After looking at Yi Shi for a long time, I opened my mouth to Yi Shi and said, "I said You haven't been beaten by that old man, have you

I didn't expect Yi Shi to be worried when she heard this. She glared at me and said, "how can it be? Will I be beaten up for no reason? It's just me, okay? "

I rolled my eyes and thought about how this guy felt about himself. "If the old man didn't beat you, what did you say? What's more, I was in a hurry just now. Won't I be right? If that's the case, it's not bad for you to admit it, and I won't laugh at you unless I can't help it. " I turned my lips and said. "How could I have been beaten by this old man? Does he dare to attack me? " Yi Shi opens his mouth with a swaggering look. "It's just that when I first met the old man, I thought he was a little strange. At that time, I had the same idea as you. I wanted to talk to the old man, but I didn't expect that before I got close, the old man suddenly opened his eyes to attack me. How could I be attacked by him? With a smart turn, he left

, and the old man went back to sleep without chasing far away. "

When Yi Shi said this sentence, she seemed very free and easy, just like doing a very handsome thing. But I rolled my eyes again and said, "you don't have anyone who can tell you how to run away." "What is escape? I just don't want to be as fussy as this old man. " It's easy to get wet. "After all, I'm a guest from afar. What's the matter with the local snakes here? Besides, what should we do if we hurt the old man by hand? "

I laughed again, but I didn't continue to blame Yi Shi. After thinking about it, I said to Yi Shi again, "in other words, this old man is not only mentally normal, but also very powerful?" "Yes." Yi Shi nodded. "At that time, I was also very interested in the old man. At that time, I also thought that the old man's mental behavior was abnormal, so I asked laosuntou. Laosuntou had lived here for decades, but he could not understand the residents here any more. Laosuntou told me that there was no big problem with the old man, but he was too lonely, even the people in the village And old Sun told me that he was the guardian of the village to prevent outsiders from thinking about the village. "

I suddenly nodded, did not expect that the village of the old man would have such a beginning.

The guardian of the village?

It seems that the old man should be very powerful. If he can scare away easily wet, he must be powerful to a certain extent. I was just about to ask Yi Shi more. At this time, Yi Shi continued to look at me and said, "I really don't understand why this old man with a lonely personality is so special to you. But Lao Suntou said that no one can get close to this old man, even the people in the village are no exception. Moreover, I have observed for a period of time, just as Lao Suntou said Other people in the village walked around him when they passed by the village, as if they were afraid of provoking the old man

"Maybe Is it because I'm handsome that he's too embarrassed to start? " I thought about it and then gave such a reason.

To be honest, apart from this possibility, I really don't understand the other reasons why the old man didn't do it to me.

"Bah!" Easy wet said to my shameless very despise.

And I frowned and fell into silence. Today, the old man even made a special voice to remind me of a strange word. Is it This old man is not teasing me? Yi Shi looked at me again, as if she knew what I was thinking about. After thinking for a while, she said, "no matter what the old man said to you, in my opinion, you should not regard him as saying nothing, even less as a mental illness."

Can't you say nothing?

Does that mean What the old man said to me this morning is actually meaningful?

Some of my friends have visited this place?

Where do I get my friends?

At this time, I suddenly thought of something, which made me frown again, looked at Yi Shi beside me and said, "have you taken the Ziwei sword with you?"

"What am I doing with that?" Yi Shi said he didn't understand what I meant. "Isn't that yours? Don't you mean you should always put it on yourself? "

I didn't take Ziwei sword with me, but I put it in my sleeping room.

Easy wet also didn't bring out, and at this time I also quickly think of the strange old man I met yesterday, which made my face change!

"Go up with Mr. Sun first, and I'll follow you right away! I have to go back! " I quickly to easy wet mouth.

Although Yi Shi couldn't figure out what I thought would cause my face to change, Yi Shi didn't stop me at this time. After nodding, I rushed to the village at the foot of the mountain.Soon I ran into the yard. When I entered the yard, I felt the surroundings. I didn't notice the smell of any strangers, but I didn't relax my vigilance. I went directly into the room where I was sleeping. I clearly remember that I hung the Ziwei sword on the wall of the room. I didn't leave for long with Yi Shi and Lao Suntou just now, so in theory, the Ziwei sword should still be hanging in place

just now.

However, when I entered the room, I found that the wall was empty. Where was the trace of Ziwei sword on the wall?

It seems that the possibility I have just guessed has come true. As expected, someone is thinking of Ziwei sword!

The man with the idea of Ziwei sword may have appeared around here early in the morning, but I didn't find him. Instead, I was found by the village old man. That's why the old man specially reminded me that although the old man didn't know who the man who sneaked into the village was and what he wanted to do, the old man also thought that it must have something to do with me, and only when he saw me

, he specially reminded me that. Unfortunately, I just wanted to understand what the old man said now. At this time, my expression became serious. I was missed by the thief and even stole it on my head. It's not easy to fall on anyone, is it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!