"Mr. Jiang took the initiative to invite me to the Jiang family club. Now it has become the focus of everyone's eyes. So many people watch me walk into the Jiang family club. If anything happens to me, the Jiang family can bear such a responsibility?" I said with confidence

. "Besides, for Mr. Jiang, instead of doing anything to me, he had to protect me when I was in the club of the Jiang family, so as not to let any accidents happen. Otherwise, the responsibility would be on the head of the Jiang family, and Mr. Jiang would not have such an idea.


A little bit is just a nod, which means nothing more.

"Come on, little one, let me have a word with you." My eyes turned, and then I waved to the little dot.

A little bit confused looked at me, some don't understand what I can't say in front of Xia Shi?

If I was small, I would not pay attention to me at all. But at this time, I didn't feel embarrassed. I hesitated for a while, and then I stepped forward and came to me.

I leaned up in front of my little ear and whispered a word. Then I turned my head and looked at me. After thinking about it, I asked, "are you sure you want to do this?"

"Do you think there's something wrong with that?" I looked at the little dot in front of me with interest, but I didn't expect that little dot would confirm this problem with me. "I just think it may be a provocation to the Jiang family." Xiaodian looks around and opens his mouth. It seems that what Xiaodian does now is not the same as before. He doesn't have to consider any factors. Xiaodian even depends on the situation. How to do it is appropriate or not


"Provocation?" I couldn't help but smile.

"If this is a provocation to the Jiang family, then the Jiang family is too glassy, isn't it? What's more, some of the responsibilities should have been shouldered by the Jiang family. I can't come here today without doing anything, can I? "

Xiaodian thought again for a long time, then nodded to me and said: "I know, I will do it."

"That would be great." I smile, originally also want to reach out and pat a little bit on the shoulder, but think that the result of doing so is likely to be a little bit of subconscious to fall over the shoulder, and then very embarrassed appearance, I will take back the hand.

"You can stay here for a while. I'll meet the old man. It won't be long." I said to Xia Shi again.

Xia Shi nodded to me rather cleverly, and didn't ask much. After Xiaodian and Xia Shi left, I went to the room that Jiang Qingqing had just pointed to. At the door of the room, there are two casually dressed people standing. It seems that these two people are no different from ordinary people, but I can still feel that these two people are absolutely two rare masters. When Mr. Jiang came to the magic city, how could the Jiang family not arrange some people around him who can

protect Mr. Jiang's safety? And for the Chiang family's inside information, to be able to take out such two experts is of course not to mention.

"Zhang Shao, please."

The two recognized my identity at a glance, and made an invitation to me, which was quite quaint. It seems that Mr. Jiang's interpersonal network is really good.

They took the initiative to open the door of the room for me, and they didn't mean to search me, so they welcomed me in.

I even wonder if they just trust me? Don't you worry about what kind of weapon I have that will threaten the life of Mr. Jiang?

I went into the room with such a question in my heart, but when I saw the people in the room, the doubt in my heart immediately disappeared.

The person sitting at the top of the room is naturally Mr. Jiang, but Mr. Jiang is not the only one in the room. The person sitting on the left side of Mr. Jiang drinking tea and wearing a grey robe is not the Yandang wound who enjoys the name of sword God?

I didn't expect that Yandang wound also followed master Jiang back to the magic capital, and now he is guarding his side. There is such a person who protects him. Who can bypass Yandang wound and hurt him? Mr. Jiang and yandangshang were obviously talking about something, and they had a good time talking about it. After seeing me, they also stopped talking about it. Mr. Jiang even said to me with a smile on his face: "Zhang Jia boy, you're here. I've been waiting for you for a long time I looked at the Yandang wound beside Mr. Jiang, and then I went into the room. As soon as he came up, Mr. Jiang gave me such a smile. Of course, I know that the old man must have bad intentions. I don't think I have such a good relationship with the old man that even he has to smile.

"Come and sit here. Let's have a good chat." Mr. Jiang pointed to his right side and then waved to the two masters behind me.

Naturally, the two masters understood what Mr. Jiang meant, nodded their heads, then left the room and took the initiative to take the door with them.Naturally, I did not refuse the invitation of Mr. Jiang. I sat on the right side of Mr. Jiang. "If I heard you right, you should have been at Jiang's house half an hour ago, Zhang Jia boy? Why are you here to see me now? Can't you just hang me out on purpose? " Mr. Jiang asked me this question, still with a smile on his face.

Of course, I want to say yes, and I do have such an idea, but if I really express it in this way, it's really impolite. I can't give the old man such an easy say, can I?

"I just met some acquaintances, so I talked with them first. I'm really sorry if I kept you waiting for a long time." I hugged Mr. Jiang and said.

"Ha ha, what's wrong with that? I'm just curious, old man. " Master Jiang waved his hand as if he really didn't care.

"Just now you said Did you meet an acquaintance at the Jiang club? This makes the old man very curious. Is there a Zhangjia boy in the Jiang family club? Do you have any acquaintances? Who is it? "

"It's not in the Chiang family club, it's at the door of the Chiang family club." I took a look at Mr. Jiang and replied. "Mr. Jiang Mingchuan is also at the door of the Jiang family club, so I talked with him for a few words. What surprised me was that Mr. Jiang Mingchuan didn't want to enter the Jiang family club, but I don't know why?"

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