The disfigured old man took me into the yard and then disappeared, not to mention being a guide for me. I'm not the Liu family. It's my first time to come to this place. I really can't find the room in which the Liu family let me come in alone to see him. If you think about it carefully, both the disfigured old man and the seriously ill old man of the Liu family are very strange. I'm not familiar with the old man of the Liu family at all, and I don't think such an old man is familiar with me. How can he let me in alone? Is the old man of the Liu family not afraid of what I do to him? This old man's heart is so big?

Of course, I can't come up with any results from my own wishful thinking here. I'd better go in and have a look. I want to see what kind of magic there is in this mysterious courtyard of the Liu family.

The house in the courtyard looks very simple, which is different from the prosperity of the Liu's courtyard outside. If I didn't know where I was in the Liu's courtyard, I might feel that I came to the countryside.

Because the houses I live in in the countryside are similar to the courtyard I live in now, I wonder if the old man of the Liu family can't live in such a residence for such a long time?

Just like what willow said just now, there seems to be no one else in the whole yard except the disfigured old man who brought me in just now and doesn't know where he has gone. This place is very lonely.


I asked directly. It's not polite to rush in like this, so I think it's necessary for me to ask first.

But no one in the house responded to me, and the old man didn't show up just now, which made me feel even more strange.

Which one is on?

"I'm in?"

I asked for advice again, but no one responded. I didn't ask any more questions. I went straight into the house.

There are many rooms in it, but every room is closed, and only one door is open. Is this the room where Liu's father usually lives?

I didn't think much about it. I went straight to the room.

As I expected, there was only one bed and one cabinet in the room, and there was a skinny old man lying on that bed.

Is this the master of the Liu family?

I can see that the old man on the bed is dead. If he hadn't been hanging in one breath, no one would suspect that he was a corpse. I really didn't expect that the grand old man of the Liu family should be such a respectable face, and I don't think it's necessary for him to be cured. Anyone can see that the old man's time and time are limited. If you give the old man a good time, why don't you put it off all the time?

I slowly moved to the bedside, the old man on the bed seems to have no consciousness at all, like falling asleep.

"Old man?"

I thought about it, but I still called out quietly. Just now the old man let me in alone, which means he must be awake. Sure enough, after hearing what I said, the old man slowly opened his eyes and turned his head hard to look at me. The old man's eyes were turbid, his whole face was almost covered with skin and bones, and his lips were dry.

it seemed that he had not drunk water for many days. I couldn't help frowning. I thought that even if the Liu family lived in a place where they couldn't easily enter without his orders, the Liu family must have special personnel to take care of the Liu family's life all day?

In this case, the old man will not be pitiful.

His face is sallow, his skin is dull, and even his hair is very sparse. It doesn't look like being taken care of. Can't the Liu family give up the old man?

However, no matter from the performance of Liu Shu or Liu Xianglan, I can see that they all hope that the old man of the Liu family can be cured, otherwise Liu Shu would not have found me in the Tibetan area thousands of miles away.

However, the current situation makes me feel a little strange, which seems to be different from what I imagined.

"I'll help you up, old man." I sat by the dark bed and tried to help the old man up. Then I opened the kettle on the table next to me and poured out a cup of cold water.

I didn't pass the water cup to the old man's mouth, but put the bottom of the cup in my palm, and immediately operated the internal force in my body and gathered in my palm. Before long, the water cup gradually rose a stream of water vapor.

After I felt that the water in the cup had the same temperature, I handed the cup to the old man.

As if he had not drunk water for a long time, he was not afraid of scalding his mouth and soon drank the water in the cup.

The old man's eyes had a little look.

Although I can see that the old man still wants to drink water, but I also know that the old man's physical condition is not suitable to drink too much water, so I directly put the water cup on the table next to him."Better, old man?" I continued to ask the old man.

The old man nodded. At this time, the old man seemed to have more spirit, which was totally different from the dead one just now. Obviously, the old man's condition is so serious that he can't even get up to drink. In such a situation, someone in the Liu family should always follow the old man and take care of his diet.

Why didn't I see anyone else as soon as I entered the hospital?

"You Who is it? " The old man is very weak asked such a sentence, the old man's voice is very hoarse, like for a long time did not speak.

"Didn't you call me in, old man?" I did not immediately answer the old man's words, but so asked.

The old man just remembered this. After hesitating for a long time, he nodded and continued to say: "are you To save me? "

"I think so." I nodded. "But don't hope too much for me, old man. I'm not sure I can save you, and I don't know what kind of illness you are now."

"Did the willow tell you?" "He doesn't seem to have mentioned to me exactly what's wrong with you, old man." I shrugged my shoulders and said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!