"Elder, I think you are right." After thinking about it, I stood up and agreed with what Mr. Sun said. "Because I am proficient in taixuan needling, I know very well what kind of effect taixuan needling has. It can really detect other people's thoughts, which is actually a terrible thing. No one wants his own thoughts to be detected, so taixuan needling will not be accepted by the world. And a needle that is not accepted by the world will soon be deliberately forgotten by the world, and this needle can only be lost. I just learned this needle by chance. " In fact, I can learn this needling technique by relying on the blue book that my father gave me before. The blue book not only records taixuan needling technique, but also has many other strange gossip, all right and wrong

methods that are often useful and very unpopular, even unknown to the world.

I think this blue book was written by an ancestor who was worried about the loss of some things and directly recorded all the things he collected in this blue book, right?

I just don't know how my dad got this blue book. "Yes." Old sun head also nods a way again at this time. "According to the situation you said, this needling method can't be accepted, because human thought is everyone's most private existence. Who wants to be detected? No one can accept such an act. And I also learned from a few records that the heirs of taixuan needling had the same result in their later years, that is, mental abnormality! Their watches are so weird that many people even think they are crazy. "


I can't help but stare big eyes. I didn't expect that taixuan needling still has such a consequence?

If it's really like what Mr. Sun said, then I really regret why I have such a needling technique.

"Master, what you said is true?" I hastened to confirm to old sun tou that I didn't want this kind of thing to become true.

If I have to become a madman when I get old, isn't that too sad? I don't want to accept such a result. "At the beginning, I felt very strange. At that time, I was still thinking about what kind of evil needling? How can it make the users feel abnormal in their old age? Now I've found the reason The old sun continued to speak, glanced at me, and then continued to explain, "don't you understand? If you think about it, since you have the ability to detect other people's thoughts, would you use it infrequently? People are very curious. When they master this kind of needling technique, they want to know something they didn't know before. So they often use taixuan needling technique to other people to find out other people's thoughts. This kind of behavior may not be too bad, but after using too much and too frequently? In this way, won't there be any problem with their thinking? Of course, it's impossible. They may only use it once or twice, which will not produce sequelae. But if they use it too much,

it's hard to say. Then in their later years, their spirits are more or less abnormal, so they will have such records. " After a long time of careful thinking, I nodded slowly and said, "what you said is really reasonable. It's really a surprising thing. After all, I can detect other people's thoughts, but others can

still don't know it. It's certainly a lucky thing for me. If I do this kind of thing too much, maybe it's not enough It's going to have sequelae. "Yes Laosuntou nodded again. It seems that laosuntou can see that I have understood him. "So if you have such an ability, don't think about exploring other people's thoughts anytime and anywhere. You can't do this kind of thing, even if it's not for others, it's for yourself."

Lao Suntou told me this with a very serious expression. I can see that Lao Suntou was telling me this matter very seriously. It seems that Lao Suntou didn't want me to have the experience he said. "I wouldn't do such a thing if I had nothing to do." I couldn't help laughing bitterly and said. "I was scared by the experience just now. I can still recall the horror just now. It must be the most terrible thing I have ever experienced in my life, which must be unspeakable. God knows when I'll be like this again? So in the future, I will never give people needles casually. It's too dangerous. " "Ha ha, it's best for you to have such awareness." At this time, the old sun couldn't help laughing. Obviously, the old sun was very satisfied with my answer at this time. "In any case, you have taixuan needling, which is your advantage. When you need you, you should stand up, and when you don't need you, you should never use this needling to anyone. This is the virtue of a doctor."

After hearing what Lao sun tou said, I wanted to refute him. I'm not a doctor, and I never thought about becoming a doctor.

However, no matter how old sun is, he is also thinking about me. Naturally, I can't go back like this. I can only nod my head to show that I know.And I looked at the woman in the coffin again, thought about it, and then continued to speak to the old grandson and said, "master, you just said that people's thoughts can actually form an offensive force and take the initiative to attack others?" "In theory, that's true." Old sun tou replied. "After all, using taixuan needling as a medium, one of the two thoughts attacks when they merge, which is not something that can not be done. Yes? Have you just been attacked by the thought of this woman I shrugged helplessly, and then slowly answered, "yes, the reason why I was lost just now is because I was attacked by other people's thoughts, and this kind of attack made me not even able to respond in time."

"Oh?" Old sun tou looked at me in surprise, even Yi Shi couldn't help but cast his eyes at me. "You mean She just attacked you with her mind? "

When Lao Suntou said this, he specially pointed to the woman in the coffin.

"Yes." I nodded. This kind of thing is very obvious. After all, the object of acupuncture I just applied was the woman in the coffin. The person who attacked me with his mind was not the woman in the coffin. Who was that?

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