When I heard Yang Zheng's words, I couldn't help frowning. I didn't expect that Yang Zheng would suddenly bring up the matter a few years ago, which caught me off guard. According to Yang Zheng, if it wasn't for the fact that I was cheated by Gongsun Lanlan a few years ago and went to barrow for adventure, my father had to go out again for my safety to ensure that I could exit barrow safely, and my father wouldn't find that his former opponent had developed to such a scale that he is now. My father doesn't know about this Besides, I will never interfere in this matter again.

So it's all because of me? If it wasn't for my capricious behavior, without considering the consequences, my father would not be involved in such a thing? Although I think what Yang Zheng said seems ridiculous, I think it seems that there is a truth in it when I think about it carefully. After all, everything has a causal relationship, isn't it It's because of this reason that my father is in danger today?

Thinking of this, I don't know how to refute at this time.

I don't know how long it took before I continued to speak to Yang Zheng: "can't you put an end to my father's involvement in such things? I don't believe you can't stop this kind of thing. " "Zhang Cheng, don't shirk your responsibilities here." Yang Zheng continued. "No one blames you for going to barrow a few years ago and everything has changed, but you can't put all the blame on us. Don't you know your father's character as a son? Although he may not care about anything at ordinary times, I'm afraid no one can change his decision once he meets something he decides to do, so it's doomed to be such a result today, isn't it? "

"Then why don't you let someone else replace my dad? It shouldn't be very difficult to do it, will it? " I continued. "How can it be that simple?" Yang Zheng asked again. "First of all, your father will not agree with this practice. In your father's opinion, his life is life, and other people's life is not life? And some things It really needs your father to come forward to solve the problem. After all, the biggest opponent of the Illuminati was your father. Baima Yi just played a supporting role. Your father tried to take risks by himself. I can't watch your father Zhang Hongcai fall into the hands of thieves. That's why I put forward such an idea. Before, I didn't think Liu Xianglan had a special position in the Illuminati, but since you went to Pengcheng, I found that the power that this woman can mobilize is too great. The existence of this power in the Illuminati is enough to represent Liu Xianglan's special position in the Illuminati. Even if Liu Xianglan depends on others, Liu Xianglan is also unique Right is the most trusted existence of that person. If we can win over Liu Xianglan, we can win over the force behind him. If we can do that, then everything will be different, won't it? Your father, Zhang Hongcai, will also get out of danger, and you It's also a good thing for Liu Xianglan to see Liu Xianglan come to our position. Don't you want to see such an outcome happen? " Of course, I would like to see such an outcome happen. If my father can get out of danger, and Liu Xianglan can change her position and no longer work for the Illuminati, it's actually killing two birds with one stone for me. Why don't I want to see such an outcome happen?

But I really don't know how to adapt to the method proposed by Yang Zheng.

Play the emotional card to Liu Xianglan and use the emotional method to make Liu Xianglan change her position so as to help us? Isn't that disgusting?

I don't have any other ideas about Liu Xianglan. I just regard Liu Xianglan as a friend. I'd like to see Liu Xianglan change, that's all.

The way Yang Zheng gave me was to let me use my feelings to deceive Liu Xianglan and let Liu Xianglan get emotional and then stand on our side. I really can't do this kind of thing. If I feel in place with Liu Xianglan, it's not a matter of course, but do I feel in place with Liu Xianglan? Obviously, we don't have that kind of feeling. What we have between us is just friendship


Think of here, at this time I can not help but frown again.

"I know you're in a dilemma." Yang Zheng glanced at me again and said. "In fact, I don't want you to cheat people with your feelings. I just want you to persuade Liu Xianglan. I don't think it's a problem for you." "It's a big problem." I continued. "As I said just now, there is very little left of Liu Xianglan. Liu Xianglan's only support is the Illuminati in baluozhou. Liu Xianglan grew up in the Illuminati. Now Liu's family, who gave birth to Liu Xianglan, has abandoned Liu Xianglan. If Liu Xianglan wants to survive, he certainly knows to rely on the Illuminati. Do you want Liu Xianglan to betray the Illuminati she trusts so much? From here to help us do things? Can we provide Liu with any kind of security "Why not?" Yang Zheng asked. "We can provide Liu Xianglan with security, which I can even guarantee to you. This is actually a very simple thing, isn't it? Don't you believe we canIs it enough to provide security in this respect? "

"I believe it doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter." I slowly shook my head and said. "You have to make Liu Xianglan believe that this is the most important thing." "So it's up to you." Yang Zheng looked at me and said. "I'm afraid you are one of the few people Liu Xianglan can trust now. I believe you have the ability to make Liu Xianglan believe you. No matter what, it's good for Liu Xianglan. You know that very well, don't you?"

"But I know it's useless." "Why is it useless?" Yang Zheng did not wait for my words to finish, he directly interrupted my words and opened his mouth. "As long as you believe this, you can also influence Liu Xianglan to believe this and trust our sincerity. You know that we don't

harm her, then you will do it sincerely. This is actually enough. You don't need to prepare too many other things, do you?"

"This..." At this time, I suddenly hesitated, and think carefully, what Yang Zheng said seems to have some truth.

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