After coming into contact with this circle, Han Zishi thinks that there are no such smart people in the world? What's more, it's just rumors. After all, the Yan family has a great career. They believe in everything they want. How can a girl have such great ability? In fact, when this kind of rumors spread, many people are full of expectations, looking forward to the Yan Family's proud daughter coming of age. According to the trend of the Yan family, I'm afraid that as long as the girl comes of age, most of the Yan Family's industries will be taken care of by the girl. Only then can the girl who has been blown too much be truly displayed Show your ability.

Whether she really has a strong ability or is completely blown out by others, it will be clear at a glance. But what everyone didn't expect was that the little princess of Yan family, named Yan she, was not able to take over the family business as an adult. Instead, she disappeared directly from the capital. For a long time, people couldn't figure out where Yan she went at that time. Anyway, she was not in the capital.

At that time, although Han Zishi was only 16 or 17 years old, because Han Zishi had been exposed to many factors since he was a child, Han Zishi already had a mind far beyond ordinary people. At that time, Han Zishi began to sneer at the legendary Yan she. In Han Zishi's opinion, Yan she was really a product of being blown out. She didn't have the mysterious ability at all. It's just that Yan family wanted to

put money on her face.

When Yan she came of age to take over the Yan Family industry, she disappeared inexplicably. Isn't that enough to explain the problem? So at that time, Han Zishi didn't think that the new generation of the Yan family would have any talents in large numbers. The only object that everyone paid attention to was just a blown existence. Maybe when the third generation of the Yan family should take over, the Yan family would officially decline.

What could the Yan family have done at that time even if it was at its best? In the face of the situation that they are not able to take over the past, can they still have any good methods?

In this way, many years passed. Although the legend about Yan she became more and more serious in those years, Han Zishi never paid attention to this kind of thing.

It wasn't until two years ago that the Yan Family suddenly announced Yan she's return to the Yan Family and took over blueprints group directly that Han Zishi paid attention to it again.

At that time, the incident was very sensational. It was almost like a bomb dropped in the capital circle. The Yan Family directly let Yan she take over the blueprint group, that is to say, Yan she had never worked in the blueprint group before. Maybe Yan she didn't know anything about the blueprint group system. In this way, she let a woman who was completely a stranger to the blueprint group take over the whole blueprint group, and many people even thought that Yan's operation was complete It's blind. Maybe this will bring blueprint group to an end. Of course, Han Zishi thought the same at that time. Even if Yan she was a genius, what could he do? The Yan family is so strong that Yan she directly takes over the position of the head of blueprints group. Apart from other things, Yan she can't win over just because of her heart. Can some old employees in blueprint group get used to this kind of behavior? What kind of achievements can Yan she achieve in blueprint group without any support? It's just a joke, and Han Zishi really wants to wait until this kind of joke happens. However, the joke didn't happen. On the contrary, Yan she managed blueprint group in an orderly way. Many large-scale operations made everyone feel that such operations would only appear in the hands of an old fox who has been in business for decades. How could they appear in a young woman who just took over blueprint group? It was a real surprise.

What makes people feel more sensational is that Yan she, less than a year after taking over blueprints group, even made a stunning decision! That is a big clean-up of blueprint group! Before that, blueprints group didn't only belong to the Yan family. Looking back on history, the Liu family is the second largest shareholder of blueprints group, and blueprints group also has many Liu family confidants. This is a fact that almost everyone knows, but no one dares to say it.

But Yan she did not ignore this reason, but directly launched a major purge of the Liu faction. Since then, Liu's confidants have been uprooted from blueprint group. This operation really shocked everyone, including Han Zishi.

At that time, Han Zishi realized that the object he had always suspected was such a magical woman! Since then, Han Zishi has directly regarded Yan she as his idol.

At this time, yunqingsong said the name of Yan she, how could he not let Han Zishi feel shocked? What's more, Han Zishi can't believe it. What does Yun Qingsong mean when he brings up Yan she? You know, Han Zishi and Yun Qingsong are still discussing the topic about me just now, isn't it Does this miss Yan have anything to do with me?

Think of here, at this time of Han Zishi only feel his heart thump, even into a panic!"Is Is Is Zhang Cheng related to Yan she? " Han Zishi quickly opened his mouth, Han Zishi even swallowed his own saliva, obviously Han Zishi thought this kind of thing is really incredible!

"What do you think?" Cloud green pine face expressionless opening way.

"How is that possible?" Han Zishi almost jumped up directly from his position. At this time, Han Zishi couldn't help staring. "This Impossible? Such a boy, how could he have a relationship with the Yan Family woman? "

Yun Qingsong did not speak immediately, but looked at Han Zishi at this time, wanted to see what kind of expression Han Zishi had at this time. Through Yun Qingsong's observation, Yun Qingsong can confirm that Han Zishi's expression at this time can't be pretended. Han Zishi was really shocked by this incident. That is to say, Han Zishi was really not light on this incident until Yun Qing

Song told Han Zishi that Han Zishi didn't react now. "I don't believe it either." Cloud green pine slowly opens a way. "Or I don't want to believe that a boy I step on casually, how can I get involved with the Yan family? But at that time, my second uncle clearly told me about it. Through analysis, this boy really has a great relationship with Yan she, and I have asked Zhang Cheng about it just now. From Zhang Cheng's performance, it should be true. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!