Lin Qianyi approached carefully. Seeing that there was still no response, he squatted down.

"Well, are you okay?"

Lin Qianyi stretched out his little paw, poked the beautiful man's arm and said carefully.

What she stepped on just now is meimanzi's arm, isn't it?

Lin Qianyi glanced at the footprints on the beautiful man's arm.

Seeing that there was still no response, Lin Qianyi turned his eyes and shook the beautiful man's arm.

"Hey, wake up. Are you asleep?"

Lin Qianyi asked suspiciously.

However, the beautiful man was still motionless, and his temperature was terrible cold.

Now, Lin Qianyi was very sure that the beautiful man was not asleep, but in a coma.

In this case, there are also performances on TV.

However, girls usually faint.

Lin Qianyi frowned, looked up and looked around. He didn't find people like beautiful men's parents.

Moreover, there were few people on the beach just now. Now there is no one at all, only her two people are left.

Lin Qian was in trouble when he was in Eaton. The beautiful man passed out in a coma. He must have been injured somewhere.

But she can't do anything!

Looking at the beauty of the beautiful man again, Lin Qianyi was firm in his eyes, "I saved you, you are my prince, you can't refuse."

Lin shallow Yi said to himself, then reached out to Latin American men.

The beautiful man looks about 16 years old. Although he looks thin, his height is close to 1.75 meters.

Lin Qianyi, who is ten years old, although he is the same age, has grown very fast.

However, it's still hard to pull a boy about 1.75 meters.


Lin Qianyi just pulled up half of the man, but he lost his strength and was immediately pulled back.

With her lying on the beautiful man.

Looking closely at the beautiful man's face, Lin Qianyi almost didn't drool.

If it were not for the safety of beautiful men, she would continue to appreciate the beauty and color of beautiful men.

Lin Qianyi tried his best again to help the man up. When he helped the man up, he was already out of breath.

Holding the beautiful man, Lin Qianyi found that she was a head shorter than the beautiful man!

She has just reached the position of a beautiful man's shoulder. Don't be too cute. Her height is poor!

"Are you too heavy?"

Just holding the man for a step, Lin Qianyi almost didn't fall, and even the little man's waist was bent.

"Can you use some force yourself?"

Lin Qianyi turned his head and looked sadly at the beautiful man.

However, the expected did not receive a response.

Lin Qianyi sighed heavily, pulled one arm of the beautiful man again and put it on his shoulder.

The other little hand held the beautiful man's waist and walked home hard step by step.

Along the way, Lin Qianyi did not forget to declare his ownership.

"You should remember that I saved you, so you are mine now. You can't go back."

"My name is Lin Qianyi. What's your name?"

"Shall I give you a name?"

"Still can't. It's hard to choose a name."

"But no matter what your name is, you are my prince, the prince I found."

"Of course, whether you are a poor prince or not, I won't dislike you."

Gradually, Lin Qianyi's voice became smaller and smaller. He didn't stop announcing his ownership until he was too tired to speak.