question me.

Soon I would react again and shake my head at lunzhu and say, "I don't want to go. Why do I want to go?"

Hearing my words, lunzhu couldn't help but be in a hurry and whispered to me: "if you don't leave, those people will count all the accounts on your head. They are so angry now that they may do a lot of inhumane things at that time. Brother Han, go away quickly, don't hesitate! "

I shook my head again and then sat down on lunzhu's bed.

Lunzhu saw my action and was stunned. After thinking about it, she came to me and wanted to ask again. But maybe she didn't see my state at this time, right? Lunzhu did not speak.

I looked up at lunzhu in front of me. Then I patted my side and said to lunzhu, "come on, lunzhu, sit here."

Lunzhu looked at me suspiciously and couldn't understand what I meant.

But lunzhu didn't think much. She sat beside me, looked at me and asked, "brother Han, what's the matter with you?"

"Lunzhu, you Tell me, did you say that? " I looked at lunzhu in front of me and asked.

Lunzhu couldn't help but be stunned. I didn't expect that I would ask such a question in advance, did I?

"Brother Han, what do you mean?" Lunzhu frowned his pretty brow and said again.

"I said Did you say what happened today? " I recapitulate the questions I raised.

At this time, lunzhu finally reacted, and then widened his eyes, as if thinking of something, he said to me: "I understand, brother Han, I said you didn't have the right attitude towards me just now, brother Han, you have been doubting lunzhu?"

Hearing Lun Zhu's words, I feel very uncomfortable at this time.

Did I blame lunzhu wrong?

"Lunzhu, did you say that?" I seriously looked at Lun Zhu's pretty face again and asked."No, I didn't say it!" Lunzhu shook his head vigorously, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Brother Han, I How can I tell others about you? That's what you told me, and you told me only one person. How can I share it with others? "

At this time, lunzhu was very excited, as if for fear that I would not believe it, he also reached out and grasped my arm.

Looking at lunzhu's eyes, I didn't speak for a long time.

Finally, I chose to believe in lunzhu and said to her in a guilty voice, "I'm sorry, lunzhu. I wronged you. I thought In fact, you should say it. After all, you have the responsibility. "

"No, not me!" Lunzhu shook his head madly again.

"I don't know why it happened today. I came back from Zhuoma after class to see you surrounded by them."

I reached out and stroked lunzhu's face to help her wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes. Then I laughed at lunzhu again and said, "lunzhu, it's my fault. I believe you. You didn't do it."

Because I only told Lun Zhu about it, and I told her last night. This happened today. Naturally, I doubted her.

But just now, lunzhu tried to let me leave this place, obviously he didn't want me to fall into the hands of those people, which made me feel that lunzhu was always thinking about me.

This also made my suspicious thoughts waver. Now it seems that maybe I really blame Lun Zhu.

These days, lunzhu has been very concerned about my feelings, how can she make me feel sad?

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