The second can say such words, obviously the second can see what kind of urine the children of Ouyang family are now.

Now everyone is making their own small ideas, and which disciple is willing to sacrifice himself for Ouyang's family? Anyway, the second thought that the whole Ouyang family could not find anyone willing to play this role.

The third one looked at the second one, hesitated for a long time, then slowly said: "maybe you don't know the second one, I really have a very suitable person in my heart?"

"Oh?" The second one turns his head and looks at the third one in surprise. At this time, the second one thinks that the third one has more and more ideas in his mind. It seems that he has been thinking about this problem very hard these two days. "I don't know who is the right person for you, third brother?"

"Ouyang banner, the son of Ouyang Mingli." Old three slowly opens a way.

"Ouyang banner?" The second one couldn't help but widened his eyes. Then he waved his hand decisively and replied, "third one, you think too much. Let's put it this way If the Ouyang family is really up and down to the point where everyone is likely to sacrifice for the Ouyang family, I'm afraid only he won't have this heart? "

"Oh?" The third one looks at the second one in surprise. "It seems that the second man knows this Ouyang flag very well?"

"Then I know him too well." The second continued. "The Ouyang flag is very talented, but because it was not liked by the famous Jianfeng when he was a child, he lost the position of Jianzi, so the character of Ouyang flag became very strange. In fact, I was thinking, what does a child know? How can a child record this kind of thing for a lifetime? Later, I gradually found out that I was wrong. Some people can remember this kind of thing for a lifetime. This Ouyang flag is one of them. Because of his talent and strength, he can really take the position of the elder martial brother of sword mountain villa. But his city is so deep that many elders can't see what kind of idea this Ouyang flag has in mind. I'm afraid that because of the sword, he can't be the elder of the Ouyang family? If you want to say that he is willing to sacrifice for the Ouyang family, I will never believe that. And if we want to find someone to be the scapegoat, we must tell the other party most of the things. We can't let him carry the pot without knowing it, can we? Do you think we dare to tell Ouyang Qi about this? If you let him know, God knows what kind of idea this Ouyang banner will have in mind. "

Heard the second, at this time the third suddenly smile, smile looks very bright.

"Old three, you don't patronize smile." The second one frowned. "I'm not joking with you about this, because I've been paying more attention to the reason of numerology, so I'm also very interested in Ouyang Qi, the son of numerology. I can say that I know better than most people in the villa what kind of character he is. I think it's absolutely inappropriate for Ouyang Qi to hand over this matter to such a city. I'm afraid he won't compromise at that time, It's against us

"You can rest assured of that." At this time, the third man definitely said. "I wanted to find Ouyang Qi to take charge of this matter, but I didn't place my hope on his heart of sacrifice. Just as you said, I didn't see such a spirit from Ouyang Qi."

"Oh?" The second one looks more confused. "Laosan, according to your meaning, you seem to know Ouyang banner well?"

"Yes." The third nodded. "I really know this Ouyang banner very well, so I'm determined to let him come forward to help the Ouyang family block the gun. It's really his business."


The second feels that he can't understand the third's words more and more. Since the third knows what kind of person Ouyang Qi is, he will never have the heart of sacrifice. How can the third insist that Ouyang Qi do it? Didn't this harm the Ouyang family?

"Second, listen to me first." The third man waved his hand and said. "I know that he is definitely not willing to sacrifice for the Ouyang family, so I don't have this mentality at all, so I see it as a deal. "


"Yes, it's a deal." Lao San nodded confidently. "Do you know what this Ouyang banner wants most? As you said just now, Ouyang banner felt resentful because it was not chosen as a sword by mingjianfeng when he was a child. What's the reason? This is because Ouyang Qi doesn't think he will be any worse than Jianzi. The only difference between him and Jianzi is that he hasn't been to mingjianfeng and hasn't received the training from the experts in mingjianfeng, so What Ouyang Qi wants most is to be able to enter the famous sword peak. And I have the ability to help him achieve this goal. Should he be the scapegoat for the Ouyang family? "

"You mean Do you want to take the famous Jianfeng in Ouyang banner The second couldn't help but stare again.

You know, the Ouyang family existed for thousands of years before that, but there has never been such a precedent.

can enter the name Jianfeng, and it is not a single person has the final say. It must be approved by everyone in the name of Jianfeng before entering.Yes, it really needs the consent of all the people in mingjianfeng. One of the Ouyang family's children can successfully enter mingjianfeng. It's impossible for one person to agree. Otherwise, how could mingjianfeng be so difficult for the Ouyang family's children to enter?

Only if all the experts in mingjianfeng think that this person has enough contribution to Ouyang family, but also has irresistible talent, and there is no other shortcoming that makes all the experts in mingjianfeng feel unhappy, the other person is qualified to enter mingjianfeng.

Ouyang Qi obviously does not meet this requirement. Although Ouyang Qi has great talent and strength, it must have been seen by some elders on Jianfeng. They can't all have no opinion on Ouyang Qi, as long as one person doesn't agree with it. Then Ouyang Qi is not qualified to enter mingjianfeng!

In the second year's opinion, this matter is very difficult to do, so I feel shocked by the idea put forward by the third year.

Of course, the second can see that the third doesn't seem to want to ask for the opinions of other masters of mingjianfeng. He wants to bring the Ouyang flag into mingjianfeng. Isn't that nonsense? , the fastest update of the webnovel!