The man with curly hair covered his bare arm and cried bitterly.

"If you don't want to lose your other arm, I advise you to stop making noise." I glanced at the man with curly hair and said.

Curly hair man quickly clenched his teeth, dare not let his voice come out, because he knew I would definitely do what I said.

"Well done." I grinned at the man with curly hair, revealing eight white teeth.

"It seems that you can't answer my question now. I'll ask your companion. You can rest first."

I turned my head and looked at the companion of the man with curly hair. The man's legs were shaking and his face was very pale. It seemed that he was very worried that I would use the action I just used on the man with curly hair on him.

"I don't think you can tell the truth, so I think you should know what to do now?" I played with the knife in my hand and asked the man with curly hair in front of me.

"Yes, yes! I I will tell you everything The man was completely frightened by me, and his words were not sharp.

"Well, what kind of arrangement do you have in magic?" I asked, looking at the man in front of me.

"Red Square!" The man quickly replied that there was not even time for hesitation.

"Red Square?" I looked at the man in front of me suspiciously.

"It's a strange name. I haven't heard of it before."

"Yes It's an entertainment club set up by the Liu family three years ago. Because it's not very famous now, it hasn't attracted much attention. It has become the only arrangement we have in Mordor. " The man replied quickly.

"Oh? So, what's your purpose? " I looked at the man in front of me with a smile and asked.

Men just think that I'm wearing a devil's smile at this time, and men don't even dare to look directly at me.

"Well I don't know. " The man quickly replied that he was worried that I would not believe it? The man said again: "I didn't cheat you! I dare not lie to you! We are just little fish and shrimps running errands. How can they tell us such things? "

I don't doubt what the man said. After all, if this kind of thing is spread, the Gongsun family and the Jiang family may directly send people to Hongfang the next day. At that time, the only arrangement of the Liu family can be pulled out by the two families, which is really a great loss to the Liu family.

"Well, can you give me a brief introduction to Hongfang? If I could, I might go to Hongfang as a guest. " I asked the man in front of me with a smile.

"Of course." The man bowed his head and replied that now he is really in a state of knowing everything. After all, he is afraid of death, and no one is afraid of death.

"Red The person in charge of Hongfang is Li Tian. In fact, this person is the nephew of the old man. Few people know about this relationship, so no one doubts the relationship between Hongfang and the Liu family. We often meet in Hongfang, and even Sometimes even the eldest lady will come to this place. " The man replied.

"That is to say, the Hongfang is actually the secret contact point of Mordor for you Liu family, isn't it?" I thought about it, then asked again.

"You can say that." The man nodded.

"Usually Usually, all the Liu family members come to the magic capital, and they will go to Hongfang. "

"What about the dead old man? Has he ever been to Hongfang? " I asked again.

Man Leng Leng, estimate also didn't react, I would know Jueming old man?

Of course, the man didn't dare to neglect me. He quickly nodded to me and said, "yes, Jueming old man has been to this place, and And I seem to have met an old man in Hongfang recently. "

Old Jueming has come to Mordor?

My eyes narrowed down, it seems that there is a chance of a pot.

"You have a good answer." I spoke to the man in front of me again.

"After my question, you answered it perfectly. Except for some flaws, it was a perfect match."

Hearing what I said, the men with curly hair and their companions were relieved. It seems that their lives should be saved.

I looked at the two people in front of me again, and then I said to them with a smile, "in that case, say goodbye to the world."

Hearing what I said, the man with curly hair and his companion's face changed greatly, and their eyes were filled with fear again.

"You You just said you wouldn't kill us! " The man with curly hair widened his eyes, looked at me and said.

"You believe me, too?" I said with a smile.

"By the way, you should blame Jueming old man for this, because I learned it from him."Men with curly hair and their companions have found something wrong. They understand that I'm not just talking about it. I really want to fight them!

Thinking of this, they quickly turned around and wanted to escape from the place.

But they're fast, and I'm faster.

Just for a moment, I appeared in front of them again and scared them back.

"You're right. I'm not what I was three years ago, so don't imagine that I'll be lenient to your Liu family." I squinted at the two people in front of me and said.

"Those who did wrong things in those years will come to me one by one, including telling the old people."

When I finished this sentence, I took out my hand like lightning, one hand pinched one person's neck, and they were lifted in the air by me.

I remember very clearly that gouchen used such a move to strangle Dahei three years ago. Since gouchen didn't appear in this place now, I can only use this move in his hands. I think I will have a chance to make such a move to gouchen in the future.

Their faces turned red, their limbs swayed in the air, and they even began to roll their eyes. It can be seen that they were in great pain at this time.

At this time, there was no pity in my eyes, and my hands were forced at the same time.


Their necks were broken by me, and their limbs were limply drooping. Their eyes were staring as if they were going to burst out their eyes.

As soon as I threw them, their bodies were thrown by the lake.

Looking at their bodies, I was speechless for a long time.

After a while, I took back my eyes and went to the hiding place of lunzhu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!