Ouyang Qi thinks that no one will refuse Jianzi's identity. Having this identity is tantamount to getting the future of Ouyang family, because the whole Ouyang family regards Jianzi as the most important, and Jianzi will be trained by the old people on the famous Jianfeng

from childhood, and his future achievements are totally unimaginable.

Ouyang Qi even thought that he might be the sword of Ouyang's generation when he was young, because Ouyang Qi didn't think that any talent of Ouyang's generation was more powerful than himself.

Ouyang Qi was not named Jianfeng until he grew up. Ouyang Qi thought that the generation of Ouyang family didn't want to cultivate Jianzi, which made Ouyang Qi a little regretful at that time.

However, what Ouyang Qi didn't expect was that Ouyang family had already started to cultivate Jianzi in mingjianfeng, and that person was not himself at all! It's just that this incident has never been reported before. I'm afraid that in addition to the famous Jianfeng in the back of Ouyang villa, only the great villa leader Ouyang Yunzhong knows about it. This also makes Ouyang Qi have no good feelings for Ouyang Yunzhong, and he is even more afraid of the sword.

Ouyang's family has a sword, but this identity is not his own. The more Ouyang Qi thinks about it, the more distorted he feels. Ouyang Qi thinks his talent is so good. Why is he not a sword?

Of course, Ouyang Qi also knows that no matter how much he complains, this kind of thing can't be changed. Now Jianzi has come out of the mountain and become the focus in everyone's eyes.

What Ouyang Qi wants to do most is to prove that he is better than Jianzi and let the elders in his family regret why he didn't choose himself.

However, at this time, Jianzi put forward such a condition, which made Ouyang Qi pay more attention to this proposal.

Apply to the elder of the family to remove the sword, and then sit on the position of the sword?

At first thought, this proposal is too absurd, because there has never been such a thing in the history of Ouyang family. But if you think about it, why can't it happen? This sword has achieved the worst result in the history of the Ouyang family. I'm afraid the family are very disappointed with it? Even the elders in mingjianfeng thought that the performance of their swords would be so poor, didn't they?

If I put forward to abolish the sword at this time, and then I sit on the position of sword to recover all the lost reputation for Ouyang family, won't anyone agree? Ouyang Qi thinks that his popularity in the Ouyang family is quite good. In addition, the present Jianzi is too disappointing. Everyone is dissatisfied with his achievement. It's still possible for most people in the Ouyang family to admit that he is


But Ouyang Qi knows that it's not difficult to get the support of Ouyang's family. The difficulty lies in whether the old people in mingjianfeng who have never met before can admit their status?

If they don't agree, no matter how hard they try, it's useless.

Maybe I should let my father inquire about it.

"Well! It's easy for you to say. Our Ouyang family has never had a discarded sword in their history. What's the matter? Do you want to be the first Ouyang Qi sneered and said. "How do you know if you don't try that? There is a first time in everything. I certainly don't mind the result. As long as you can do it, then everything I have now can be given to you. " Jianzihuan

opens his mouth.

Ouyang Qi's brows wrinkled even more. Ouyang Qi even smelled the smell of conspiracy. Could it be that the sword was playing some tricks?

But what can this sword do? Isn't Jianzi afraid to take off?

Moreover, Ouyang Qi doesn't think Jianzi can really give up everything he has now and give them to others. Anyway, if Ouyang Qi were Jianzi, he would never do that.

However, Ouyang Qi could not see anything from Jianzi's expression, which made Ouyang Qi more uncertain.

"What are you up to?" Ouyang Qi stares at the sword in front of him. "I'm not playing games with you." The sword son answers a way. "What you just said is really reasonable. I've made the Ouyang family lose face. I'm afraid many people in the family have different opinions on me, including some family elders. Maybe I'll get such a result next time and become the most humiliating sword in history. But you always feel that you can do better than me. Why don't you sit in this position instead of me? You can take everything I have, and a more perfect you can help Ouyang family gain more reputation, and you will become a more perfect sword than me. I think such a plan is really good, and you can put it forward to your family. "

Ouyang Qi looked at Jianzi again. He didn't believe what Jianzi said, but after Jianzi's reminding, Ouyang Qi thought that this kind of thing might really be possible, and he could go and have a try.

"You don't want to have all this today?" Ouyang Qi thought about it, and then inquired about it uncertainly. "This has nothing to do with you. Judging from all the objective facts that have happened now, you are more suitable for this position than I am. You can fight for it, right? Just to see if you can get thisIt's just a mouth. " Jianzi continued.

Ouyang Qi sneers in his heart. Of course, he won't be fooled by the sword. He thinks it must be the bait thrown by the sword. How can Ouyang Qi be so naive?

"I almost fell for you." Ouyang Qi sneered and said. "If you really don't want all this, why should I help you?" "It's not helping me, it's helping yourself." Jianzi retorts. "Because you can get everything you want, whether it's the reputation of Jianzi or the treatment that others can't enjoy, it will become your thing. Don't you care about these things? If you don't get excited, you won't be so targeted at me, will you? You really want these, don't you? I can give it to you, but you have to do it like I just said

"What? You don't really think I want what you give me, do you? Do I look so spineless? " Ouyang Qi said with a sneer. "You don't have to cover your heart. It's not a good choice. When you do this, no one will look down on you, just you will look down on yourself. " Sword son continues to persuade a way.

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