But now it's different. He wants to use the reporters here to achieve his purpose, so this time he gave the reporters enough face.

"Everyone be quiet first. Secretary Yue will answer you one by one, but come one by one."

A charming and hot woman stood by the hospital bed and said to the reporters with a formulaic smile.

This woman, who these reporters know, is Yu Tian, Yue Colin's secretary.

After hearing Yu Tian's words, the reporters were indeed quiet, but the flash lights were still flashing.

Seeing that the reporter was quiet, Yue Colin looked at Yu Tian with appreciation.

Immediately, Yue Colin took dao'an's rash mask and gave a polite greeting to the people.

"I know what everyone wants to ask."

Yue Colin said seriously.

"But I can only tell you that the reason why I fell into the hospital is not because of business, let alone running for president."

Hearing what Yue Colin said, the reporters immediately glowed and looked at Yue Colin more excitedly.

For these journalists, gossip is often the most attractive.

"Not for business? That's because of private affairs? "

"Secretary Yue, you are the Secretary of a country. How can a small private matter embarrass you?"

"Yes, unless it's a family matter, is it Secretary Yue who has a problem with your relationship with your wife?"

The reporters kept guessing like gossip.

Yue Colin quickly waved his hand and denied, "how is it possible? My relationship with my wife has always been very good."

Seeing that Yue Colin denied it, those gossip reporters became more interested, as if they wanted to dig up Yue Colin's material anyway.

"Then Secretary Yue, what is it that can make your secretary faint and enter the hospital so serious?"

"Yes, Secretary Yue, just say it and see if we can help you. You are the Secretary of a country and manage everything every day. You can't faint because of some small things."

One of the reporters seemed very concerned.

However, Yue Colin has been in officialdom for so many years, how can he not hear the reporter? This is taking the opportunity to cover his words.

However, Yue Colin doesn't mind now, because what he wants is such an effect.

In the face of people's constant inquiry, Yue Colin finally sighed and looked sad.

"Alas, it's nothing. As we all know, my current wife is my second wife."

Yue Colin spoke slowly.

Seeing that Yue Colin was willing to say, the reporters immediately became quiet and listened attentively to him.

"My first wife died shortly after giving birth. At that time, my wife gave birth to a daughter."

Speaking of this, Yue Colin's face was full of sadness, and he performed the man who lost his wife and daughter to perfection.

"We all know that. When you say it, what does it have to do with your fainting now?"

"Secretary Yue, I heard that your daughter suddenly disappeared, and her life and death are unknown."

Yue Colin nodded, "yes, no matter how I looked, I couldn't get my daughter back. I'm really sorry for my wife. I'm sorry for her.

So now that I have finally found my daughter, I will never give up recognizing her. I want to compensate her and I want to fulfill my responsibility of being a father. "