Chapter 24 - Shocked

Elena woke with a headache in the morning, she was sitting with her eyes half open, she could barely see her surrounding.

"Ahhh...., why did i drink so much..." she said pulling her hair due to pain.

"You should stop doing that! " Maira entered her room with a glass of honey water.

She passed it to Elena and made her drink it. Maira knew Elena was a light drinker, she couldn't even handle half drink and gulping down the whole drink was the worst scenario.

Passing the glass back to Maira, Elena screamed in pain.

"What happened now? " Maira placed the glass on the side table and went back to her.

Elena was holding her hand and massaging it to sooth her pain. She didn't knew why her hand was paining so much.

"What happened to your hand? " Maira took her hand and examined it.

"I don't know why its paining" she said looking confused. Elena thought maybe she must have smacked it somewhere in her sleep.

"Uncle had called he asked us to come for lunch" she said getting up.

"Okay.. " Elena said in her depressed voice, she wanted to stay here for more time, but knowing her dad , he would come to get her and even ask Maira to leave this place and live with them.

Maira was about to leave when she stopped and turn back remembering something,"Uncle Blake is also going to come, so hurry up" Maira said walking out.

"Uncle Blake is also coming" she smiled happily hearing his name.Blake was a father figure to her and she liked him alot because her could understand her very well.

Elena knew Blake was her fathers friend, and how close they were. Blake would always tell her about his wife, whom he had lost because of his carelessness.He missed her alot. She knew he had a son but never met him as he was busy with his business.

She was excited to him, after a long time. Last time when he came, she was not able to meet him because of her work. But now she was free and was very excited to go home.

Getting down from the bed she stood up and stretched her body. She lifted her hands up and again yelp in pain.

Elena was looking at her hand thinking about why it was paining, but she could think as her head was not allowing her to think, because of the hangover.

Getting inside the bathroom, she turn on the shower to sooth her headache. As she was enjoying her bath and relaxing he mind with the flowing water,when all the memories from the previous night stared flashing in front of her.

Screaming her lungs out, she bumped her head on the wall.

"What did i do..... what did i do" she started beating the wall. She sat down on the floor hiding her face in her knees.

She was feeling so embarrassed about her act ,that she wanted to hide somewhere, where she do not have to see him. She was not a type of girl who would initiate anything like that.

"How will i face him, he will think of me as someone who is desperate for his attention" she pulled her hair in frustration and cried on her foolishness.





Ethan's apartment

Ethan was making breakfast when Samantha came out of her room. Samantha gulped watching Ethan shirtless back. He had worn only an apron which covered his front.

Her eye's popped out watching his well build body. He had a tattoo on his back perfectly complimenting it. She was so engrossed in watching him that she didn't realised when he turn back.

"Come i have made breakfast for both of us" he said setting the table for both of them.

Her thought was cut when she heard him talk. Cursing herself in her mind , she made her way to sit on the chair.

His word were ringing in her ears, making her want to asked him want he meant. But she didn't wanted him to think of her as clingy person. She wanted to divert her mind from thinking anything, so she kept eating her food.

Ethan was watching her eat in silence, she was never a quiet person and he liked listening her batter.

"Its sunday today what would you like to do" he asked clearing the silence.

Samantha looked up to see Ethan smiling at her. She wanted to clear her mind, so she thought it would be better to do something as it will help her to divert attention from him.

"How about watching movies" she said. Maybe she was thinking too much and he only said it because he was her friend.

Ethan thought it was a good idea as he was free and wanted to spend his time with her.

Agreeing with her, they continue with their food.





Elena's house

Blake had came early to meet Elena as he had not seen her for so long. But was disappointed when he heard that she was with Maira and would be coming for lunch.

Both Henry and Blake were sitting in their small garden enjoying their tea. Henry had planted many plants which made the look of the garden very refreshing.

"Marcus.... he fooled the police" Blake said sipping his tea.

Henry was silent after listening him, all the past memories came back with the mention of that one name.

"What was Lucas reaction? " Henry asked looking at him.

"This time he won't listen" he frown looking at the plants.

"I didn't think he was smart enough to escape this time" Blake paused, "but they're searching him".

" When did you find about his escape? "Henry frowned when he heard Blake.

" Two days before, even my mens are searching him" he said placing the cup on the table.

"You know how smart he is , if he is not caught by your mens till now, then he must be hiding somewhere safe" Henry was the person who had caught Marcus, he knew what kind of person he was.

"I know, we need to find him before anything happens" Blake thought about the words Marcus had said him 'I am not going to leave you, this in not the end. I will be back and when i am , i will destroy everything'. His words were still haunting him.

It took alot for him to bring Lucas out from that trauma and he didn't want his child to suffer again.

"We will have to wait for his move" Henry looked at Blake, he knew what his friend was thinking and they both knew that Marcus was not an ordinary man who would get got again so easily.Now that he had escaped and was hiding, he was definitely upto something.

"We will find him" Henry said but deep down he was thinking about what was he upto.





Maira's apartment

Elena was sitting like a statue, her mind was repeating her previous night scene.She had her breakfast as fast as could avoiding Maira's suspicious eyes. Elena knew she cannot hide anything from her, but this time she had to. How is going to tell her friend about her e.r.o.t.i.c night.

She was thinking about different ways to avoid Lucas, but how was she going to do it. He was her boss and she had to be with all time.

After using her brain she final come to a conclusion, she decided to act as if nothing happened and pretend to not remember anything.

Patting herself for the brilliant idea Elena came out of her room to leave for her house.

On her way to home, Maira was looking at Elena every now and then. She didn't understood why she screamed so loud when she was in the bathroom.

When she asked her about it ,she said she saw a cockroach that why she screamed. But she knew Elena very well if was just the cockroach, then why was she avoiding her.

She kept looking at her for long time, but she could take her silence.

"What's that you are hiding? " she asked Elena which made her startled.

Looking here and there, she again avoided her gaze.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about my work" she said confidently.

Maira knew she was hiding something and she didn't wanted to push her, so she left the topic and didn't inquired any further.

She knew her stomach can't handle any secret and she would definitely come and vomit everything to her.