Lin Qianyi, with her hands on her hips, just wanted to play her poisonous tongue skill. However, at this time, a figure suddenly stood beside her.

"Miss, let me help you up."

Yao Wenxi leaned over slightly and stretched out his hand to the poor boy Shan, with a warm smile on his handsome face.

People can see that Yao Wenxi is a warm man, and most people are prince charming.

However, people who have been immersed in society know that there is no so-called prince charming in this world.

For them, only money and power are the most important.

Especially in the entertainment industry, it is more realistic.

Therefore, Tong Zishan felt very unhappy about Yao Wenxi, who suddenly appeared.

He raised his eyes and stared at Yao Wenxi with disgust, as if to say: he's meddling.

Being stared at by the boy Shan, Yao Wenxi seemed not to see it, and still maintained the gentleman's action.

Seeing that Yao Wenxi is so illiterate, Tong Zishan hates Yao Wenxi even more.

However, now in public, she can't do too obvious. After all, she is a star who is about to reach the front line.

So the boy Shan could only bite his teeth and put his hand in Yao Wenxi's hand to let him help her up.

Compared with Tong Zishan's displeasure, and her women who are one step slower are very happy.

Because boy Shan failed, it means they still have a chance.

Just when her women were ready to move, the boy Shan picked up by Yao Wenxi suddenly stumbled and fell in the direction of emperor Yanmo.

"Ah --"

Tong Zishan exclaimed, as if it were an accident.

However, Lin Qianyi clearly saw the proud smile on her face.

Lin Qianyi drew a little from the corner of his mouth and was speechless in his heart.

These tricks are too bad, aren't they?

Anyone present could see that boy Shan was intentional.

However, they did not know that the fourth master of her family hated everyone's proximity, except her, of course.

Therefore, Lin Qianyi watched the boy Shan fall on her fourth master without the slightest movement.

Instead, she waited to see how heavy her fourth master's kick at Tong Zishan would be.

She has seen it with her own eyes. The fourth master of her family has no pity for her.

However, the next moment, Lin Qianyi did not see the scene of her fourth master kicking the flying man.

Because, just when Emperor Yanmo was about to leave his feet.

Yao Wenxi grabbed Tong Zishan's hand and pulled back the boy Shan who had fallen onto emperor Yanmo.

"Ah --"

Suddenly, the boy Shan was really a little frightened.

The next moment, the whole boy Shan lay in Yao Wenxi's arms, and Yao Wenxi frowned.

Because Tong Zishan's perfume is really too strong.

"Hiss -"

Yao Wenxi's nose was badly damaged and finally couldn't help sneezing.

When sneezing, Yao Wenxi subconsciously wanted to turn his head.

However, the boy Shan, whose plot was interrupted again and again, was immediately annoyed.

Grabbing Yao Wenxi's chest clothes is a pull, trying to knock Yao Wenxi down, and then press himself on him.

However, there are often many surprises.

Before Tong Zishan could implement the plan, Yao Wenxi suddenly sneezed.