After hearing my words, master Jiang and Yandang wound, who had never spoken before, looked at each other. They all saw each other's helplessness from each other's eyes. It is estimated that both master Jiang and Yandang wound feel that my face is too thick, right?

Since I entered this room, have I really fallen behind in the battle with Mr. Jiang because of my youth and inexperience? Anyway, Yandang injury is not seen.

At this time, Yandang wound also turned his head and looked at me with a smile, and slowly said: "you don't need to worry about this, you should also see it. I didn't say a word just now, you can completely regard me as the air."

Take a sword God as air? I really don't have that ability. However, Yandang wound did not express any opinions just now, which is right. It is estimated that the main purpose of Yandang wound pestle here is to protect the integrity of Mr. Jiang? From this point of view, it seems very easy for Mr. Jiang to invite me this time, but Mr. Jiang is still worried about what I will do to him.

"I want to." I replied. "But just the old man and Mr. Jianshen, you guys with such momentum here, will have enough influence for me not to say anything. If I say something here that makes the old man unhappy, the old man will not directly let Mr. Jianshen clean me up

? I'm not so arrogant as to think I'm your opponent, Mr. sword. "

"I really don't have such a small stomach, old man." Mr. Jiang glanced at me and spoke slowly. I could see that what I said just now made Mr. Jiang a little unhappy.

"Is it?" I looked at Mr. Jiang in front of me.

"Don't you have a small stomach? Did I miss the old man? "

"How can you tell, old man, that I'm going to be a chicken with a small stomach?" Master Jiang stares at me again and says, even Yandang wound on one side looks at me in surprise. It seems that Yandang wound didn't expect that I would judge him like this in front of master Jiang.

"Maybe I took it for granted." I answered with a wave of my hand.

"From the way I dealt with you before, I thought that you were not very grand as I imagined you to be. If you have wrong opinions, please don't blame me."

Mr. Jiang didn't speak any more because he couldn't hear what I was saying?

What I really dealt with Mr. Jiang was the accident in his club a few years ago? And I deliberately pick out this sentence, just want to put this matter out for a talk.

Of course, I will introduce the topic into this matter in front of Mr. Jiang. In fact, Mr. Jiang had expected it for a long time. Even Mr. Jiang had made psychological preparations for this when he invited me to visit the Jiang family club.

What Chiang didn't expect was that I didn't get involved in this topic at the beginning. Instead, I've made such a big detour, and now I'm officially cutting into this issue. It's hard for Chiang to tell whether it's a good thing or a bad thing for him.

When I saw that Mr. Jiang didn't speak, I said again, "my words really offend people. Don't you feel angry, Mr. Jiang? If so, then I apologize. "

"I'm not so stingy." At this time, Mr. Jiang couldn't help but chuckle, as if he wanted to show that he was not only generous, but also waved to me generously.

"I think you may have some misunderstandings about me, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that you don't have such misunderstandings about me in the future." "But I've always had such an idea. What can I do? If I want to change my understanding of you, I don't know where to start I went on to say that it seemed that I was completely at odds with Mr. Jiang on this issue. If ordinary people spoke to him like this, he would have been furious. It's not about the amount of money. It's just that my attitude is not respect or even respect. How could Mr. Jiang not be angry? It's just obvious that Mr. Jiang didn't want to show his stingy stomach in front of me, so he didn't have an attack. Moreover, this time Mr. Jiang took the initiative to invite me to come here as a guest. If Mr. Jiang took the lead in making trouble with me, it would not only lose the face of his family, so he didn't want to do this in front of me A Dang.

"Didn't you just say that? If you want to seek justice for Qingqing, you can put it forward in front of me. Maybe you can make some changes in your cognition. " Mr. Jiang said again.

"This Isn't that enough? " I glanced at Mr. Jiang again. "Just asking this question in front of you can reflect your magnanimity? I don't think that's enough. Maybe I'll just waste my saliva when I ask this question. I don't mind at all,But old man, you just need to make a generous appearance that you don't care about me. If this is what old man said, does such generosity seem too hypocritical? "

The corner of Chiang's eyes twitched slightly. It was obvious that Chiang had not been patient with me at this time.

"Zhang Cheng, I think I can hear you say so much in front of me, which has reflected my magnanimity in many ways." Mr. Jiang said again.

"It seems that what you said just now is just talking. It doesn't seem to be true." I couldn't help but curl my lips. It seems that I didn't pay attention to what Mr. Jiang said. "I even thought that when I came to Jiang's club this time, I could see another Mr. Jiang that I didn't know. As for you, it seems that I think too much about everything. I didn't get much from coming to Jiang's club this time. It's really disappointing. Oh, no! It should be said that The biggest gain is that it has helped Mr. Jiang or the whole Jiang family create a lot of public opinion, right? With the help of such an advantage of public opinion, the Jiang family can send out some smoke bombs to make people uncertain about what Zhang Jia and the Jiang family are talking about in secret. They certainly can't imagine that the seemingly peaceful meeting is actually talking about these issues? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!