Chapter 15 - Pillow Wall

Lucas and Elena had their dinner inside the suite, he had his aww moment everytime she opened her month to eat and every time she ate anything she kept moaning, tasting the delicious food. He little brother was getting hard on her every moan, making him on the verge to loss control. He didn't want to scare her by doing anything wrong and pushing her away from him.

Elena was enjoying her food without knowing what she was doings to person ,who was gawking at her like a hungry beast ready to pounce.She was so hungry that she didn't think of any manners and eat everything to fill her stomach.

After they were done with the dinner, Lucas excused himself to make a call to Ron asking him to get their clothes and car by next morning.

Elena was sitting on the couch and was watching his back, as he was busy talking on phone. She was memorising his every position like how he was standing and talking with Ron.

Her eyes started scanning his soft silky hair, then went on his broad shoulders ,he had well build muscles she could see them in his T-shirt as it was tightly fitting his arms.

Then it travelled and stop on his butt, the flash of her dream started coming her mind.

"He has round butts, i want to touch them" her subconscious mind said.

Elena had never got involve with any man in her life, but this man in front of her was making her go nuts. She could still remember how in her dream he was cherishing her and making her go to fantasy land by his every thrust.

She cleared her dirty mind and started looking at her phone,the network was connected. She immediately called her father and told him about her stay and not to worry about her, as she is safe with her boss.

But she didn't knew that was the last thing her father wanted. After the call ended,she took one pillow from the bed and went to sleep on the couch.

Lucas came back and saw what she was doing, he didn't wanted her to sleep there and get body pain the next morning. He got an idea and he walked and stopped in front of her.

"Miss Carter you don't need to sleep on the couch, i don't mind to share the bed with you" he said looking down at her.

She stopped what she was doing and raised her head in shock to look at him. "what is this pervert trying to say" she thought. Getting alert, she didn't want to beat the shit out of him so she calm down and went with the flow.

"Sir i can manage to sleep on couch, you are my boss i can't ask you to take the couch and sleep on it" she said politely.

"When did i say i will sleep on couch" he smirked, he had different plan.

Elena was dumbstruck with his answer, now what was he trying to do. She knew he was shameless but she didn't knew he was master of shamelessness.

"How can he ask me such thing and... what with his smirk"she had seen him smiling and she literally wanted to punch that beautiful face of his.

"Than were are you going to sleep if i take the bed" she frowned.

"On the bed with me" he shamelessly answered.

Ever since they both entered the hotel he was back with his pervert self .

"W-what.. " she screamed and stood up holding the pillow covering her chest.

"W-why do you want me t-to sleep with you" she stammered when she spoke, what was he going to do with her she could only imagine.

Lucas saw her scary face and he could tell that she had mistaken his words, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable in his presence, but this unless mouth of his can't control his tongue.

"I-i didn't mean to say that Miss Carter, y-you took my words wrong" he wanted to clear his mistake or else she would shoo him like a fly and won't let him come near her.

"You can take the left side and i will take the right one what say? " he said to calm her nervousness.

"You know i am a gentleman and i don't take advantage of women"he proudly said about himself," look....who is praising himself "his subconscious mind said.

Elena thought it wasn't a bad idea either, rather than spraining her neck its better to have a comfortable sleep and the bed was too big for them to even make contact with each other.

" O-okay you on right side, me on left"she accept his offer and went on the left side.

Lucas went to the other side and stop"Miss Carter what are you doing? "he pouted and asked her.

" A pillow wall, i like to have my privacy" she said bluntly.

He was so excited to share the same space with her, but this not so cute girl was putting pillow wall in between them.He had no reason to ask her to remove the pillow, so giving up his thought, he took the right side of bed and slept.

"Maybe the pillow wall will be of no use, if you can't resist my charm" he smile and turn off the light.

Elena ignored his words and she was tired of the whole journey and his pervert words, without giving him a reply she dozed to sleep.






Ethan was busy diverting his mind by playing games, but it was of no use, Samantha's face kept popping all the time.

He felt so happy when he saw her nervous cute face, she was the first woman with whom he was comfortable with. She didn't judge him for his past and also initiated friendship.

"May be i am feeling it like because i have never been friend with girl for a long time" he brushed off the thought the he was having and again started with his game.

But it was of no use, the more he tried to divert his attention the more it appeared again. Frustrated with himself, he brushed his hair and stood up walking towards the balcony, he needed to smoke to feel better.

After smoking he was feeling a little bit better, when he was about to walk inside the room his phone started ringing.

It was Samantha, struggling to whether answer her or not he let it ringing for long time,but her call didn't stop so he had to pick it up.

"Hello...where you sleeping? "Samantha asked as she was not feeling sleepy.

" No i was about to go to bed"he said the truth, he was going to sleep.

"it's okay... you sleep i will meet you tomorrow at work" she was about to cut the call but was stopped.

"What happened? Ethan thought that something was bugging her and he could feel her tone a little bit depressed.

" Do you think i should tell my dad about my job? " she said what Maira had told her before. She kept thinking about it for long time whether to tell her father the truth, but had not come into any decision.

Ethan was quite for sometime, though its her decision to take but, she had asked him about it.

"Are you strong enough to tell him" he just stated the fact whether she was ready or not.He could sense she was facing difficulty to take decision, so he wanted to make sure.

"Ahh..... i don't know" she pulled her hair in frustration.

"Then give it sometime, if you are not ready then wait until you get the courage to talk to him" he said resting his head on the headboard.

"What would you have done if you where in my position? " she wanted him to suggest something which would lessen her burden from hiding this thing from her father.

"I would have told the truth" Ethan told her what he would do. He was always a person who would speak the truth and didn't like to hide behind the bush.

Samantha got the answer she wanted, but she also wanted to be courageous enough to handle her father's questions.

"thanks you so much, i am feeling better now" she said smiling after getting his answer.

After talking to him she felt a little better, he just gave her straight forward answer which made sense to her. Hope her father don't juge her for her recklessness.

"I really needed to talk to someone, thanks for your time" she was happy that someone finally give her the strength to take a decision.

"Never lie to you parents Samantha, he will understand you if you make him understand" saying this his bid her good night and went to sleep.

On the other hand Samantha was trying to understanding his words.