Kang Junyan, who did what he said, took chopsticks, took a little food and put it to di Yan's mouth.

Looking at him as an ill intentioned scoundrel, Emperor Yan slightly despised him, took chopsticks and rice, and ignored him.

Kang Junyan, who was despised and ignored, said that the temper of the little wild cat has not changed on one side.

But he likes it very much.

After eating and drinking, Emperor Yanwei finally had some strength and his brain returned to normal.

Emperor Yan was lying on the sofa with a pair of thighs on Kang Junyan's thighs and asked him to massage her.

Kang Junyan will not refuse such a good thing.

Emperor Yanwei, who was enjoying Kang Junyan's supreme service, suddenly thought of something in his mind, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"By the way, Kang Junyan!"

Emperor Yan straightened up suddenly and grabbed Kang Junyan's shoulder.


Kang Junyan kept massaging her hands, and his black eagle eyes looked at her.

"In the room where your mother's picture is put, only you can go in, and no one else can go in, right?"

Emperor Yan Wei asked with a serious face.


Kang Junyan nodded and then added, "but now, there is one more you."

"Oh, don't worry about this. I asked before.

In the past, can't even the cleaning servants go in except you? "

Emperor Yanwei waved his hand anxiously and motioned him not to interrupt.

Seeing her like this, Kang Junyan also became serious, "yes, I can't take a step except me."

When he got the affirmative answer, Emperor Yan Wei immediately frowned, "how did you know that?"

Although I don't know Feng you, I don't know if the woman in the words is a picture of Kang Junyan's mother.

However, he knows that there are paintings in Kang Junyan's villa, which is also very surprising.

Most importantly, Feng's father and son regard Kang Junyan as a thorn in the flesh. Therefore, Kang Junyan will never tell them.

So, the only reason is that Kang Junyan has people with them?

"I have their people on my side."

Kang Junyan said calmly, as if he didn't care at all.

Seeing that he looked so calm, Emperor Yanwei couldn't help but be surprised, "you already know?"


Kang Junyan nodded.

"Did you handle it?"

Emperor Yan asked with concern.


Kang Junyan's neat answer doesn't seem to feel how let people... Speechless.


Emperor Yan stared at him as if he were looking at aliens. "What do you want?"

Emperor Yanwei really doesn't understand what his brain thinks. He knows that there are people from each other. Why don't he get rid of them?

Kang Junyan smiled and kissed at the corner of her lips, "I'm too lazy to deal with it. Moreover, after dealing with one batch, there will be another.

Therefore, the most direct way is to uproot them. "

At last, Kang Junyan's eyes flashed a cruel look.

Smelling the speech, Emperor Yan nodded clearly, "also, if you keep it for the last time, you will save a lot of energy."

At the moment, di Yanwei couldn't help feeling that Kang Junyan's brain was really good at counting.

"So, did you bring me to this safe place to plot something?"

Emperor Yan's eyes lit up and looked at Kang Junyan excitedly. He couldn't wait to ask.