"Liu Qingzhou, this is your acceptance ability?" An Xiaoru can't help but sneer at Liu Qingzhou in front of him. "If you can't even accept this, I advise you to give up earlier, let alone embrace your ridiculous dream, because you can't realize this so-called dream at all, because neither your ability of acceptance nor your ability of coping with it is enough for you to realize such a dream. You really don't think I'm scaring you or what you are Now I am very clear in my heart, and we all know that we place our hopes on you. If you just show them, I think many people will be disappointed with you, and you can't get my full help

"To accept or not to accept is another way, but how do you say this kind of thing directly? Are you trying to screw me up? " Liu Qingzhou said again. "What? I can't stand that? " An Xiaoru sneers again. "Do you have to admit that you have a bad mentality? If you are willing to admit it, there is nothing to say. You are willing to admit all this yourself. Then what else do we need to put hope on you "You don't want to tell me these big things." Liu Qingzhou waved his hand impatiently. "I just feel that I am in an awkward situation. No one can trust me. Even my most trusted card has to watch me all the time, which makes me feel insecure. Now I even feel that Zhang Chengdu is more secure than you."

"Liu Qingzhou, do you know what you are talking about?" An Xiaoru's face suddenly pulled down, then must be extremely cold.

"You should know exactly what I'm saying." Liu Qingzhou replied. "Of course, you can also say that you don't know. After all, you are not in my present position. You can stand up and talk without backache." "Well! If you think we can't trust you, I think you can get rid of the relationship with us as soon as possible, and I don't want to help you undercover. After all, it's a dangerous job. " An Xiaoru snorted coldly and opened her mouth. It can be seen that an Xiaoru had been dissatisfied with Liu Qingzhou for a long time.

Liu Qingzhou squinted at the rearview mirror for a long time, then grinned and said, "I'm not joking with you to activate the atmosphere. Do you think you're serious? Is this really unnecessary? " "Do you think this kind of joke is funny?" An Xiaoru asked again. "Anyway, I don't think it's funny at all. Maybe only you can laugh? If there is any trust problem between us, you should know better than anyone who will suffer when

"I know, of course I know." Liu Qingzhou nodded his head and replied. "But I can't bet all my treasure on you, can I? After all, eggs can't all be put in one basket. What's more, I don't see any concrete actions taken by you to support me, so it's necessary for me to develop some more existence that I can help. "

"You don't have to explain to me." An Xiaoru opens his mouth slowly. "I just think that if you want to use that force, why don't you let it play its due role for you earlier? Why linger here? " "If only things were as simple as you think they are." Liu Qingzhou replied. "To tell you the truth, I still don't know who that mysterious guy is. I haven't met him. Do you remember the night when you just came to Beijing to call me a few days ago? I just found a chance to find out the face of this guy. I had a great chance to see what he looked like. I didn't expect that this guy had a strong reaction. He didn't make me succeed, but he threatened me invisibly. To tell you the truth, when I think about what happened that night, I still feel a little chilly. He is a dangerous person. I don't think it's good for me to cooperate with him all the time. At least now I feel that such a decision is stupid. " "So why don't you sell them when you know that?" An Xiaoru says again. "Since you think this mysterious guy is unreliable, you might as well take this opportunity to let him create some benefits for you. Isn't this just the means you are good at?" "How can it be that simple?" Liu Qingzhou asked. "That mysterious guy is too smart. I'm afraid he already knows what kind of ideas I have in mind, and I really don't want to be an enemy so soon, but I would like to see what kind of face this mysterious guy has under his mask. Is it so shameful? "

"Well! I think one day you will be killed by your own conceit. " An Xiaoru sneered and opened his mouth, but in this kind of thing, an Xiaoru is really not good to say again. An Xiaoru took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. Then she continued to say to Liu Qingzhou, "I have to go up. I guess Zhang Cheng has finished talking with Liu Xianglan. If I don't go back, I will be easily found by them."

"Well, I wish you all the best." Liu Qingzhou said with a smile. An Xiaoru didn't respond to Liu Qingzhou, just wanted to get off, but at this time Liu Qingzhou seemed to think of something and continued to speak to an Xiaoru: "by the way, help me find out what kind of handle Liu Xianglan was caught by Zhang ChengI think there must be a reason for Liu Xianglan's obedience to Zhang Cheng. "

"Handle?" At this time, an Xiaoru couldn't help frowning. "Are you sure now that Liu Xianglan was caught by Zhang Cheng to listen to Zhang Cheng like this?" "It's certain." Liu Qingzhou squinted and said. "Otherwise, Liu Xianglan would not have changed so much. Can you believe that when Liu Xianglan talked to me just now, he even said that now he can't do without Zhang Cheng?

At that time, I was stunned, because I can't imagine that it was Liu Xianglan who took the initiative to say it, so I think Liu Xianglan must have been caught by Zhang Cheng, what kind of handle would make Liu Xianglan so helpless. " After a long time of careful thinking, an Xiaoru replied, "although it's very difficult, I'm not sure if I can find it, but I'm very interested in this matter, and I'll work hard on it. "

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