"Is that so?" I looked at the old Taoist in front of me in surprise.

"Or else?" Asked the old Taoist.

"Don't you think that's not the case with me? So it's quite possible. "

"But..." My brow wrinkled and I wanted to explain something, but I just looked at the old Taoist and didn't finish what I wanted to say.

"What do you want to say?" The old Taoist, of course, found that my desire for words stopped and asked.

"Nothing." I waved my hand.

"Maybe that's the reason? It's just that I don't know how to describe it. To be honest, it worries me a lot. "

"Worried? What's to worry about? " Asked the old Taoist.

"I think everyone wants to have this ability? Now that you have such an ability, is there anything you are not satisfied with? "

"It's not a matter of contentment, it's just Are you sure everyone wants to have that ability? " I don't know how to describe my inner feelings to the old Taoist.

It seems that the ability to pry into other people's memory is really powerful, but I don't feel secure in my heart, because it really goes against my common sense, and human beings often have terrible emotions about some unknown things. Now I have such a feeling. Although I can't talk about terror, I still don't know enough about it, or even completely, because I've only been in such a situation once. Will there be other functions that I don't know about with this situation? This

is unknown.

In other words, I am not sure whether such an ability is good or bad for me. As if he understood what I was thinking at this time, the old Taoist laughed at me, reached out his hand and patted me on the shoulder, and slowly said, "let it be, kid. Maybe you can become the descendant of taixuan needling. It's not without reason. It's not without reason that you have such an ability. At least this ability appears in you. It's already a good idea It's a very lucky thing, isn't it? "

"Lucky?" I looked at the old Taoist in front of me in surprise and didn't understand why the old Taoist said that.

"Yes." The old Taoist nodded.

"It can at least prove that other people don't have the ability like you. I can guarantee that your character won't use this ability to do bad things, but I can't guarantee other people that this is what I call luck."

"Well I haven't thought that far I thought about it, then glanced at the old Taoist and replied. "In fact, up to now, I'm still thinking about myself. After all, I don't know much about it, or even know very little about it. If there are any other accidents, I won't feel strange at all, because now no one can understand what kind of experience taixuan needling can bring to people. And now I On the contrary, there is a feeling that the deeper we understand, the more we feel worried. "

"So I think you think too much." The old Taoist continued. "For you now, you don't need to think so much. You can take taixuan needling as a treasure from heaven. I think there must be a reason why taixuan needling has become a legendary treasure, right? Maybe if you make good use of this, it will become an inexhaustible treasure that you can get, and a treasure that many people can't dream of getting. If you get it, you will be satisfied. "

I looked at the old Taoist in front of me with some helplessness and thought that the old Taoist was really standing and talking. It was easy for him to say that. If I were an old Taoist, I would think that the old Taoist would be a different story.

At this time, the old Taoist's eyes turned again, and then he continued to smile at me and said, "so I think you need another person to bear your pain. I think I'm a good choice, don't you think?"

"You?" I looked at the old Taoist in front of me again, and I couldn't help turning my lips.

Daren Qing, the old Taoist, is still thinking of taixuan needling.

"Yes." The old Taoist nodded.

"I've always been interested in this kind of human treasure. If you give me an in-depth analysis, maybe I can come to a different conclusion."

"Then you Would you be happy to have the ability to pry into other people's memories? " I thought about it carefully and asked such a question to the old Taoist again.

"I'm getting older. What do I want this ability for?" Asked the old Taoist.

"What does that have to do with age?"

"Of course it does." The old Taoist nodded and said. "If you think about it, I am so old that I have already achieved self-cultivation and basically let go of some greed in my heart, so I am not interested in this ability. I just want to verify whether taixuan needling in legend really has such an abilityThat's all

"Come on? Just you? " I turned my lips again and looked at the old Taoist.

"You said you believed me when you were old, you said you had let go of greed? Why don't I believe it? "

"Do you look like a liar?" Of course, the old Taoist was not happy. He looked at me with a bad face.

This old Taoist is still an Iron Rooster at such an old age. It's no good not to help others. Can this be called letting go of greed?

"Think about how much you've taken from me these days? And he said, "no greed." I continue to bury the old Taoist.

"Where do you think you are? I do it for your own good. After all, when you have to pay, you will be rewarded. If I don't let you pay anything, how can you cherish the achievements you have gained? " The old Taoist said solemnly.

I can't help but feel depressed. I only met an old Taoist when I could make my greed so fresh and refined.

"Well, since you have said that..." I spoke slowly.

I haven't finished my words yet. At this time, the old Taoist interrupted me with a look of expectation and said, "you promised to teach me?"

"I mean, since you are so shameless, I don't think it will do any good to teach you taixuan needling. I'd better go and have a deep understanding myself." I answered with a smile. "Don't worry, if I have any other feelings, I will definitely share them with you for the first time, so as to satisfy your curiosity."

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