Yang Qinglian looked at me again, and then continued to ask, "are you denying yourself? Why do you deny yourself? "

"Where do I deny myself?" I have some helpless opening way. "I have never denied myself." "Then you admit that you are excellent? Although I don't know where you are excellent, I still like you. This kind of thing is beyond my control. Do you want me to stop liking you? If I can

control, then I can like whoever I want? Isn't that more ridiculous? " Yang Qinglian said directly.


In the face of Yang Qinglian's answer, I was speechless again. What Yang Qinglian said is really flawless. I don't know how to refute Yang Qinglian, or I don't know from which angle to refute Yang Qinglian.

"Anyway, no matter what, you can't stop me from liking you, and I can't stop myself. Then you can treat it as if nothing has happened. That's the best way to deal with it, isn't it?" Yang Qinglian continued.

"How can this be done as if nothing had happened?" I have some helpless said. "I'm not a wooden man. How could this kind of thing be done when nothing happened? It's impossible. "

"You know you're not a wooden man?" Yang Qinglian turned her head to look at me, so she said, listening to Yang Qinglian's voice, I don't know what she is suggesting.

"Well! Anyway, I think you'd better be cautious. I hope it's very dangerous for me. I'm not kidding you at all. " I continued to speak to Yang Qinglian in front of me.

"It's OK. I'm not afraid." Yang Qinglian replied with a smile. "I've done more dangerous things. What's the danger?"

"This..." Yang Qinglian has insisted so much. I really don't know what to say. Should I force Yang Qinglian not to like me? As Yang Qinglian said, how can such things be controlled by themselves? At this time,

I just hope this woman is on a whim.

"If there is nothing else, we'd better go to the military compound as soon as possible." At this time, Yang Qinglian smiles at me, and then continues to speak. "All right." I shrugged helplessly. Just now, Yang Qinglian asked me to give her an answer. After being enlightened by me, Yang Qinglian no longer pestered me to give her an answer. However, now Yang Qinglian makes me feel headache, and I don't know whether this woman is really coming. How can I accept her? To be honest, this is a proposition.

"I can't sleep with you all this time. You wait for me to clean up and change my clothes." I continued to speak to Yang Qinglian.

Yang Qinglian spits out her tongue at me playfully. Looking at Yang Qinglian's appearance at this time, I feel a little confused. I always feel that Yang Qinglian has changed a little. As for what kind of change it is, I really can't say.

I didn't care about Yang Qinglian any more. I let Yang Qinglian sit on the sofa. Then I went into the bathroom and took a shower. After a while, I found a clean suit and put it on.

But when I came out, I was stunned again. I saw Yang Qinglian helping me clean up the living room. Although Yang Qinglian's action seems strange, it is obvious that Miss Yang can't do this kind of housework at home, but now Yang Qinglian is actually doing this kind of thing, which makes me a little surprised. I even wonder if Yang Qinglian is stimulated, otherwise how could it be?

Yang Qinglian thought she heard me coming out of the bathroom. She turned her head and looked at me. Then she laughed at me and said, "after I put these garbage rules in place, we'll go downstairs." "Well! You don't have to clean these. There are people in the hotel who clean their rooms every day. " I hastened to speak to Yang Qinglian. I really don't understand what happened to Yang Qinglian. Does this woman want to play with me really

? To tell you the truth, I feel a little flustered at this time.

"I just practice my hands." Yang Qinglian replied with a smile, even waving the broom at me. "Anyway, I didn't have anything to do just now. I'll help you clean up your room when I see that it's a bit messy."


Some of me didn't know how to answer, and finally I didn't answer. I simply shrugged and said to Yang Qinglian, "OK, I'll help you clean it together."

With that, I was about to take the broom from Yang Qinglian. However, Yang Qinglian shook her head to say no, and said, "you can sit there for a while, and I'll be finished in a minute."

See Yang Qinglian insist, I also not good say what, can only sit on the sofa again.

I watched the way Yang Qinglian was cleaning. At this time, I didn't know what it was like.

Just now, I don't know whether the so-called enlightenment to Yang Qinglian is good or bad. I always feel that Yang Qinglian is deeply influenced by it. Can't Yang Qinglian really be enlightened by me?Think of here, I really feel some panic, quickly shook his head, did not think more.

I don't know how long after that, Yang Qinglian finally put the garbage in a pile. Then she clapped her hands and said to me, "how am I doing?" Looking at Yang Qinglian's appearance of asking for praise, I looked around the living room. Although there were many flaws, it was mostly her first time to do housework. It was very good for her to have such an effect. Thinking about this, I said to Yang Qinglian, "it's very good."

"That's good. I'm afraid you're not satisfied." Yang Qinglian obviously said with a sigh of relief.

"How can I not be satisfied? It's too late to be grateful for someone to help me clean up my room. " I responded.

"Hee hee! I love to hear that. Let's go down quickly. " Yang Qinglian said happily to me.

Looking at Yang Qinglian's appearance at this time, I can't say more, but I didn't say much. I followed Yang Qinglian into the elevator and came to the underground parking garage.

Originally, I said that I would drive, but Yang Qinglian said that I didn't get enough sleep. It was very dangerous for me to drive in this way, so I didn't get tired. So Yang Qinglian decided to take my driving seat. I naturally accepted the good thing that I didn't have to drive. Anyway, Yang Qinglian can drive, and her technology is not bad, so I have nothing to worry about. I just sat in the co driver's seat.

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